: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Penrhyn

Source/Author:  POLLEX 2000 (Bruce Biggs & Ross Clark) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:pnh  Glottocode: penr1237 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Nuclear:East:Central:Tahitic 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand rima Five; hand-arm 1, 64  
2 left kauii Pollex 06: Kauii. :Left. 1, 42  
3 right katau Pollex 06: Katau. :Right, dextral side (Sta). 5, 40  
4 leg/foot vae Pollex 06: Vae/vae. :Foot, leg (Sta). 1, 100  
5 to walk saere Walk 6  
6 road/path ara Road, path 1  
7 to come      
8 to turn word info pahe Pollex 06: P/ahe/ :To deviate, detour, turn (Rmn). 11  
8 to turn word info huri Pollex 06: Huri. :Turn (Sta). 15  
9 to swim kau Swim 5  
10 dirty parapara Dirt, dirty 7  
10 dirty sava Filthy 8  
11 dust puuehu Pollex 06: Puuehu. :Dust; broken in pieces (Sta). 1, 74  
12 skin kiri Pollex 06: Kiri. :Skin, bark (Sta). 1  
13 back word info sope Pollex 06: Sope. :Buttocks; back (Sta).    
14 belly kona Lower abdomen 8  
14 belly koopuu Guts 2  
14 belly manava Belly 9  
15 bone ivi Bone 52, 5  
16 intestines ngaakau Pollex 06: Ngaakau. :Intestines, guts (Sta). 12  
17 liver ate Liver 1  
18 breast uu Nipple; milk 1  
19 shoulder      
20 to know, be knowledgeable kite Pollex 06: Kite. :See, watch, know, notice, find; clever, bright, knowledgeable (Sta). 12  
21 to think manako Pollex 06: Manako. :Think; idea; mind. 7  
22 to fear mataku Afraid, fear 1  
23 blood toto Blood 4  
24 head upoko Head 10  
25 neck kakii Pollex 06: Kakii. :Throat, neck (Sta). 20  
26 hair word info huruhuru Hair 31  
27 nose isu Nose 1  
28 to breathe      
29 to sniff, smell songi Touch noses 9  
30 mouth vaha Mouth 1, 8  
31 tooth niho Tooth 1  
32 tongue arero Tongue 15  
33 to laugh kata Laugh 7  
34 to cry tangi Cry 1  
35 to vomit ruaki Vomit 8, 31  
36 to spit suupee Pollex 06: Suupee. :Saliva; to spit (Sta)    
37 to eat kai Food, eat 1, 47  
38 to chew word info ngau Eat, chew, masticate (Sta). 8  
39 to cook word info too Cook in an earth oven 10  
40 to drink inu Drink 1  
41 to bite kakati Pollex 06: Ka/kati. :Bite (Sta). 1, 55  
42 to suck ngote Pollex 06: Ngote. :Suck (Yda). 9  
43 ear taringa Ear 1  
44 to hear rongo Hear; fame 1  
45 eye mata Face 1  
46 to see      
47 to yawn haamama Pollex 06: <Haamama. :Open the mouth, yawn (Sta)>. 19, 28  
48 to sleep moe Sleep 10, 109  
49 to lie down word info takoto Pollex 06: Takoto. :Lie down (Sta). 7, 10  
50 to dream moemoeaa Pollex 06: Moemoeaa. :Dream, longing (Sta). 7, 27  
51 to sit noho Sit 16  
52 to stand tuu Stand 2  
53 person/human being tangata Man 1, 66, 97  
54 man/male taane Male 1, 11  
55 woman/female vahine Woman 1, 106, 116  
55 woman/female -hine Female (I don't understand why this is treated as a suffix - MW) 1, 41  
56 child tamariki Children 6, 63  
57 husband taane Pollex 06: Taane. :Male, man, husband (Sta). 14  
58 wife      
59 mother tinana Dam (of animals) 1  
60 father paa L from English   L
61 house kaaiŋa Home 6  
61 house hare House 14  
62 thatch/roof ato Thatch 1  
63 name ingoa Name 6  
64 to say      
65 rope taura Rope (Yda) 9  
66 to tie up, fasten hiitiki Tie 148  
66 to tie up, fasten nati Draw tight 13  
67 to sew word info tui Sew; needle 13, 16  
68 needle tui Pollex 06: Tui. :Sew; needle. 66  
69 to hunt word info      
70 to shoot word info hana Bow and arrow 1  
71 to stab, pierce paatia Pollex 06: Paatia. :Stab, thrust, inject; spear, javelin, lance (Sta). 9  
72 to hit word info patu Kill pig or chicken (Bse); hit, beat 7  
72 to hit word info sasa Beat, thrash (Rmn) 12  
72 to hit word info tuki Beat 8  
73 to steal kaiaa Steal 7  
74 to kill taa Pollex 06: Taa. :Hit, beat, strike, kill (Sta). 8  
75 to die, be dead mate Pollex 06: Mate. :Die, death. 1  
76 to live, be alive ora Well, alive, satisfied (after eating) 6  
77 to scratch word info raraku Scratch with fingernails or claws 9  
78 to cut, hack word info vavasi Break (e.g. a coconut) (Yda) 13  
78 to cut, hack word info tarai Carve, chip, cut knots 1  
79 stick/wood raakau Stick, wood 1, 26  
80 to split word info ŋahaa To be broken, as, for example, a coconut shell (Rsn) 5, 97  
81 sharp keo Pollex 06: Keo. :Sharp point; sharp. 83  
81 sharp koi Pollex 06: Koi. :Sharp, keen; point (Sta). 14, 66  
82 dull, blunt muu Pollex 06: Muu/muu. :Not sharp, blunt (of husking stick, scissors, knives, etc) (Sta). 10  
83 to work word info anga Pollex 06: <Anga/anga. :Work, labour, job>. 10  
84 to plant tanu Pollex 06: Tanu. :Plant; bury. 2  
85 to choose hiri Select, choose 1  
86 to grow word info tupu Grow 1  
87 to swell word info puku Pollex 06: Puku. :Swelling, tumour; swell, become swollen (Sta). 24  
88 to squeeze word info roromi Press upon 10  
89 to hold word info kuku Squeeze, wring, grasp 12  
89 to hold word info tango Hold, seize 14  
90 to dig keri Dig 1  
91 to buy hoko L from likely Rarotongan w/nativisation 7 L
92 to open, uncover sura   82  
93 to pound, beat word info tuki Beat 2  
94 to throw word info peehua Pollex 06: <Peehua. :Throw (Sta)>. 12  
95 to fall word info singa Fall, topple 44  
96 dog kurii Dog 7  
97 bird manu Bird, animal 1  
98 egg hua Pollex 06: Hua. :Egg, fruit; to bear fruit. 5  
99 feather huru Pollex 06: Huru/huru. :Hair, feather. 1  
100 wing pererau Pollex 06: Pererau. :Wing (Sta). 9  
101 to fly rere Fly, swing 11  
102 rat kire Polynesian Rat (Rattus exulans) (Cbl) 12  
103 meat/flesh kiko Flesh 10  
104 fat/grease sunu Fat, grease 12  
104 fat/grease ngako   14  
105 tail siku Tail 13  
106 snake      
107 worm (earthworm) toke Worm 7  
107 worm (earthworm) toke Worm 7  
108 louse word info kutu Louse 1  
109 mosquito namu Pollex 06: Namu. :Mosquito. 1  
110 spider      
111 fish ika Fish n 1  
112 rotten word info para Ripe 13  
112 rotten word info popo Decayed 14  
113 branch word info raaraa Small branch 1  
114 leaf rau Leaf 1  
115 root aka Root; sprout 2  
116 flower pua To bloom 1  
117 fruit hua Bear fruit 1  
118 grass mauku Grass, fern 58  
119 earth/soil repo Dirt 11  
120 stone poohatu Stone, rock 1, 19  
121 sand one Sand 1  
122 water word info vai Water 2  
123 to flow tahe To flow 10  
124 sea moana Ocean; blue 10  
125 salt      
126 lake      
127 woods/forest voo Pollex 06: Voo. :Bush, forest (Sta). 14  
128 sky rangi Sky 1  
129 moon marama Pollex 06: Marama. :Moon, month. 7  
130 star hetuu Pollex 06: Hetuu. :Star (Sta). 1  
131 cloud word info oo Pollex 06: Oo. :Cloud, white cloud (Sta). 12  
132 fog kohu That which envelops 1, 47  
133 rain ua Rain 1  
134 thunder hatutiri Thunder 14  
135 lightning uira Lightning 2  
136 wind matangi Wind 1, 66  
136 wind sau Wind (Cbl) 10  
137 to blow word info aŋiaŋi Blow; light breeze 8  
138 warm word info mahana(hana) Warm 1, 72  
139 cold word info makariri Cold 1, 52  
139 cold word info anu Cold 8  
140 dry word info masa Dry, calm 11  
141 wet rari Wet 9  
142 heavy taimafa Heavy 46, 66  
142 heavy taimaha Heavy 46, 66  
143 fire ahi Fire 1  
144 to burn word info tahu Burn, set on fire, firewood 8  
145 smoke word info au Pollex 06: Au. :Smoke. 2  
145 smoke word info auahi Pollex 06: Auahi. :Smoke; fire, flare (Sta). 2  
146 ash rehu Pollex 06: Rehu. :Ash (Sta). 67  
147 black kerekere Black 5  
147 black uri Black, deep-blue 7  
148 white tea White 8  
149 red kura Red 13  
150 yellow rengarenga Yellow 10  
151 green matie Pollex 06: Matie. :Green (Sta). 1, 11  
152 small iti Small, small portion 1  
152 small poto Short 10  
153 big rahi Large 12  
153 big nuä Big (Lmt) 11  
154 short word info poto Short 9  
154 short word info sakasaka Low in status and short in elevation (Rmn) 10  
155 long word info roa Long, tall 12, 105  
156 thin word info      
157 thick word info      
158 narrow kisi Pollex 06: Kisi/kisi. :Narrow, skinny, thin (Sta).    
159 wide raharaha Flat, broad, wide 48  
160 painful, sick mamae Pain in stomach 10  
160 painful, sick maki   1  
161 shy, ashamed maa Ashamed, shy 1  
162 old word info tahito Old 10  
163 new hoou New 1  
164 good reka Pleasant 14  
164 good maitaki Good, kind 15  
164 good suumaringa Beautiful, good, nice (Hnt) 16, 141  
165 bad, evil kino Bad (Lmt) 9  
166 correct, true tika Right; to agree 9  
167 night poo Night 1  
168 day ao The world (Cbl) 1, 54  
169 year matahiti Pollex 06: Matahiti. :Year (Sta). 7  
170 when? word info aahea When? 5  
171 to hide word info koopiri Pollex 06: <Koopiri. :To hide (Sta)>.    
172 to climb word info kake Climb; coitus 32  
173 at i At 1  
174 in, inside      
175 above runga Top 9  
176 below      
177 this teeia Pollex 06: Teeia. :This (this one with me, this one by me) (Sta). 7, 45  
178 that taua Retrospective article x  
179 near vaitata Near 9  
180 far momoo Far off, distant 13  
181 where? word info hea Where 3, 35  
182 I au I, me 1, 21  
183 thou koe You (Sing.) 1  
183 thou koe You (Sing.) 1  
184 he/she ia Third person singular personal pronoun 1  
185 we word info tatou 2PL 1, 39  
186 you      
187 they      
188 what? word info aha What? 1  
189 who? word info vai Who? 1, 19  
190 other      
191 all katoa All 13  
192 and ma(a) Additive 2  
193 if      
194 how? word info peehea How? 11  
195 no, not kaare L from Rarotongan 11 L
195 no, not caré Pollex 06: Caré. :Not (Lmt). 11  
196 to count tatau Pollex 06: Ta/tau. :Read, count (Sta). 8, 80  
197 One word info tahi One (Bge) 41  
198 Two word info rua Two 1  
199 Three word info toru Three 1  
200 Four word info haa Four 1, 66  
201 Five word info rima Five, hand-arm.(Source: Pollex) 1  
202 Six word info ono Pollex 06: Ono. :Six (Sta). 1  
203 Seven word info hitu Seven.(Source: Pollex) 1  
204 Eight word info varu Pollex 06: Varu. :Eight 3  
205 Nine word info iva Nine.(Source: Pollex) 5, 44  
206 Ten word info ngahuru Ten.(Source: Pollex) 5, 32  
207 Twenty word info      
208 Fifty word info      
209 One Hundred word info rau Hundred.(Source: Pollex) 2  
210 One Thousand word info      

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