: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Tikopia

Source/Author:  POLLEX 2000 (Bruce Biggs & Ross Clark) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:tkp  Glottocode: tiko1237 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Nuclear:Samoic-Outlier:Futunic 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
57 husband      
91 to buy      
94 to throw word info      
107 worm (earthworm)      
110 spider      
125 salt      
190 other      
207 Twenty word info      
208 Fifty word info      
20 to know, be knowledgeable poto   15  
78 to cut, hack word info tuu   17  
134 thunder mana   37  
141 wet sisiu (Fth) 11  
145 smoke word info ausiafi (Fth) 2  
22 to fear mataku Afraid, frightened, fear, fright (Fth) 1  
191 all katoa All, every, whole 13  
192 and mo And (poetic form of ma) (Fth) 9  
192 and ma And, with, from, for (Fth) 2  
14 belly kona Area of belly below navel (Fth) 8  
173 at i at 1  
13 back word info tua Back, of person or animal; outer side (Fth) 11  
165 bad, evil pariki bad    
39 to cook word info tao Bake food (Fth) 10  
161 shy, ashamed fakamaa Be ashamed, embarassed, shy (Fth) 1  
72 to hit word info sasa Beat with a stick, slash with a rope; flick (Fth) 12  
14 belly aroaro Belly 10  
14 belly manava Belly, stomach (Fth) 9  
153 big lasi Big, great, tall, many B. (Fth) [<] 12  
41 to bite uuti Bite 9  
41 to bite kati Bite into (Fth) 1, 55  
38 to chew word info ngau Bite, chew; take in teeth (Fth) 8  
41 to bite ngau Bite, chew; take in teeth (Fth) 7  
41 to bite uti Bite, sting (Fth) 9  
23 blood toto Blood, blood-red; sap of plants and trees (Fth) 4  
82 dull, blunt paku Blunt (Fth) [<] 61  
15 bone ivi Bone (Fth) 52, 5  
18 breast uu Breast of a man or woman; suck at breast (Fth) 1  
28 to breathe maanava Breath 1  
159 wide lafa Broad (Fth) [<] 48  
159 wide lafalafa Broad (Fth) [<] 48  
157 thick word info maatoru Broad, thick (Fth) 3  
56 child tamariki Child, children (Fth) 6, 63  
78 to cut, hack word info fasia Chop down a tree as low as possible (Fth) 13  
172 to climb word info kake Climb, ascend, come up into (Fth) 32  
89 to hold word info kuku Clinch, close the hand 12  
131 cloud word info ao Cloud generally, but especially cirrus cloud (Fth) 12  
89 to hold word info fesu Clutch, grasp firmly, make fast (Fth)    
139 cold word info makariri Cold (Fth) 1, 52  
7 to come au Come, enter 44  
152 small faaiti Compact 1  
152 small pukupuku Compact; small, yet heavy; rounded (Fth) 12  
154 short word info pukupuku Compact; small, yet heavy; rounded (Fth) 3  
196 to count tau Count, reckon, measure (Fth) 8  
97 bird manu Creature, ranging from mammal to arthropod; especially including birds (Fth) 1  
34 to cry tangi Cry, wail, sing mourning song (Fth) 1  
83 to work word info sanga Cultivate, especially by a working party (Fth) 10  
78 to cut, hack word info koti Cut into pieces 9  
78 to cut, hack word info kokoti Cut, as with sawing motion of a knife (Fth) 9  
147 black uri Dark colour, ranging from black to dark blue ordark green (Fth) 7  
168 day aso Day, as time span (Fth) 1, 54  
168 day ao Daylight (Fth) 1, 54  
10 dirty kela Dirty (Fth) B.) [<] 10  
180 far mamao Distant (Drd) 13  
96 dog kuri Dog 7  
176 below raro Down, below; the sun goes down; softly, quietly (Fth) 8  
40 to drink inu Drink (Fth) 1  
140 dry word info maroo Dry (of vegetation), hence dead, parched (Fth) 13  
11 dust refu Dust, ash, soot for tattooing (Fth) 1, 68  
146 ash refu Dust, ash, soot for tattooing (Fth) 67  
43 ear taringa Ear, lug, projection from timber etc. (Fth) 1  
119 earth/soil kere Earth; ritual uncleanness (Fth) 10  
98 egg fuei egg 5  
145 smoke word info kofu Emit smoke, to foam, create spray (Fth) 13  
140 dry word info masa Empty, dry, of container of liquid; low, out, of tide (Fth) 11  
196 to count rau Enumerate, count, go through items on a list (Fth) 62  
45 eye mata eye 1  
180 far mao Far, at a distance (Fth) 13  
60 father tamana Father (Fth) 1  
164 good taurekareka Fine, splendid, handsome, beautiful (Fth) 14  
143 fire afi Fire, firebrand, glowing coal, torch (Fth) 1  
185 we word info tou First person incl. plural incorporated pronoun (Bgs) 39  
182 I -ku First person singular (possessive) x  
182 I kau First person singular pronoun, short form (Fth) 1, 21  
111 fish ika Fish, including turtle and cetaceans (Fth) 1  
201 Five word info rima Five, hand, arm, wrist (Fth).(Source: Pollex) 1  
1 hand rima Five; hand, arm, wrist (Fth) 1, 64  
116 flower see Flower, blossom, ear-ornament (Wms) 9  
37 to eat kai Food, eat (Fth) 1, 47  
200 Four word info faa Four (Fth) 1, 66  
117 fruit fua Fruit (Fth) 1  
89 to hold word info sapo Grab (Fth) 15  
118 grass mauku Grass, many types, used as mulch for taro (Fth) 58  
151 green mata green 1  
151 green kefu green 9  
89 to hold word info puke Grip, grasp, hold (Fth) 13  
86 to grow word info tupu Grow 1  
26 hair word info rauuru Hair of the head 40  
26 hair word info furu Hair, feathers (Fth) 31  
184 he/she ia He, she, it (Fth) 1  
108 louse word info kutu Head louse (Fth) 1  
24 head pokouru Head of human being (Fth) 10, 62  
44 to hear rogo Hear, listen, feel; news; good name (Fth) 1  
142 heavy mafa Heavy, weighty (Fth) 46  
161 shy, ashamed koro Hesitate, be shy (Fth)@ [<]    
72 to hit word info paa Hit, strike, crash, explode (Fth) 13  
138 warm word info mafana Hot (Fth) 1, 72  
61 house paito House    
194 how? word info fefea How? (Fth) [<] 11  
53 person/human being tangata Human being, person; man, male, adult male (Fth) 1, 66, 97  
69 to hunt word info turi hunt 8  
69 to hunt word info fara hunt 28  
61 house fare Hut 14  
182 I au I (poetic form) (Fth) 1, 21  
186 you kotou in poetry and traditional tales (Fth) 16  
174 in, inside i In, on, from (Fth) x  
174 in, inside roto Inside, lake 5  
16 intestines ngakau Interior of mouth, throat, gullet; guts (Fth) 12  
74 to kill ta kill 8  
144 to burn word info tutu Kindle, set light to; heat (Fth) 1, 6  
20 to know, be knowledgeable iroa Know, understand, recognise 13  
152 small likiliki L from unknown source 66 L
155 long word info loa L from unknown source 12, 105 L
68 needle sau Large needle of traditional type (Fth) 1  
33 to laugh kata Laugh (Fth) 7  
114 leaf rau Leaf (Fth) 1  
2 left sema Left-handed; left hand (Fth) 11  
4 leg/foot vae Leg, foot; boot, shoe (Fth) 1, 100  
48 to sleep moe Lie down, sleep, die (Fth) 10, 109  
49 to lie down word info moe Lie down, sleep, die (Fth) 6  
76 to live, be alive ora Life, health, alive 6  
148 white tea Light-coloured, white, clear (Fth) 8  
17 liver ate Liver of man and other creatures (Fth) 1  
155 long word info roa Long 12, 105  
54 man/male taane Male (Rare) (Fth) 1, 11  
103 meat/flesh kanofi meat/flesh 14  
109 mosquito namu Mosquito 1  
59 mother tinana Mother (Fth) 1  
59 mother nana Mother, aunt 1, 83  
59 mother nau Mother, spouses's aunt, son's wife 7  
30 mouth ngutu Mouth 2  
10 dirty kerekere Muddy, dirty (Fth) 10  
63 name igoa Name, namesake (Fth) 6  
25 neck ua Neck, throat (external) (Fth) 18  
68 needle sika Net-needle (Fth) 9  
163 new fou New, modern, fresh (Fth) 1  
167 night poo Night 1  
205 Nine word info siva Nine.(Source: Pollex) 5  
195 no, not siei no 10, 84  
27 nose isu Nose, beak, pointed end, tip (Fth) 1  
104 fat/grease sinu Oil, cooked coconut cream 12  
162 old word info mātua old (person) 1  
162 old word info mātua old (thing) 1  
197 One word info tasi One 41  
6 road/path ara Path, way (Fth) 1  
71 to stab, pierce suki Pierce, spit 1, 8  
193 if ka Pollex 06: <Ka. :If (Fth). 1  
171 to hide word info funa Pollex 06: Funa. :Hide. 1, 16  
99 feather furu Pollex 06: Furu. :Hair, feathers (Fth). 1  
19 shoulder kapakau Pollex 06: Kapakau. :Shoulder, upper arm, wing, fin (Fth). 22  
158 narrow komo Pollex 06: Komo. :Narrow. 10  
129 moon marama Pollex 06: Marama. :Moon, lunar month (Fth). 7  
64 to say muna Pollex 06: Muna. :Say, speak, tell. 129  
178 that na Pollex 06: Na. :There, that (Fth). 1  
132 fog nefu Pollex 06: Nefu. :Mist, fog. 22  
177 this nei Pollex 06: Nei. :This, here (Fth). 1  
160 painful, sick ngaengae Pollex 06: Ngaengae. :Sick (Fth). 10  
156 thin word info nifinifi Pollex 06: Nifi/nifi. :Thin (Fth). 1  
202 Six word info ono Pollex 06: Ono. :Six (Fth) 1  
179 near piri Pollex 06: Piri. :Near, close (of time and space) (Fth). 30  
123 to flow ranu Pollex 06: Ranu. :Flow, of water (Fth).    
126 lake roto Pollex 06: Roto. :Lake. 6  
204 Eight word info varu Pollex 06: Varu. :Eight (Fth). 3  
72 to hit word info tuki Pound, pummel, punch, bang down (Fth) 8  
93 to pound, beat word info tuki Pound, pummel, punch, bang down (Fth) 2  
67 to sew word info tui Put on a cord, sew (Fth) 13, 16  
133 rain ua Rain (Fth) 1  
102 rat kiore Rat (Arch.) (Fth) 12  
102 rat kumari Rat (one informant only) (Fth) [<] 13  
149 red mero Red 1, 16  
149 red mea Reddish, pink, especially of vegetation (Fth) 1  
3 right matau Right-hand (Fth) 5, 13  
115 root vaiaka root 2  
65 rope maea Rope, line 10  
112 rotten word info para Rotten 13  
112 rotten word info kuu Rotten (Fth) 86  
101 to fly rere Run, fly, rush (Fth) 11  
121 sand one Sand (Fth) 1  
77 to scratch word info maŋiso scratch 65  
124 sea moana Sea, especially deep sea; ocean (Fth) 10  
124 sea tai Sea, near the shore 1  
169 year tau Season, period 1  
186 you kootou Second person dual pronoun, both preposed and independant (Fth) 16  
183 thou koe Second person sing. 1  
183 thou koe Second person sing. 1  
183 thou kee Second person singular preposed pronoun used both preposed to verb and absolutely (Bgs) 5  
186 you kee Second person singular preposed pronoun used both preposed to verb and absolutely (Bgs) 1  
46 to see kite See, look at, catch sight of (Fth) 1  
85 to choose firi Select (Fth) 1  
144 to burn word info tafu Set on fire 8  
203 Seven word info whitu Seven (Fth).(Source: Pollex) 1  
81 sharp matakai Sharp (of blade, of claw) (Fth) 14, 16  
135 lightning uira Sheet lightning; summer lightning (Fth) 2  
70 to shoot word info fana Shoot; bow, gun (Fth) 1  
100 wing kapakau Shoulder, upper arm, wing, fin (Fth) 1, 59  
51 to sit nofo Sit, stay, dwell, live (Fth) 16  
20 to know, be knowledgeable iloa Skilled, adept, knowledgeable (Fth) 13  
12 skin kiri Skin, bark (Fth) 1  
128 sky ragi Sky, heavens (Fth) 1  
95 to fall word info singa Slip, fall (Fth) 44  
152 small riki Small, little (Fth) 66  
29 to sniff, smell songi Smell 9  
145 smoke word info au Smoke 2  
145 smoke word info ausiafi Smoke 2  
145 smoke word info ausiafi Smoke (Fth) 2  
106 snake ŋau snake 12  
141 wet suu Soaked in water, saturated (Fth) 11  
124 sea vasa Space, ocean space (Fth) 12  
83 to work word info ngaua Spend time, energy (as in working hard for a small reward) (Fth) [<] 11  
88 to squeeze word info kukumi Squeeze, express, press 14  
52 to stand tuu Stand (Fth) 2  
130 star fetuu Star, constellation (Fth) 1  
73 to steal kaia Steal; theft (Fth) 7  
113 branch word info raa Stem, twig, minor branch of tree (Fth) 1  
120 stone fatu Stone, rock (Fth) 1  
166 correct, true tonu Straight, right, correct 8  
72 to hit word info taa Strike, hit (Fth) 10  
42 to suck puku Suck    
42 to suck miti Suck, sip, make sucking sound, chirrup (Fth) 8  
127 woods/forest -vao Suffix in words for forest vegetation 14  
87 to swell word info fura Swell; swollen belly or other part of body (Fth) 7  
9 to swim kakau Swim (continuous aspect) of man, but not fish (Fth) 5  
105 tail sikusiku tail 13  
150 yellow fero Tawny, yellow, brown, brown-red (Fth) 11  
209 One Hundred word info rau Ten or hundred according to items counted (Fth).(Source: Pollex) 2  
206 Ten word info gafulu Ten, Ten (Fth).(Source: Pollex) 5, 32  
206 Ten word info angafuru Ten, Ten (Fth).(Source: Pollex) 5  
62 thatch/roof rautau thatch 55, 23  
187 they raua they (3du) x  
187 they ratou they (3pl) 1, 72  
21 to think maanatu Think, call to mind, remember, thought (Fth) 9  
186 you korua thou x  
210 One Thousand word info mano Thousand, any large number (Fth).(Source: Pollex) 2  
199 Three word info toru Three 1  
134 thunder fatitiri Thunder 14  
66 to tie up, fasten fau Tie on, lash (Fth) 11  
66 to tie up, fasten rii Tie, bind round, wrap up (Fth) 14  
66 to tie up, fasten noa Tie, bind, put noose around (Fth) 15  
137 to blow word info angi To blow (Fth) 8  
78 to cut, hack word info sere To cut; a cut (e.g. of fish) (Fth) 16  
75 to die, be dead mate To die, lose consciousness, be extinguished (Fth) 1  
90 to dig keri To dig (Fth) 1  
50 to dream miti To dream (Fth) 36  
84 to plant too To plant (Fth) 4  
36 to spit aanu To spit (Fth) 14, 84, 121  
80 to split word info faai To split, cut open, cut lengthwise (Fth) 5  
9 to swim ka(ka)u To swim, of a person (Fth) 5  
32 tongue alelo Tongue (Fth) B. [<] 15  
31 tooth nifo Tooth, of man or animal (Fth) 1  
175 above luga. ruga Top 9  
71 to stab, pierce sosoka Transfix, spear 67  
8 to turn word info pare Turn, divert (Fth) 11  
198 Two word info rua Two; both; double; second; equivalent; substitute (Fth) 1  
35 to vomit rua vomit 8  
5 to walk taafau Walk (Fth) 7  
5 to walk tahao Walk (Wms) 7  
5 to walk saere Walk, stride, go, travel (Fth) 6  
46 to see mamata Watch, gaze, look at 8  
122 water word info vai Water, liquid; pool, spring (Fth) 2  
188 what? word info aa What?, in what condition?, how? (Fth) 1  
170 when? word info afea When? (Fth) 5  
181 where? word info fea Where?, what?, when? (Fth) 3, 35  
148 white kena White, especially pure white; devoid of colour, bright, shining; pale, bleached; flaxen, of hair (Fth) 10  
189 who? word info ai Who?, whom?, whose? (Fth) 1  
92 to open, uncover afaafa Wide, especially of a gap (Fth) 9  
58 wife nofine Wife 5, 66  
136 wind matagi Wind (Fth) 1, 66  
55 woman/female fafine Woman 1, 106  
55 woman/female fafine Woman, female 1, 106  
79 stick/wood rakau Wood, tree, timber, stick 1, 26  
113 branch word info rakau Wood, tree, timber, stick 1, 4  
127 woods/forest uruao Woods, natural vegetation (Fth) 15, 14  
47 to yawn mava Yawn (Fth) 19, 39  
150 yellow senga Yellow, yellowish-red (Fth) 12  

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