: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Vovo

Source/Author:  Tryon (1976) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:  Glottocode: vovo1238 
Notes:  Tryon, DT. 1976. New Hebrides Languages: An internal classification. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Kirsty Maurits  Checked By:  
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:North and Central Vanuatu:Northeast Vanuatu-Banks Islands:Malekula Coastal 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
175 above      
191 all      
192 and      
146 ash ᵐbetmaβ   1, 52  
173 at      
13 back word info kutura-k   14  
165 bad, evil ti-hat   1  
14 belly taᵐbaŋu-k   13  
176 below      
153 big ti-laᵐb   10  
97 bird na-man   1  
147 black tu-not   1  
23 blood na-re   1  
15 bone ne-si-ne   52  
113 branch word info      
18 breast na-susu-k   1  
56 child natu-k   5  
131 cloud word info na-ror   90  
139 cold word info nalaɣastiɣah   51  
166 correct, true ti-nakih good X  
168 day na-ran   6  
10 dirty ti-lalo   6  
96 dog ne-βiri   7, 75, 80  
140 dry word info ti-mamah   11  
82 dull, blunt      
11 dust ᵐbetmaɣaβ   86  
43 ear ᵐbororo-k   16  
119 earth/soil na-tan   1  
98 egg tol-nato   1  
204 Eight word info ɣo-al   3  
45 eye na-mata-k   1  
180 far      
104 fat/grease      
60 father tama-k   1  
99 feather nə-βulu-ne   1  
208 Fifty word info      
143 fire na-ɣaᵐb   19  
111 fish na-mas   53  
201 Five word info lime   1  
116 flower      
132 fog ne-βas      
200 Four word info βat   1, 65  
117 fruit no-βuaŋ   13  
164 good nakih   107  
118 grass na-noh   51  
151 green ti-ᵐbar   69?  
26 hair word info nə-βulu-k   31  
1 hand nima-k   1, 66  
184 he/she ɣai   1, 29  
24 head na-ᵐbatu-k   9  
142 heavy tu-roβ   31  
61 house ne-ime   1  
194 how? word info      
57 husband nahal   38  
182 I ɣina   1, 21, 22  
193 if      
174 in, inside      
16 intestines tina-k   1  
126 lake      
114 leaf no-roa   1  
2 left na-mair   1, 59  
4 leg/foot karu-k   49  
135 lightning tunoar      
17 liver      
155 long word info ᵐbaraβ   16  
108 louse word info na-xut   1  
54 man/male ne-merte   73  
103 meat/flesh      
129 moon na-βule   1  
109 mosquito namɣo   1  
59 mother mera-k   52  
30 mouth na-βaβa-k   1  
63 name me-ha-k   1, 37  
158 narrow ti-nakih good x  
179 near      
25 neck      
68 needle      
163 new ti-ᵐbar   1, 47  
167 night naᵐboŋ   1  
205 Nine word info ɣe-hiβe   5  
195 no, not      
27 nose siŋo-k (metathesis?) 1  
162 old word info ti-mersean   1, 124  
197 One word info hual   5  
209 One Hundred word info      
210 One Thousand word info      
190 other      
160 painful, sick ros   32  
53 person/human being nemerte   35  
133 rain na-uhe   1  
102 rat n-ariβ   18  
149 red tu-meme   1  
3 right na-matu   5, 37  
6 road/path na-hal   1  
115 root na-xoar   2, 41  
65 rope na-tal   1  
112 rotten word info ti-kor   93, 94?  
125 salt      
121 sand na-on   1  
124 sea na-tah   1  
203 Seven word info ɣo-ⁿdit   1  
81 sharp tu-βor   78  
154 short word info      
19 shoulder tˢuᵐbuna-k metathesis? 65?  
161 shy, ashamed      
202 Six word info on   1  
12 skin ne-ᵐber   71  
128 sky ᵐbeknaran cloud 30, 31  
152 small βelβele   115  
145 smoke word info na-ɣaᵐb ti-ah   2  
106 snake na-mʷat   12  
110 spider      
130 star ne-βesi   1  
79 stick/wood n-ai   1  
120 stone na-βat   1  
105 tail kere-n   39  
206 Ten word info haŋaβil   5  
178 that      
62 thatch/roof      
187 they ɣae they    
157 thick word info ti-matol   3  
156 thin word info ᵐbeβunete      
177 this      
183 thou unoɣ   1, 18  
199 Three word info til   1  
134 thunder na-kur   2  
41 to bite -ɣah   1, 60  
137 to blow word info -iβ   5  
28 to breathe -maᵐb   14  
144 to burn word info -ɣan   40  
91 to buy      
38 to chew word info      
85 to choose      
172 to climb word info      
7 to come -ma   1  
39 to cook word info ti-noɣ   21  
196 to count -βeβe   70  
34 to cry -ŋar   5  
78 to cut, hack word info -hiᵐbe   99  
75 to die, be dead -nah   1  
90 to dig -ɣil   1  
50 to dream      
40 to drink -num   1, 34  
37 to eat -ɣor   35  
95 to fall word info -soβ   13  
22 to fear -matax   1  
123 to flow -laβ   58  
101 to fly -βir   76  
86 to grow word info      
44 to hear -roŋo   1  
171 to hide word info      
72 to hit word info -loh   41  
89 to hold word info -βir   34  
69 to hunt word info -xorxor   59, 64  
74 to kill -ruᵐb tinat   71  
20 to know, be knowledgeable -roŋ-βoho   19, 90  
33 to laugh -ŋir   93  
49 to lie down word info -natur   37  
76 to live, be alive -naur   1, 76  
92 to open, uncover      
84 to plant      
93 to pound, beat word info      
64 to say -βar   30  
77 to scratch word info -rih      
46 to see -kilkila   18  
67 to sew word info -lele   66  
70 to shoot word info      
51 to sit -at latan   109  
48 to sleep -natur   1  
29 to sniff, smell -ᵐboni   42  
36 to spit -lutoβ   37, 102  
80 to split word info -tei   6  
88 to squeeze word info -βerih   16  
71 to stab, pierce -hari   14  
52 to stand -turomaro   2, 69  
73 to steal      
42 to suck -num   50  
87 to swell word info      
9 to swim -kar   5  
21 to think -roromi   13  
94 to throw word info -βərini   30  
66 to tie up, fasten -lisi   1, 39  
8 to turn word info -telɣini   46?  
35 to vomit -lulue   8  
5 to walk -ah   87  
83 to work word info nahahax   33  
47 to yawn      
32 tongue ne-meme-k   7, 41  
31 tooth ne-luβo-k   1, 35  
207 Twenty word info      
198 Two word info rue   1  
138 warm word info timamʷaβ   96  
122 water word info n-oa   2  
185 we word info lekre pl. incl. I  
185 we word info kanam pl. excl. E42  
141 wet ti-ramin   36  
188 what? word info naha   1  
170 when? word info haβran   59  
181 where? word info aⁿde   3, 59  
148 white tu-βuho   1  
189 who? word info ɣihi   1, 43  
159 wide      
58 wife na-βaβen ha-k   5, 68  
136 wind na-laŋ   1, 77  
100 wing na-ɣaᵐbe-n   1, 12  
55 woman/female na-βaβen   1, 106  
127 woods/forest no-βoroa   2, 88  
107 worm (earthworm)      
169 year na-ram   30  
150 yellow tu-mamlapes      
186 you kani pl. 1, 13  

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