ID | Language | Glottocode | Author | Number of Entries |
108 | Paamese (South) | sout2858 | T. Crowley | 199 |
109 | Palauan | pala1344 | Blust from: McManus (1977) | 220 |
110 | Paulohi | paul1238 | Blust, from: Stresemann (1927) | 199 |
111 | Peterara (Maewo) | pete1237 | Blust, from Tryon unpublished word list | 176 |
112 | Popalia | tuka1249 | Jim Collins | 216 |
152 | Pukapuka | puka1242 | Mary & Kevin Salisbury | 386 |
174 | Pulo Anna | pulo1240 | Unknown | 234 |
177 | Paiwan (Kulalao F82) | paiw1248 | Ferrell (1982) | 222 |
178 | Patpatar | patp1243 | Sios Ekonia Mitir | 230 |
179 | Ponapean | pohn1238 | Blust, from: Rehg & Sohl (1979) | 255 |
180 | Pulau (Arguni) | argu1237 | Blust, from Grace Notebooks | 179 |
181 | Punan Kelai | sega1243 | Antonio Guerreiro | 203 |
235 | Penrhyn | penr1237 | POLLEX 2000 (Bruce Biggs & Ross Clark) | 216 |
265 | Palawan Batak | bata1301 | Lawrence A. Reid | 361 |
266 | Pazih F69 | kulo1237 | Ferrell (1969) | 443 |
267 | Proto-Central Eastern Malayo Polynesian | ruka1240 | Blust (1993) | 253 |
268 | Proto-Central Malayo Polynesian | cent2245 | Blust (1993) | 233 |
269 | Proto-Malayo-Polynesian | mala1545 | Blust (1993) | 261 |
270 | Proto-Oceanic (Blust) | ocea1241 | Blust (1993) | 311 |
271 | Puyuma (Chihpen F69) | puyu1239 | Ferrell (1969) | 320 |
280 | Proto-Austronesian | aust1307 | Blust, R (1999) | 191 |
292 | Proto-Southern Mindanaon | Savage, T.D. (1986) | 171 | |
298 | Perai | pera1257 | Taber (1993) | 121 |
317 | Pondok | anak1240 | Local people in dusun II, desa Pondok | 194 |
336 | Puluwatese | pulu1242 | Bender et al. (2003a,b) | 334 |
337 | Pulo-Annan | pulo1240 | Bender et al. (2003a,b) | 218 |
340 | Proto-Micronesian | micr1243 | Bender et al. (2003a,b) | 233 |
348 | Proto-Chuukic | truk1243 | Bender et al. (2003a,b) | 329 |
371 | Phan Rang Cham (Eastern Cham) | east2563 | Various sources, Moussay 1971, Thurgood 1999 | 201 |
405 | Pangasinan | pang1290 | Emerich Daroya | 308 |
498 | Pingilapese | ping1243 | Bender et al. (2003a,b) | 36 |
592 | Palu'e (Nitung) | palu1252 | Donohue (fieldnotes) | 215 |
637 | Papora Ts82 | papo1239 | Tsuchida (1982) | 411 |
655 | Palembang Malay | mala1479 | Sindi Idwin | 258 |
658 | Proto-Polynesian | poly1242 | Andrew Pawley | 222 |
665 | Proto-Oceanic (Pawley) | ocea1241 | Andrew Pawley | 195 |
668 | Proto-Central Pacific | cent2060 | Andrew Pawley | 187 |
682 | Proto-Greater Central Philippines | grea1284 | Robert Blust | 23 |
684 | Proto-Southwestern Tai | wenm1239 | Nanna L. Jonsson | 193 |
690 | Proto-Kra | kada1291 | Ostapirat, Weera | 150 |
692 | Proto-Hlai (Norquest) | hlai1238 | Peter K. Norquest | 198 |
694 | Paha | baha1256 | Li Jinfang & Luo Yongxian | 250 |
697 | Proto-Lakkja | lakk1238 | Theraphan L. Thongkum | 123 |
698 | Proto-Tai | kamt1241 | Pittayawat Pittayaporn | 185 |
709 | Proto-Bisayan | bisa1268 | David Paul Zorc | 131 |
715 | Proto-Kam-Sui | kams1241 | Graham Thurgood | 128 |
718 | Proto-Austronesian (Zorc) | aust1307 | Zorc (1995) | 238 |
721 | Proto-Malayo-Polynesian (Zorc) | mala1545 | Zorc (1995) | 210 |
723 | Proto-Atayalic | atay1246 | Paul Jen-kuei Li | 119 |
725 | Proto-Rukai | ruka1240 | Paul Jen-kuei Li | 153 |
727 | Proto-Tibeto-Burman | James Matisoff | 212 | |
738 | Proto-Chamic | cham1330 | Graham Thurgood | 169 |
739 | Proto-Hmong-Mien | hmon1336 | Martha Ratliff | 107 |
740 | Proto-Malayic | mala1538 | K. Alexander Adelaar | 232 |
743 | Proto-Puyuma | puyu1239 | Pang-hsin Ting | 149 |
746 | Proto-Hmongic | hmon1337 | Martha Ratliff | 74 |
747 | Proto-Mienic | mien1242 | Martha Ratliff | 54 |
749 | Proto-Tsouic | tsou1248 | Shigeru Tsuchida | 106 |
757 | Pa-Hng (Gundong) | pahn1237 | Mao Zongwu, Li Yunbing | 188 |
758 | Proto-East Mindanao | Andrew Gallman | 209 | |
759 | Puyuma (Nanwang Cq) | puyu1239 | Josiane Cauquelin | 203 |
760 | Pazih LTs (Auran) | kulo1237 | Paul Jen-kuei Li, Shigeru Tsuchida | 283 |
764 | Proto-Lampungic | lamp1241 | Anderbeck (2007) | 326 |
777 | Proto-Koiarian | koia1260 | Thomas Edward Dutton | 164 |
780 | Proto-Bungku-Tolaki | bung1268 | David E. Mead | 205 |
781 | Proto-Trans-New Guinea | nucl1709 | Andrew Pawley | 130 |
785 | Proto-Ongan | Juliette Blevins | 90 | |
787 | Proto-Sino-Tibetan | sino1245 | Hwang-cherng Gong (2003) | 103 |
792 | Proto-Hlai (Ostapirat) | hlai1238 | Weera Ostapirat | 162 |
794 | Pingilapese | ping1243 | Elaine M. Good, Weldis Welley | 144 |
795 | Proto-Minahasan | mina1272 | James N. Sneddon | 185 |
796 | Proto-Sangiric | sang1335 | James N. Sneddon | 209 |
797 | Proto-Sumba-Hawu | sumb1242 | Robert Blust | 142 |
806 | Paiwan (Butanglu L04) | paiw1248 | Li (2004) | 204 |
807 | Paiwan (Stimul L04) | paiw1248 | Li (2004) | 203 |
808 | Paiwan (Tjubar L04) | paiw1248 | Li (2004) | 204 |
809 | Puyuma (Pilam L04) | puyu1239 | Li (2004) | 214 |
810 | Puyuma (Lower Pinlang L04) | puyu1239 | Li (2004) | 213 |
811 | Puyuma (Katipul L04) | puyu1239 | Li (2004) | 210 |
827 | Proto-Mon-Khmer | Harry L. Shorto | 629 | |
828 | Proto-Ainu | ainu1252 | Alexander Vovin | 223 |
858 | Piva | lawu1237 | PC Lincoln | 202 |
861 | Proto-South Sulawesi | sout2923 | Frederick Roger Mills | 282 |
874 | Proto-Philippine | lame1259 | Consuelo J. Paz | |
907 | Padoe | pado1242 | Mead, D. (1999) | 189 |
946 | Proto-Seko | seko1241 | Tom Laskowske | 109 |
950 | Proto-Manide-Alabat | alab1255 | Jason William Lobel | 42 |
951 | Proto-Lolo-Burmese | lolo1265 | James Matisoff | 144 |
952 | Proto-Alor-Pantar | alor1249 | Holton, Gary, et. al. | 54 |
967 | Pa Na | pana1310 | Chen Qiguang | 148 |
979 | Proto-Nisoic | Ziwo Qiu-Fuyuan Lama | 158 | |
995 | Papitalai | papi1254 | Jessica Cleary-Kemp | 200 |
1003 | Paama (Lironesa) | paam1238 | Tryon (1976) | 186 |
1036 | Piamatsina | piam1242 | Tryon (1976) | 116 |
1059 | Paama (Faulili) | paam1238 | Tryon (1976) | 163 |
1085 | Port Sandwich | port1285 | Tryon (1976) | 170 |
1128 | Port Vato | port1286 | Tryon (1976) | 166 |
1143 | Paama (Laul) | paam1238 | Tryon (1976) | 167 |
1151 | Polonombauk | polo1242 | Tryon (1976) | 113 |
1189 | Proto Northern Central Vanuatu | nort3195 | Clark 2009 | 309 |
1195 | Proto-Kimbe | Goodenough (1997) | 40 | |
1196 | Portuguese | port1283 | Gabriel Rosa | 226 |
1209 | Paser | lawa1257 | Hendra | 191 |
1215 | Ponosakan | pono1240 | Lobel. 2015 | 76 |
1245 | Pangkumu (Ndarmif) | rere1240 | Aviva Shimelman | 185 |
1246 | Pangkumu (Datisman) | rere1240 | Aviva Shimelman | 187 |
1321 | Port Sandwich (Lamap 1) | port1285 | Aviva Shimelman | 179 |
1326 | Port Sandwich (Lamap 2) | port1285 | Aviva Shimelman | 175 |
1328 | Paiwan (Tjatjigel Egli) | paiw1248 | Hans Egli, 2002, Paiwanwörterbuch. Harrassowitz | 214 |
1377 | Ponam | pona1250 | Smythe and Z'graggen (1975) | 103 |
1381 | Pitilu | leip1237 | Smythe and Z'graggen (1975) | 103 |
1387 | Pak | pakt1239 | Smythe and Z'graggen (1975) | 104 |
1447 | Proto Central Papuan | cent2070 | Schlossberg (2012) | 182 |
1448 | Proto North Mainland/D'Entrecasteaux | nort2848 | Schlossberg (2012) | 177 |
1449 | Proto Papuan Tip | papu1253 | Schlossberg (2012) | 169 |
1450 | Proto Suauic | suau1243 | Schlossberg (2012) | 162 |
1464 | Proto-Subanen | suba1253 | Jason Lobel (2013) | 151 |
1465 | Proto-Manobo | mano1276 | Richard E. Elkins (1974) | 104 |
1466 | Proto-Sama-Bajaw | sama1302 | Pallesen (1985) | 87 |
1468 | Proto North Sarawak | nort3171 | Smith (2015) | 53 |
1469 | Proto Kenyah | keny1280 | Smith (2015) | 56 |
1479 | Paicî | paic1239 | Rivierre, 1983 | 234 |
1496 | Pat̪i | paic1239 | Leenhardt (1946) | 153 |
1497 | Pinje | pije1237 | Leenhardt (1946) | 142 |
1498 | Poai | fwai1237 | Leenhardt (1946) | 145 |
1499 | Poamei | pwaa1237 | Leenhardt (1946) | 154 |
1500 | Poapoã | pwap1237 | Leenhardt (1946) | 149 |
1518 | Proto Siraya | sira1267 | Sander Adelaar personal data; also: Adelaar 2014 | 213 |
1526 | Proto Malagasy | mala1537 | Sander Adelaar | 222 |
1528 | Pwapwâ - mBoyen | pwap1237 | K.J. Hollyman, U of Auckland, Swadesh Survey | 172 |
1546 | Proto-Danaw | dana1253 | Allison (1979) | 165 |
1561 | Proto-Austroasiatic | aust1305 | Sidwell & Rau (2015) | 132 |
1562 | Proto-Japanese | japo1237 | Vovin (1994) | 99 |
1563 | Proto-Nivkh | gily1242 | Fortescue (2016) | 203 |
1565 | Proto-Nicobarese | nico1262 | Sidwell (2018) | 96 |
1566 | Proto-Aslian | asli1243 | Phillips (2012) | 116 |
1571 | Proto-Moken-Moklen | moke1241 | Larish (1999) | 219 |
1574 | Pije (mountain) | pije1237 | HAUDRICOURT A-G. & OZANNE-RIVIERE Françoise, 1982 | 220 |
1575 | Pije (Ocean) | pije1237 | HAUDRICOURT A-G. & OZANNE-RIVIERE Françoise, 1982 | 200 |
1611 | Proto-Kra-Dai | kada1291 | Weera Ostapirat (2018) | 23 |
1616 | Proto-Asmat-Kamoro | asma1256 | Bert Voorhoeve | 34 |
1620 | Proto-Palawan | pala1354 | Thiessen (1980) | 144 |
1621 | Proto-Batanic | bata1315 | Yang (2002) | 156 |
1622 | Proto-Central Luzon | cent2080 | Himes (2012) | 49 |
1623 | Proto-Kalamianic | kala1389 | Himes (2006) | 15 |
1624 | Proto-Gorontalo-Mongondow | goro1257 | Usup (1986) | 153 |
1628 | Penrhyn (Tongareva) | penr1237 | Online dictionary of Penrhyn | 201 |
1633 | Pom | pomm1237 | Emily Gasser Fieldwork | 197 |
1693 | Proto-Atayal | atay1246 | Goderich (2020) | 173 |
1701 | Proto-Bunun | bunu1267 | Shibata (2020) | 201 |
150 entries found