Show words belonging to the category:
Adjectives Animals Body Parts Colors Directions Kinship Terms Numbers Plants Verbs
Adjectives Animals Body Parts Colors Directions Kinship Terms Numbers Plants Verbs
Showing All Words belonging to the category "Adjectives" :
ID | Word | Number of Entries |
165 | bad, evil | 1,624 |
153 | big | 1,810 |
139 | cold | 1,798 |
166 | correct, true | 1,545 |
10 | dirty | 1,497 |
140 | dry | 1,914 |
82 | dull, blunt | 1,093 |
164 | good | 1,812 |
142 | heavy | 1,502 |
155 | long | 1,548 |
158 | narrow | 1,139 |
163 | new | 1,634 |
162 | old | 1,941 |
160 | painful, sick | 1,759 |
112 | rotten | 1,585 |
81 | sharp | 1,476 |
154 | short | 1,503 |
161 | shy, ashamed | 1,000 |
152 | small | 1,878 |
157 | thick | 1,337 |
156 | thin | 1,400 |
138 | warm | 1,600 |
141 | wet | 1,566 |
159 | wide | 1,056 |
24 entries found