: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Puyuma (Katipul L04)

Source/Author:  Li (2004) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:pyu  Glottocode: puyu1239 
Notes:  Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2004. "Basic Vocabulary for Formosan Languages and Dialects." In Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2004. Selected Papers on Formosan Languages. Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica. 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Andrew C. Hsiu  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
  • Total Data: 210
  • Number of Retentions:
  • Number of Loans: 2
Classification:  Austronesian:Puyuma 


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Showing 3 of 19 entries. Show ALL logged changes


ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand ɭima   1, 64  
2 left tarawiri   1  
3 right tarawalan   1, 68  
4 leg/foot kuy   59  
5 to walk kəmakawaŋ   91  
6 road/path ðaðaɭan   1  
7 to come muʐua   38  
7 to come mupana   12  
8 to turn word info muliulius   2  
9 to swim pakuɭima   69  
10 dirty miliʈaɦ   94  
11 dust      
12 skin ɭuviʈ   61  
13 back word info ɭikuʐan   1  
14 belly tial   1  
15 bone ukak   19  
16 intestines ʈinaʔi   1  
17 liver ʔaθay   1  
18 breast susu   1  
19 shoulder ʔiaf   53  
20 to know, be knowledgeable maʐalam   74  
21 to think marəŋaŋər   57  
22 to fear makauð   56  
23 blood ðaraɦ   1  
24 head ʈaŋuruɦ   36  
25 neck niʔən   94  
26 hair word info ʔarvu *qaRbu 16  
27 nose uŋʈan   46  
28 to breathe maʔaŋaʐ   61  
29 to sniff, smell ʈəmaul   60  
30 mouth uðuŋ   75  
31 tooth wali   2  
32 tongue ɭiðam   3  
33 to laugh ɭikəð   79  
34 to cry ʈəmaʈaŋis   1  
35 to vomit mutaɦ   1  
36 to spit təmama   79  
37 to eat məkan   1  
38 to chew word info ʔəməɭʔəɭ   2  
39 to cook word info təmsasiaw      
40 to drink ʈəmkəɭ   44  
41 to bite kəmaraʈ   1  
42 to suck smirəp *SiRep 46  
43 ear ʈaɭiŋa   1  
44 to hear kiŋər   50  
45 eye maʈa   1  
46 to see mənaʔu   76  
47 to yawn ləmuwav   21  
48 to sleep alupəɦ   76  
49 to lie down word info      
50 to dream matiaɦ   44  
51 to sit kəmayan   93  
52 to stand      
53 person/human being      
54 man/male maʔinay   58, 107  
55 woman/female vavayan   1, 105  
56 child alak   1  
57 husband      
58 wife      
59 mother taina term of reference 1  
59 mother ina term of address 1  
60 father təmama term of reference 1  
60 father ama term of address 1  
61 house rumaɦ   1  
62 thatch/roof raʔuvuŋ Whence [r-] and [-uŋ]? Otherwise matches up. -EG 51?  
63 name ŋaðan   1  
64 to say marŋay   99  
65 rope lalakiʈ      
66 to tie up, fasten vəntəvət to bind 70  
67 to sew word info ʈəmaʔi CaqiS 1, 52  
68 needle ðaum   1  
69 to hunt word info paʔalup   1  
70 to shoot word info pənanaɦ   1  
71 to stab, pierce ilusaw   70  
72 to hit word info ʐəməŋʐəŋ      
72 to hit word info səmalpit   73  
73 to steal ʈəmakaw   1  
74 to kill pinaʈay   2  
75 to die, be dead minaʈay   1  
76 to live, be alive vaʔaw   51  
77 to scratch word info mahaʈəɭ   61  
78 to cut, hack word info matək   3  
79 stick/wood kawi tree, wood 1  
80 to split word info ʈəmkav L from Chihpen? (q > k) -EG 66  
81 sharp taɭimuðumuðus   53  
82 dull, blunt      
83 to work word info kiakarun   62  
84 to plant smaɭəm   2, 53  
85 to choose pənaɭimiɦ   1  
86 to grow word info maʔiʐaŋ   37  
87 to swell word info vənarəɦ   1  
88 to squeeze word info pənsəɭ   12  
89 to hold word info kimilakil      
90 to dig kiraðis   34  
91 to buy ʈəmimaɦ   39  
92 to open, uncover ʈəmual   50  
93 to pound, beat word info maʈinapan   36  
94 to throw word info vənuɭuɦ   29  
95 to fall word info mutani   4  
96 dog suan   71  
97 bird ʔayam   2  
98 egg vatinun non-retroflex [t] is surprising. -EG 47  
99 feather humul   22  
100 wing vinan      
100 wing pakpak   33  
101 to fly muviʔi   30  
102 rat      
103 meat/flesh isi Going with 31 over 1 b/c of first vowel, though *S often deletes anyway. -EG 1  
104 fat/grease ʔaləf      
105 tail ikur   1  
106 snake unan   54  
107 worm (earthworm) ʔarʔarman      
108 louse word info kuʈu   1  
109 mosquito pəðpəð   12  
110 spider kakamaŋ   22  
111 fish vulaw   27  
112 rotten word info maraməʈ   67  
113 branch word info saʔaʐ   11  
114 leaf viraɦ   2  
115 root rami   3  
116 flower      
117 fruit vuaɦ   1  
118 grass ʈaɭunan   53  
119 earth/soil ðarəɦ   30  
120 stone varasaʔ   33  
121 sand vudək   58  
122 water word info ʐanum   1  
123 to flow muʔənun   4  
124 sea ləvək   51  
125 salt ʔatəri   27  
126 lake ʔivəv   29  
127 woods/forest      
128 sky ʐukup   55  
129 moon ʔilas Paiwan loanword? 2 L?
130 star vituʔən   1  
131 cloud word info runəf   79  
132 fog      
133 rain ʔuðal   1  
134 thunder ʐəruŋ   3  
135 lightning kipkip      
136 wind vaɭi   2  
137 to blow word info miyup   1  
138 warm word info viʔas hot 79  
139 cold word info artiʐ   81  
140 dry word info marum   30  
141 wet musapənəɦ   73  
142 heavy aɭuʐun   3  
143 fire apuy   1  
144 to burn word info muvaʈiɦ   77  
145 smoke word info ʔasvan   1  
146 ash nasuk   32  
147 black ʔuʐəʔuʐəm   1  
148 white vuɭtiɦ   76  
149 red ʈaŋʈaraŋ   25 L?
150 yellow      
151 green rəmaʔaraʔat   55  
152 small makitəŋ   85  
153 big maʔiʐaŋ also means 'to grow' 2  
154 short word info likʈi   11  
155 long word info tatəlaw   2  
156 thin word info alipiʈ   1  
157 thick word info kərəməɭ   21  
158 narrow saʔuʈ   49  
158 narrow luʔətip   1?  
159 wide ɭawas   1  
160 painful, sick kualəŋ   76  
161 shy, ashamed mayra      
162 old word info ðawaðawan   101  
163 new vəkaɭ   39  
164 good ʔinava   56  
165 bad, evil kuaʈəŋ   61  
166 correct, true pamau   61  
167 night ʔarməŋ   57  
168 day wari day 17  
168 day kaðaw sun 1  
169 year ʔami   23  
170 when? word info nuaiðan future 1  
170 when? word info aiðan past 1  
171 to hide word info      
172 to climb word info uytas [t] not retroflex? Missing [mu-]? -EG 13?  
173 at      
174 in, inside savak   37  
175 above iʈas   42  
176 below iɭusu   48  
177 this ini   1  
178 that iʐu   13  
179 near aðaləp   78  
180 far aðawil   2  
181 where? word info iʔiyan   51  
182 I iŋku   1  
182 I -ku   x  
183 thou inu   1  
183 thou -u   x  
184 he/she intaw   14  
185 we word info inta inclusive 1  
185 we word info -ta inclusive x  
185 we word info -mi exclusive x  
185 we word info iniam exclusive 2?  
186 you inəmu   1  
186 you -mu   x  
187 they intaw   18  
187 they naʐu   8  
188 what? word info mman   16  
189 who? word info iʔəman   2  
190 other naʐuma   1  
191 all pəniya   20  
192 and la   22  
192 and ʐi   41  
193 if nukumaʐu   47  
193 if nu   2  
194 how? word info kəmuða   1  
195 no, not məli   78  
195 no, not ʔaʐi   1  
196 to count miyup   2  
197 One word info isa   1  
198 Two word info ʐua   1  
199 Three word info təɭu   1  
200 Four word info pat   1  
201 Five word info ɭima   1  
202 Six word info unəm   1  
203 Seven word info pitu   1  
204 Eight word info waɭu   3  
205 Nine word info iwa   5  
206 Ten word info ʔuɭuɦ   5  
207 Twenty word info      
208 Fifty word info      
209 One Hundred word info      
210 One Thousand word info      

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