: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Pukapuka

Source/Author:  Mary & Kevin Salisbury 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:pkp  Glottocode: puka1242 
Notes:  *s > y (y = ð)
*f > w 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Mary Salisbury  Checked By: Mary Salisbury 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Nuclear:Samoic-Outlier:Pukapuka 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
132 fog      
1 hand lima   1, 64  
2 left māyui   1, 59, 74  
3 right mātau   5, 13  
4 leg/foot vae   1, 100  
5 to walk yaele sg. 6  
5 to walk yāeleele pl. - because there is a reduplication, macrons don't span morpheme boundaries 6  
6 road/path ala   1  
6 road/path ngutuala   1  
7 to come yau (sg) 44  
7 to come lōmamai (pl) 1  
7 to come ōmamai (pl) 1  
7 to come wōmamai (pl) 1  
7 to come lolo mai   1  
8 to turn word info wuli   15  
8 to turn word info paniwi   26  
8 to turn word info niniwi   26  
8 to turn word info tipa      
8 to turn word info pale   11  
8 to turn word info uwe   27  
9 to swim kakau   5  
9 to swim tākele      
10 dirty lepo   9  
10 dirty pakuongea   37  
10 dirty palanui   7  
11 dust lewu   1, 68  
12 skin pākili   1, 11  
12 skin kili   1  
13 back word info tua   11  
13 back word info muli back, rear [not certain this is 'back' as in the body part-MW] 3  
14 belly manava   9  
15 bone ivi   52, 5  
16 intestines ngākau   12  
16 intestines taepili      
17 liver ate   1  
18 breast uma   7  
18 breast   1  
18 breast aloalo   43  
19 shoulder pokoivi   8  
20 to know, be knowledgeable iloa sg 13  
20 to know, be knowledgeable īloloa pl 13  
20 to know, be knowledgeable mau   122  
20 to know, be knowledgeable māwutu   122  
20 to know, be knowledgeable wanewane      
21 to think manatu   9  
21 to think mayala   8  
21 to think manako   7  
22 to fear mataku sg. 1  
22 to fear mātataku pl. 1  
23 blood toto   4  
24 head ulu   1  
25 neck u(w)a   18  
25 neck kakī   20  
26 hair word info lauulu   40  
26 hair word info wuluwulu body hair, feather 31  
27 nose iyu   1  
28 to breathe akaea   80  
29 to sniff, smell yongi   9  
30 mouth ngutu   2  
31 tooth nio   1  
32 tongue alelo   15  
33 to laugh kata k?kata = (pl) 7  
33 to laugh kākata k?kata = (pl) 7  
34 to cry tangi sound, cry (sg) 1  
34 to cry wetangi cry (pl) 1  
34 to cry tatangi sound (pl) 1  
35 to vomit lua   8  
35 to vomit luaki   8, 31  
36 to spit puaki   16  
36 to spit yuuvale to spit/spittle 18  
37 to eat kai   1, 47  
37 to eat kaikai   1, 47  
37 to eat lamulamu      
37 to eat taumamaya      
37 to eat tamitami      
38 to chew word info ngaungau   8  
39 to cook word info tunu   9  
39 to cook word info tunu pāni   9  
39 to cook word info tao 'cook in oven' 10  
40 to drink inu   1  
41 to bite kati   1, 55  
42 to suck miti   8  
42 to suck ngote   9  
43 ear talinga   1  
44 to hear longo   1  
44 to hear langona   1, 83  
45 eye mata   1  
46 to see kite   1  
46 to see kitea   1  
47 to yawn wakamanga Pollex 06: Waka/manga. :Yawn (Sby). 19, 28  
48 to sleep moe   10, 109  
48 to sleep momoe pl 10, 109  
48 to sleep lowi      
49 to lie down word info takoto   7, 10  
49 to lie down word info moe ki lalo   6  
50 to dream miti   36  
50 to dream moemiti   7, 36  
51 to sit (sg) 16  
51 to sit nōnō (pl) 16  
52 to stand (sg) 2  
52 to stand wetū (pl) 2  
53 person/human being tangata   1, 66, 97  
53 person/human being tama   1  
53 person/human being kovi      
54 man/male tāne   1, 11  
55 woman/female wawine (sg) 1, 106  
55 woman/female wāwine (pl) *f > w 1, 106  
56 child tamaiti (sg) 6, 64  
56 child tamaliki (pl) 6, 63  
57 husband tāne   14  
58 wife wawine   5, 68  
59 mother matua wawine   4  
60 father matua tāne   9  
61 house wale   14  
62 thatch/roof ato   1  
63 name ingoa   6  
64 to say mea      
65 rope taula   9  
65 rope kawa   74  
66 to tie up, fasten yele   14  
67 to sew word info tui   13, 16  
69 to hunt word info yākili wuli (of crabs)    
69 to hunt word info ulu wuli (of crabs)    
69 to hunt word info wuli wuli (of crabs)    
70 to shoot word info wena   1  
71 to stab, pierce yuki   11  
71 to stab, pierce Pukapuka agreement tempting but probably not cognate 100  
71 to stab, pierce yoka to stab, pierce, husk coconuts 11  
72 to hit word info patu   7  
72 to hit word info vayi   10  
73 to steal kaiā   7  
74 to kill patu   9  
75 to die, be dead mate   1  
75 to die, be dead payako      
75 to die, be dead palewe   41  
75 to die, be dead palewa   41  
75 to die, be dead pānakia      
76 to live, be alive ola (sg) 6  
76 to live, be alive ōla (pl) 6  
77 to scratch word info laku   9  
78 to cut, hack word info koti   9  
78 to cut, hack word info yemu      
79 stick/wood lākau   1, 26  
80 to split word info vayi   4  
80 to split word info vavayi   4  
81 sharp niniva      
82 dull, blunt tuma   10  
82 dull, blunt penu   12  
83 to work word info angānga   10  
83 to work word info yanga   10  
84 to plant toki   4, 5  
84 to plant tanu   2  
84 to plant poki   4, 5?  
85 to choose wili   1  
85 to choose kimi      
86 to grow word info tupu   1  
87 to swell word info pupute   30  
88 to squeeze word info kume   14  
88 to squeeze word info kuku   14  
89 to hold word info liko      
89 to hold word info tango   14  
90 to dig keli   1  
90 to dig tolo      
91 to buy oko   7  
92 to open, uncover wuke   1, 63  
92 to open, uncover wuwuke   1, 63  
92 to open, uncover yuke   81  
92 to open, uncover yuyuke   81  
93 to pound, beat word info patupatu      
93 to pound, beat word info tukituki   2  
94 to throw word info tili   9  
94 to throw word info kamo      
94 to throw word info newu      
94 to throw word info uti      
95 to fall word info makulu   11  
95 to fall word info yinga to fall over (sg.) 44  
95 to fall word info pangulu   59  
95 to fall word info   14  
95 to fall word info yīyinga to fall over (pl.) 44  
96 dog kulī   7  
96 dog puakaoa      
97 bird manu   1  
98 egg wua   5  
98 egg wuamoa   5  
99 feather wulu   1  
100 wing kapakapa   1, 39  
100 wing pakayau   1, 59, 88  
101 to fly pepeke pepeke    
101 to fly welele welele (pl) 11  
101 to fly lele lele (sg) 11  
102 rat kiole   12  
103 meat/flesh kiko   10  
104 fat/grease matū   75  
104 fat/grease ngako   14  
104 fat/grease tutuyi      
104 fat/grease tōngāua fat on abdominal wall    
105 tail yiku   13  
107 worm (earthworm) veli      
108 louse word info wutu 'louse' 1  
108 louse word info lia 'nit' 1  
109 mosquito namu   1  
110 spider mangamanga   58  
111 fish ika   1  
112 rotten word info papala   13  
112 rotten word info eku   86  
112 rotten word info   85  
113 branch word info   1  
114 leaf lau   1  
115 root aka   2  
116 flower tiale   7  
116 flower pua   1  
117 fruit wua   1  
118 grass vayavaya      
119 earth/soil kelekele 'earth' 10  
119 earth/soil palapala 'mud' 32  
120 stone watu   1  
121 sand kelekele   30, 74  
121 sand tini      
121 sand one   1  
122 water word info yua      
123 to flow yeke   36  
124 sea tai   1  
124 sea moana   10  
125 salt miti   7  
126 lake loto   6  
127 woods/forest vao   14  
128 sky langi   1  
129 moon maina   37, 5  
130 star mata wet? (pl) 18  
130 star wetū wet? (pl) 1  
131 cloud word info kāpuao   12, 67  
133 rain u(w)a   1  
134 thunder watitili   14  
135 lightning uwila   2  
136 wind matangi   1, 66  
137 to blow word info āngi   8  
137 to blow word info puyi   6  
138 warm word info māyana   1, 72  
138 warm word info vela   8  
139 cold word info makalili   1, 52  
139 cold word info anu   8  
139 cold word info ano   8  
140 dry word info pakapaka make dry 12  
140 dry word info wakapakapaka make dry 12  
140 dry word info omoi wipe dry 92?  
141 wet yuyū   11  
142 heavy taenawa      
142 heavy taewana      
143 fire awi   1  
144 to burn word info tutu   1, 6  
145 smoke word info au   2  
146 ash lewulewu   67  
146 ash malamala      
147 black uyi   7  
147 black uli   7  
148 white kena   10  
148 white mumuka      
149 red kula   13  
149 red melo   1, 16  
150 yellow yengayenga   10?  
151 green yengayenga 'yellowy green'    
151 green uyingele 'dark green'    
152 small lewu lewu (sg)    
152 small liliki liliki (pl) 66  
153 big wolo 'big, many'    
153 big wowolo 'big, many'    
153 big tongi 'big in size'    
154 short word info poto all in height and length 9  
154 short word info pūnekeneke all in height and length 8?  
154 short word info pūpoto all in height and length 9  
155 long word info loa   12, 105  
156 thin word info lalawi   5  
156 thin word info tutule thin (of people)    
157 thick word info mātolu   3  
158 narrow kakō   26?  
158 narrow koyīti      
158 narrow kauliliki   84  
159 wide lapalapa   48  
160 painful, sick tingā painful    
160 painful, sick maki sick 1  
161 shy, ashamed   1  
161 shy, ashamed akamā   1  
162 old word info pōvī n. old person    
162 old word info matua old, mature 1  
163 new wou   1  
164 good lelei   17  
164 good tauyala      
164 good kalule      
164 good leka   14  
165 bad, evil kino   9  
166 correct, true yako   107  
166 correct, true tano   8  
166 correct, true tautonu   8  
167 night   1  
168 day ayo 'day' 1, 54  
168 day ao 'daytime' 1, 54  
169 year matawiti   7  
169 year tākalonga      
170 when? word info wea   5  
171 to hide word info nanā   17  
172 to climb word info kake   32  
172 to climb word info wiwiti ki lunga   6  
173 at i   1  
174 in, inside loto   5  
175 above lunga   9  
176 below lalo   8  
177 this nei   1  
177 this tēnei   7, 1  
177 this ēnei   1  
178 that   1  
178 that   65  
178 that ia   1  
178 that tēnā   1  
178 that tēlā   65  
178 that te(e)ia   1  
179 near pili   30  
179 near vātata   9  
180 far mamao   13  
181 where? word info i wea   3, 35  
182 I au   1, 21  
182 I ēku (agentive) x  
182 I aku (preverbal) x  
183 thou koe koe 1  
183 thou au au (preverbal)    
183 thou -ou -ou after ko    
184 he/she iāna i?na 1  
184 he/she ēna ?na 1  
184 he/she ana ana (preverbal) 1  
184 he/she -ona -ona (after ko) 5  
185 we word info tāua   1, 29  
185 we word info tātou   1, 39  
185 we word info māua   2, 29  
185 we word info mātou   2, 39  
185 we word info a māua   2, 29  
185 we word info a tāua   1, 29  
186 you kōlua   x  
186 you kōtou   16  
187 they lāua   x  
187 they lātou   1, 72  
188 what? word info wea   83  
189 who? word info ai   1  
190 other toe 'another'    
190 other 'other, different' 8?  
191 all      
191 all wui      
191 all tākatoa   13  
191 all katoa(toa)   13  
191 all pau   59  
192 and ma   2  
193 if if 28  
193 if if only 5  
193 if   28  
194 how? word info pēwea   11  
195 no, not ē kole no 11  
195 no, not verbal neg 13  
195 no, not kiai neg past, nom neg 10, 83  
195 no, not kāe neg exist 10, 83  
195 no, not kāyi neg exist 10, 83  
195 no, not kāni neg exist    
195 no, not kākole neg exist 11  
196 to count kauwi   8  
196 to count wakalau   62  
196 to count tatau   8, 80  
197 One word info tayi   41  
198 Two word info lua   1  
199 Three word info tolu   1  
200 Four word info   1, 66  
201 Five word info lima   1  
202 Six word info ono Six (Bge).(Source: Pollex) 1  
203 Seven word info witu Seven (Bge).(Source: Pollex) 1  
204 Eight word info valu   3  
205 Nine word info iva Nine (Bge).(Source: Pollex) 5, 44  
206 Ten word info laungaulu   5  
207 Twenty word info tinolua 20 people 3  
207 Twenty word info laulua traditional Puk. 5  
208 Fifty word info laulima traditional 13  
208 Fifty word info tinolima 50 people    
209 One Hundred word info lau   2  
209 One Hundred word info tino-we-lau 100 people 2  
210 One Thousand word info mano   2  
68 needle nila L from English   L
81 sharp kokoi L from EP 14, 66 L
106 snake ōvī L from Greek via Rarotongan   L
166 correct, true tika L from EP lgs 9 L
207 Twenty word info luangaulu L from Rarotongan 3, 6 L
208 Fifty word info limangaulu L from Rarotongan 1 L
209 One Hundred word info ānele L from English 11 L

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