: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Bebeli

Source/Author:  Hiroko Sato 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:bek  Glottocode: bebe1252 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Malcolm Ross  Checked By: Malcolm Ross 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Western Oceanic:North New Guinea:Ngero-Vitiaz:Vitiaz:Southwest New Britain:Arawe-Pasismanua:Arawe:East Arawe 


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Showing all of 223 entries


ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
125 salt      
169 year      
210 One Thousand word info      
89 to hold word info (ka)habiri hold [in the fist] strongly    
113 branch word info (ke) kakana   54  
189 who? word info aho   53  
3 right akiana      
2 left akɔs      
163 new alaba   9  
182 I alɔ   1, 21  
175 above anaha      
176 below anuhu      
101 to fly bebe   60  
68 needle bitarɔŋen a special bone of flying fox    
133 rain biti   56  
146 ash bubus   86  
88 to squeeze word info bɛbɛ coconut, fruit 21, 80  
61 house bɛlɛ   14  
62 thatch/roof bɛlɛpa      
124 sea dari      
108 louse word info dɛr      
195 no, not esɔm not 66  
196 to count gigi   17  
23 blood gogoru      
134 thunder guguruŋ   2  
6 road/path gulukua      
128 sky gusasa      
10 dirty gɔpgɔp =black    
147 black gɔpgɔp   96  
157 thick word info gɔŋ      
181 where? word info haɛ      
153 big hebuk      
159 wide hebuk big    
9 to swim hehe      
15 bone hihi   54  
25 neck hipunu   123  
116 flower huhulna      
84 to plant hɔhɔ      
53 person/human being hɔke (not commonly used)    
144 to burn word info hɔnɔ      
66 to tie up, fasten hɔrɔrɔm      
170 when? word info hɛka   80  
123 to flow hɛl      
46 to see ie "watch"    
40 to drink in   1  
188 what? word info ine      
183 thou ino   1, 65  
85 to choose original meaning is 'see'    
13 back word info kahini      
79 stick/wood kakan (tree) kakan (branch)    
14 belly kapa (3sg) 2  
36 to spit kapusu with metathesis of non-initial consonants 19  
77 to scratch word info kara   81  
80 to split word info kasɛk i (ɛlukɛkɛ)      
179 near katɔl      
137 to blow word info kave   81  
151 green kekese   8  
90 to dig kel   1  
110 spider kerebuk small    
4 leg/foot keve   83  
173 at ki   42  
117 fruit kiana      
5 to walk kiki      
145 smoke word info kinana cooking fire    
130 star kirap   83  
154 short word info kokorok   13  
119 earth/soil kole      
48 to sleep konkon   8  
86 to grow word info koru      
17 liver kote   1  
98 egg kotɛl   1  
30 mouth kua   36  
31 tooth kua kuakuruba 'eyetooth', adɔl 'backtooth' 69  
81 sharp kua knife, the edge is sharp 97  
57 husband kula   2  
58 wife kula   97  
8 to turn word info kule      
120 stone kum   52  
171 to hide word info kumehe      
83 to work word info kumumu (in garden) in garden 1  
12 skin kuni   1 1
95 to fall word info kuruk      
65 rope kusu      
11 dust kuvuk smoky    
114 leaf kɔki   60  
76 to live, be alive kɔlɔ      
143 fire kɔn   44  
14 belly kɔpɔm (2sg) 2  
41 to bite kɔr      
81 sharp kɛkɛl the point/tip is sharp 98  
82 dull, blunt kɛkɛl sɔ not sharp X  
127 woods/forest kɛlimi   101  
37 to eat kɛn   1  
38 to chew word info kɛn   63  
166 correct, true kɛnɛka true    
14 belly kɛpɛk (1sg) 2  
197 One word info kɛy   31  
19 shoulder lagɛpɛ Probable Nakanai loan L? L
136 wind lalɔlɔvi during dry season from forests; anytime but usually early morning and it gets cold    
131 cloud word info lamori      
132 fog lapavu      
168 day laprava      
111 fish le   92  
105 tail lepe   80  
174 in, inside limi   1  
201 Five word info limikapeke   1  
202 Six word info limikapɛkɛhotonke      
203 Seven word info limikapɛkɛhotonlu      
204 Eight word info limikapɛkɛhotonmiok      
205 Nine word info limikapɛkɛhotownpɛnɛl      
155 long word info loloi   98  
44 to hear loŋo   1, 36  
198 Two word info lu   1  
72 to hit word info luba      
112 rotten word info lumo corpse    
33 to laugh luvovo      
164 good luvul      
165 bad, evil luvul so 'not good' x  
29 to sniff, smell lɔŋɔi   29  
135 lightning lɛplɛp      
129 moon lɛvɔnɔ      
121 sand mado      
142 heavy mae   82  
161 shy, ashamed mahɛla      
102 rat makal      
22 to fear malelen usually takes a word for 'skin' as a subject: pu-nia malelen ki i mɔtɔ 'He is scared of snake.' (lit. his skin fears a snake.)    
47 to yawn mamaua [mamawa] 19  
32 tongue manapa   45  
45 eye mata   1  
50 to dream mataluvi      
109 mosquito mikikin   47  
160 painful, sick mikɔlɔŋ sick 112  
18 breast mina   20  
1 hand mini   35  
199 Three word info miok   7  
103 meat/flesh misa   23  
150 yellow mohomohok      
186 you momok      
35 to vomit mututu   1  
39 to cook word info mɔk      
160 painful, sick mɔmɔk painfile 113  
104 fat/grease mɔnɛna   1, 65  
106 snake mɔtɔ   12  
7 to come   1  
73 to steal mɛhɛ      
185 we word info mɛmɛk incl    
96 dog mɛn      
97 bird mɛnanahaka   1  
139 cold word info mɛrir   1  
56 child mɛtɛti      
126 lake naruru      
167 night nemgiliŋ      
27 nose nohɔlimi      
89 to hold word info nugu in the fist 74  
208 Fifty word info nuhul limi kapɛkɛ      
207 Twenty word info nuhul lukɛkɛ      
209 One Hundred word info nuhul rumumui      
206 Ten word info nuhulke      
136 wind nɛhɛpu strong wind; in general    
122 water word info nɛki   9  
42 to suck nɛnɛm   50, 36  
38 to chew word info nɛs   12  
192 and o      
26 hair word info pakoki   78  
99 feather pakɔki      
24 head palimi   73  
69 to hunt word info panɔ   16  
156 thin word info parɛgɛ      
141 wet pesik   105  
149 red pisikiki      
140 dry word info popu   103  
184 he/she pu he    
59 mother pu-naha 'his mother'; ani 'my mother', ani nɔhɔm 'your mother',    
60 father pu-tama his father'; av? 'my father', tɔvɔm 'your father' 1  
56 child puiti his child    
92 to open, uncover puli to uncover a leaf for cooking    
180 far puluŋ      
92 to open, uncover pulɛp to uncover a lid    
11 dust pun white stuff in a house    
148 white punpun      
71 to stab, pierce purɛs      
137 to blow word info pusue for dust, paper, leaf, people    
54 man/male putoho singular    
92 to open, uncover puɛs to open door    
88 to squeeze word info pɔrɔ sago, towel 42  
118 grass pɛlil   1  
200 Four word info pɛnɛl   5  
172 to climb word info ra      
51 to sit rehen      
49 to lie down word info rikere      
75 to die, be dead riŋi   40  
52 to stand rumit   94  
20 to know, be knowledgeable rɔp   129  
138 warm word info rɔrɔŋɔ      
162 old word info saka      
115 root sele   60  
187 they si   63  
67 to sew word info sigit   69  
191 all simas      
74 to kill suvɛlɛ      
195 no, not no    
55 woman/female sɛilisi plural    
190 other sɛpili      
54 man/male sɛtohosi plural    
22 to fear taga great fear; e.g. to be killed 12  
94 to throw word info tahur stone    
43 ear talaŋa   1  
34 to cry tali   1  
16 intestines tana   68  
55 woman/female teili singular    
152 small tevesik      
158 narrow tevesik small    
184 he/she ti she    
56 child tiiki her child 96, 95  
91 to buy tovo originally used for a bride    
107 worm (earthworm) tugel   86  
56 child tuk my child 5  
56 child tum your child 5  
93 to pound, beat word info tutu for taro cake 20  
185 we word info tɔtɔk excl    
78 to cut, hack word info tɛlɛ for a big tree 1  
87 to swell word info unun      
112 rotten word info visik banana 110  
100 wing vuliti      
64 to say vɛhei      
78 to cut, hack word info wal for a small tree/thing 124  
194 how? word info wanawana      
70 to shoot word info wɛs   43  
21 to think ɛ-mata vɛhei vɛhei (it seems...): Pa Elias a ɛ-mata vɛhei… 'Elias thinks...'; alɔna ɛmata vɛhei... 'I think...'    
177 this ɛne      
178 that ɛno very far    
63 name ɛnɛmu      
28 to breathe ɛsmaɔna Although it looks a direct possessed noun, it takes a subject prefix: ka-ɛsmaɔnɛ-k, 1sg.sbj-breath-1sg.poss. 'I breathe' 1, 88  
193 if ɛvɛhei      

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