: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Malagasy (Tandroy)

Source/Author:  Rajaonarimanana & Fee (1996) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:tdx  Glottocode: tand1256 
Notes:  Rajaonarimanana, N. & Fee, S. 1996. Dictionnaire Malgache Dialectal - Francais: Dialecte Tandroy. Paris, Langues et Mondes/L'Asiathèque 
Problems:  'marked' stands for respectful register, scornful register, and register of the 'doany' medium

37. to eat: default forms are mi-hìna, h<om>a 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Kirsty Maurits  Checked By: Sander Adelaar 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Greater Barito:East:Malagasy 


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Showing all of 306 entries


ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand fandràe X marked    
1 hand fità(ñe) marked    
1 hand tàña   18  
2 left havìa   1, 42  
3 right havàna   1, 62  
3 right vànta(ñe) X = 'straight'    
4 leg/foot fandìa = marked    
4 leg/foot lìa = marked    
5 to walk man-dèha   61  
6 road/path làla(ñe)   1  
6 road/path man-dèha X    
7 to come tòly X = 'come back'    
7 to come tonjòhy X = 'come after, follow'    
7 to come àvy ultimately < S. Sulawesi loan 70  
8 to turn word info mi-hòdiŋe   96  
9 to swim làño   1  
10 dirty màvo 'dirty; grey' 137  
10 dirty ma-lòto < S. Sulawesi 108 L
11 dust X < French?   L?
11 dust dèboke      
11 dust lèmboke      
12 skin hòlitse   1  
13 back word info lambòsi(ñe)   47 L
14 belly fisafòa(ñe) marked    
14 belly tròke   31  
15 bone taòla   1  
16 intestines alokòla (only of animals)    
16 intestines tsinài(ñe)   1  
17 liver àte   1  
18 breast aràña(ñe) marked    
18 breast fitahèrañe marked    
18 breast nòno female breast 3  
18 breast tràtra < Malay; = 'chest' 12 L
19 shoulder sòroke metaphor and borrowed 50 L
20 to know, be knowledgeable ma-hày   141  
20 to know, be knowledgeable ma-hilàla   18  
21 to think mi-erets-èretse   102  
22 to fear ma-tàhotse   1  
23 blood lìo defining term for SW Malagasy dialects 49  
24 head ambòne marked    
24 head latèty marked and < French   L
24 head lòha   84  
25 neck vòzo(ñe)   131  
26 hair word info maròy marked, lit. 'to be many'    
26 hair word info vòlo   31  
27 nose fiantsònañe marked    
27 nose òro(ñe)   1  
28 to breathe m-iài(ŋĕ)   23  
29 to sniff, smell maŋ-àntsoŋĕ      
29 to sniff, smell maŋ-òroke sniff, smell, kiss 120  
29 to sniff, smell maŋ-òroka X    
30 mouth tàmpina X wrong    
30 mouth vàva   1  
31 tooth fihìtsike marked    
31 tooth nìfe   1  
31 tooth vàza(ñe) X = molar    
32 tongue famèleke marked    
32 tongue lèla   4  
33 to laugh hèhy h<om>èhy, mi-hèhy 'to laugh' 107  
34 to cry t<om>àny cry, weep 1  
34 to cry korake cry, shout    
35 to vomit mandoa   8  
36 to spit man-drèhoke   112  
37 to eat kàma marked    
37 to eat mikàma marked    
37 to eat lìntseñe marked    
37 to eat militseñe marked    
37 to eat miaòly marked    
37 to eat mifanjòtse marked    
37 to eat tamboakòro marked    
37 to eat tamboavòkake marked    
37 to eat tòzi(ñe) marked    
37 to eat mitozy marked    
37 to eat mi-hìna < *k<in>an 1  
37 to eat h<ùm>a   1  
37 to eat mi-hìna X    
37 to eat h<ùm>a X    
38 to chew word info mi-tsàko   72  
39 to cook word info mahandro   102  
40 to drink m-ìno   1  
41 to bite mi-tìfatse      
42 to suck mi-sìke      
42 to suck mi-nòno   76  
43 ear ravembìa marked    
43 ear sòfi(ñe)   15, 51  
44 to hear mi-jàno   82  
44 to hear mi-tsànoŋe      
45 eye fañènte marked    
45 eye fihàino marked    
45 eye fijère marked    
45 eye màso < Bantu 36 L
46 to see vazòho marked    
46 to see mahavazoho marked    
46 to see mivazoho marked    
46 to see maha-trèa see, find    
46 to see maŋ-ènte look at    
47 to yawn òake   19  
47 to yawn mañoake   19  
48 to sleep dorimý < Fr   L
48 to sleep miròtse      
48 to sleep ròtse X    
48 to sleep mirotse X    
48 to sleep mi-ròro   107  
49 to lie down word info àndre   110  
49 to lie down word info mandre   110  
50 to dream nòfy   1  
50 to dream maŋ-inòfy   1  
51 to sit fìtake   164  
51 to sit miambèsatse      
51 to sit toròvoke      
51 to sit tsòtake      
52 to stand mihàre      
52 to stand mivàñoñe      
53 person/human being làhy X = male    
53 person/human being lahi-lahy X = male    
53 person/human being òlo   17  
54 man/male làhy   2  
55 woman/female ampèla   127  
55 woman/female vàve   1, 105  
56 child ajàja < *aja-aja 101  
56 child àja   101  
56 child kibìty      
56 child ànake   1  
57 husband kiràmpy      
57 husband tañanjòmba      
57 husband vàly < S. Sulawesi 88 L
58 wife kiràmpy      
58 wife tañanjòmba marked    
58 wife vàli   107  
59 mother mamà nurse word (< FR?)   L
59 mother rène   1, 93  
60 father àba   51  
60 father père < Fr   L
61 house anjòmba < Swahili   L
61 house lakàze < French   L
61 house tràño < Borneo Malay 18 L
62 thatch/roof tàfo t- unexpected but poss. due to homonymic clash with 'fire' 15, 76  
63 name añàra   1  
63 name tahìna marked    
64 to say mi-làza   53  
65 rope ròhy = rope 79  
65 rope tàly = plait, rope 1  
66 to tie up, fasten mamehe   139  
67 to sew word info man-jàitse   2  
68 needle finjàitse. fitrèbeke   45  
69 to hunt word info hòro      
69 to hunt word info mangòro      
70 to shoot word info mi-pìritse   52  
71 to stab, pierce mandoake   99  
72 to hit word info mijera      
72 to hit word info pàoke      
72 to hit word info mipaoke      
73 to steal maŋgàlatse   57  
73 to steal hàlatse   57  
74 to kill mamono   1  
75 to die, be dead mate   1  
76 to live, be alive miai(ñe) = breathe, be alive 83  
76 to live, be alive velo(ŋe) live, be alive 11  
77 to scratch word info mi-kìhy   32  
78 to cut, hack word info mañonotse      
78 to cut, hack word info manampake   25  
79 stick/wood angìra   52  
79 stick/wood kibày   53  
79 stick/wood kobay   51  
80 to split word info mamaky maN- + vàky 95  
81 sharp ma-tsìo      
81 sharp ma-sìo(ŋe)      
82 dull, blunt lòmo   3, 29  
82 dull, blunt malomo   3, 29  
82 dull, blunt mòdo   3, 29  
82 dull, blunt ròña      
83 to work word info kàtroke      
83 to work word info tòroñe      
83 to work word info mi-àsa < Malay < Sanskrit 94 L
84 to plant mambole   1  
85 to choose mi-fìli   1  
86 to grow word info manòmbo = transitive verb 1  
86 to grow word info mi-tòmbo = intrans. verb 1  
87 to swell word info mi-botiŋake last segment unclear 49  
88 to squeeze word info      
89 to hold word info hàzoñe   115  
89 to hold word info mi-tà(ŋe)   55  
90 to dig mi-hàly   1  
91 to buy mi-vìly   1  
92 to open, uncover maŋ-òkake (some rel. w. 28) 26  
93 to pound, beat word info manòmboke   9  
94 to throw word info mitorake launch 1, 118  
95 to fall word info làvo   1  
95 to fall word info tònta      
96 dog ambòa < Bantu 104 L
97 bird vòro(ñe)   17  
98 egg atòly   1  
99 feather volombòro vùlu 'hair' + -N- + vòro 'bird' 1, 17  
100 wing èlatse   23  
101 to fly tìli(ñe)   97  
102 rat voalàvo   1  
103 meat/flesh hèna   55  
104 fat/grease sòlike   27  
104 fat/grease tàve   23  
105 tail òhy (of cattle) 1, 59  
105 tail sòlo of wild pigs, dogs, goats    
106 snake mère(ñe)      
107 worm (earthworm) òletse   36  
108 louse word info hào < Bantu 33 L
109 mosquito mòke   1, 111  
109 mosquito moka   1, 111  
110 spider marotàna lit. 'many hands' 97  
111 fish fìa(ñe) < Bantu 94 L
112 rotten word info < South Sulawesi 108 L
112 rotten word info mòmoke      
112 rotten word info vòroke r irregular   L
113 branch word info ràtse   63 L
114 leaf ràve(ñe)   1  
115 root tòmboke      
115 root vàhatse   2  
116 flower vòñe   1  
117 fruit vòa   1  
118 grass àhetse   34  
118 grass àhitse   34  
119 earth/soil tàne   1  
120 stone vàto   1  
121 sand fàse(ñe) < Malay 18 L
122 water word info dilò < Fr   L
122 water word info ràno probably not < *daNum 10 10
123 to flow      
124 sea rìake ultimately < Malay but important for classification SW dialect group   L
125 salt sìra < Malay 1 L
126 lake sihànake 'swamp, body of water'    
127 woods/forest àla   1  
128 sky lañitse   1  
129 moon vòla(ñe)   1  
130 star vasìa(ñe)   90  
131 cloud word info ràho(ñe)   1  
132 fog mìka < Malay < Sanskrit   L
132 fog zàvo   27  
133 rain àndro metonymic change (origi. 'day')    
133 rain òra(ŋe) heavy rain 1  
134 thunder hòtroke   2  
135 lightning àmpiñe      
135 lightning hèlatse   1  
136 wind tìoke < Malay tiup 'to blow'   L
137 to blow word info mi-tìoke   1, 19 L
138 warm word info màe probably *k<um>a'i 111  
139 cold word info tsìtsiñe   131  
140 dry word info karankaiñe      
140 dry word info màike   113  
141 wet kotsa   119  
141 wet lè(ñe)   118  
141 wet pìtsake      
142 heavy vèsatse < Malay 1 L
143 fire àfo   1  
143 fire mòtro < Bantu   L
144 to burn word info mamorehetse      
144 to burn word info maŋòro   98  
145 smoke word info hatòe(ñe)      
146 ash lavènoke   95  
147 black ìnte delete    
147 black ma-inte   1  
148 white fòty not SE Barito 1 L
148 white fòtsy (ts due to dialectal influence) 1 L
149 red mèna regular tendency: *NVyVC > *NVNVC 1, 39  
150 yellow ma-vòŋe   98  
151 green antsètra      
151 green ma-ìtso < Malay 25 L
151 green maïtso X delete    
151 green mànga      
152 small kède   126  
152 small kèle   126  
152 small sày   137  
153 big bè(y)   46  
153 big jabajàba      
153 big raelahy      
154 short word info fòhe < Bantu 47 L
155 long word info làva   27, 101  
156 thin word info òpo      
156 thin word info tìfy   1  
157 thick word info tève(ñe) (= root) ma-tève 'thick' 26  
158 narrow ma-ìfitse   68  
159 wide ma-làlake   27  
160 painful, sick ojeòje marked    
160 painful, sick ma-ojeòje marked    
160 painful, sick ma-ràre   118  
161 shy, ashamed malimàlitse shy    
161 shy, ashamed mèŋatse < hèŋatse; ashamed 80  
161 shy, ashamed sakòly shy    
162 old word info àntetse   72  
163 new vào 'new; recent' 1  
164 good mèko      
164 good sòa   138  
165 bad, evil figurative + = 'rotten'    
165 bad, evil ràty   116  
166 correct, true      
166 correct, true   6  
167 night hàle(ñe)   20  
167 night ale   20  
168 day àndro   1  
168 day jòma < Arabic   L
169 year tào(ñe)   1  
170 when? word info amindroañe      
170 when? word info (o)mbia   86  
171 to hide word info vòny   1  
172 to climb word info maŋ-ànike   1  
173 at aN-   22  
174 in, inside añ-àte lit. 'in-heart' 74  
175 above vò-ne lit. 'top of it' (< *baw) 2, 27  
175 above añ-àbo lit. at-top 2, 27  
176 below vàne lit. below of it (< *baq) 1  
176 below ambàne lit. at-below of it 1  
177 this zy      
177 this zy za      
178 that zy zao   61  
179 near ma-rìŋe   118  
180 far àñe      
180 far làvitse   100  
181 where? word info aìa   89  
181 where? word info      
182 I ràho   1  
182 I (i)zàho   1  
182 I ahu      
183 thou ìhe   36  
183 thou rèhe < *ra + *iha 36  
184 he/she ìe   1  
184 he/she rèke      
184 he/she re      
184 he/she re X    
185 we word info zahày excl 76  
185 we word info tìka(ñe) incl; < *tika(N) (+ metath.) + *kam 2, 75  
186 you ìhe X delete: = singular    
186 you nareo   9  
186 you rèhe X delete: = singular    
187 they iarèo   1, 67  
188 what? word info ìno(ñe)   61  
189 who? word info ìa   59  
189 who? word info ze(y) X delete = not default    
190 other hàfa   70  
191 all àbi(ke) < Malay 32 L
191 all iàby < Malay 32 L
192 and àry   67  
192 and sy   66  
192 and tsy   66  
193 if kanào      
193 if le   88  
193 if lèhe   88  
193 if nàho      
193 if maŋ-ìntsy root: tsìntsi(ŋe)    
194 how? word info akòre   76  
195 no, not tsy < (Old) Malay *tey, *ti 68 L
196 to count maŋ-ìake      
197 One word info (i)raìke   21  
198 Two word info ròe   1  
199 Three word info tèlo   1  
200 Four word info èfatse   1  
201 Five word info lìme   1  
202 Six word info      
203 Seven word info fìto   1  
204 Eight word info vàlo   3  
205 Nine word info sìve   5  
206 Ten word info fòlo   5  
207 Twenty word info      
208 Fifty word info lima|m|pòlo   1, 2  
209 One Hundred word info zàto   4, 15  
210 One Thousand word info arìvo < Malay saribu 5, 4 L

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