: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Guiangan (Baguio)

Source/Author:  Summer Institute of Linguistics (unknown authors). 1966. Guiangan (Baguio) available via Zorc, R. David. 1972. Unpublished field notes. 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:bgi  Glottocode: gian1241 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Andrew Hsiu  Checked By:  
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Bilic 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
6 road/path      
7 to come      
8 to turn word info      
16 intestines      
18 breast      
19 shoulder      
20 to know, be knowledgeable      
21 to think      
28 to breathe      
38 to chew word info      
42 to suck      
44 to hear      
47 to yawn      
49 to lie down word info      
55 woman/female      
64 to say      
66 to tie up, fasten      
69 to hunt word info      
70 to shoot word info      
72 to hit word info      
73 to steal      
74 to kill      
78 to cut, hack word info      
79 stick/wood      
80 to split word info      
84 to plant      
86 to grow word info      
87 to swell word info      
88 to squeeze word info      
89 to hold word info      
91 to buy      
92 to open, uncover      
99 feather      
103 meat/flesh      
107 worm (earthworm)      
110 spider      
111 fish      
112 rotten word info      
113 branch word info      
118 grass      
123 to flow      
127 woods/forest      
132 fog      
137 to blow word info      
138 warm word info      
144 to burn word info      
158 narrow      
159 wide      
165 bad, evil      
166 correct, true      
170 when? word info      
173 at      
174 in, inside      
175 above      
176 below      
177 this      
178 that      
182 I      
183 thou      
184 he/she      
185 we word info      
186 you      
187 they      
188 what? word info      
190 other      
192 and      
193 if      
194 how? word info      
195 no, not      
196 to count      
208 Fifty word info      
3 right ammi   89  
56 child anga'   38  
146 ash aou      
96 dog asʰu   1  
34 to cry benne'   70  
11 dust blukok      
129 moon bula   1  
167 night buli   83  
116 flower bullak      
117 fruit bungo      
169 year byo'o   36  
61 house bɨloy   14  
119 earth/soil bɨsak   71  
120 stone bɨtu   1  
114 leaf da'u      
32 tongue dela   4  
63 name dita   15  
115 root dolid      
23 blood dulu'   51  
179 near dɨdong   122  
142 heavy dɨllɨm   90  
2 left ebang-   90  
105 tail ekong   1, 43  
189 who? word info emme      
68 needle himat   48  
205 Nine word info hiou   45  
98 egg holo   58  
30 mouth hu'lung   102  
206 Ten word info hɨpulu   5  
197 One word info hɨtu   80  
27 nose idung   1  
82 dull, blunt indi' tulom      
59 mother ino   1  
58 wife ipod   111  
57 husband ippud      
10 dirty kalu      
139 cold word info kapo   137  
154 short word info keng      
135 lightning kilat   1  
130 star klamag   95  
109 mosquito klongngot      
50 to dream konno'   73  
12 skin kulit   1  
13 back word info kulung   89  
157 thick word info kupa   73  
54 man/male la'i   2, 123  
124 sea lagat   25  
97 bird lagum   59  
191 all lahat      
163 new lami   62  
128 sky langit   1  
131 cloud word info lao   120  
155 long word info lawe      
108 louse word info liho      
1 hand limo   1, 56  
201 Five word info limo   1  
134 thunder liti      
161 shy, ashamed m'oyo      
37 to eat ma'a   57  
77 to scratch word info makkas      
22 to fear malao   95  
151 green mali'      
164 good mali'   143  
4 leg/foot mame      
172 to climb word info manek      
41 to bite manget   20  
101 to fly mayang   99  
51 to sit me'od   70  
36 to spit middu   103  
83 to work word info minam   86  
46 to see mino   27  
40 to drink minum   1  
48 to sleep mipit   112  
147 black mitom   1  
210 One Thousand word info mlala   48  
180 far mlayyu   1, 82  
150 yellow mlede   101  
149 red mliga'   85  
209 One Hundred word info mlɨtud      
5 to walk mo'o   18  
71 to stab, pierce mobbok      
67 to sew word info mobii      
85 to choose moli   1  
39 to cook word info momeng   109  
35 to vomit moota   1  
45 eye moto   1  
90 to dig mukɔt   73  
171 to hide word info muni'      
76 to live, be alive mɨdo'   88  
93 to pound, beat word info mɨdok      
29 to sniff, smell mɨkpon      
9 to swim mɨngoy   98  
75 to die, be dead mɨtoy   1, 52  
156 thin word info nenepes   1  
31 tooth ngipo   25  
102 rat obong      
125 salt ohi   59  
60 father omo      
202 Six word info onnom   1  
181 where? word info opi   94  
121 sand palo'      
154 short word info pandak   1  
153 big paya   134  
141 wet peta   125  
152 small pipi 'ipis      
203 Seven word info pitu   1  
100 wing plete'   64  
148 white pu'ti   1  
160 painful, sick pɨddɨs   33  
33 to laugh takket   109  
94 to throw word info te'po   98  
140 dry word info tika   122  
43 ear tingngo'   1  
52 to stand tiro      
14 belly tiya   78  
65 rope toli      
81 sharp tolɨm   1  
104 fat/grease towo'   97  
122 water word info tubig   14  
15 bone tulla   49  
162 old word info tuo'   1  
95 to fall word info tuwang      
199 Three word info tɨlu   1  
198 Two word info u'a   1  
106 snake ula   2  
133 rain ula   1  
24 head ullu   1  
126 lake ulub      
207 Twenty word info wo pulu   3, 6  
204 Eight word info wolu   3  
145 smoke word info ɨbbaw      
26 hair word info ɨbuk   81  
168 day ɨdo   1  
25 neck ɨlong   133  
136 wind ɨnus   95  
200 Four word info ɨppɨt   1  
143 fire ɨpuy   1  
62 thatch/roof ɨtop   1  
17 liver ɨtoy   1  
53 person/human being ɨttao   1, 98  

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