Gray Lab Publications:
Quentin Atkinson:
- Greenhill SJ, Atkinson QD, Meade A, & Gray RD. (2010) The shape and tempo of language evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B.
- Atkinson, Q.D. & Gray, R.D. (2006). How old is the Indo-European language family? Progress or more moths to the flame? In: Phylogenetic Methods and the Prehistory of Languages. Cambridge: The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 91-109.
- Atkinson, Q., Nicholls, G., Welch, D., Gray, R.D. (2005) FROM WORDS TO DATES: WATER INTO WINE, MATHEMAGIC OR PHYLOGENETIC INFERENCE? Transactions of the Philological Society Volume 103:2 (2005) 193–219
- Atkinson, Q. and Gray, R.D. (2005). Curious parallels and curious connections: Phylogenetic thinking in biology and historical linguistics. Systematic Biology, 54(4), 513-526.
- Gray, R.D. & Atkinson, Q.D. (2003): Language-tree divergence times support the Anatolian theory of Indo-European origin. Nature, 426, 435-439.