Word: be afraid / avoir peur, craindre
Details for word meaning category "be afraid / avoir peur, craindre":
Entries for this word meaning:
ID | Language | Nominal Prefix | Radical | Gram. | Genre | Cognacy | Annotation |
01773. | Asu G.22 | óɣòhà | V | ||||
02268. | Koyo C.24 | ì | bájà | V | |||
03457. | Tswana S.30 | bóífá | V | ||||
00019. | Kinyamwezi F22 | ɔ̀gɔ́hà | V | ||||
02649. | Rumanyo (Gciriku) K.38 | fà-ɣɔ́mà | V | ||||
01772. | Asu G.22 | fòlèkà | V | ||||
02269. | Koyo C.24 | ì | kɔ̀nà | V | craindre, respecter | ||
03879. | Yao P.21 | oogopa | V | ||||
00496. | Bukusu E.31c | rjà | V | ||||
01318. | Bemba M.42 | sùùsùk | V | be afraid, anxious |
10 entries found