: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Numèè (Nââ Numèè)

Source/Author:  RIVIERRE Jean-Claude, ??-2018 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:kdk  Glottocode: nume1242 
Notes:  The lexical data entered here are coming from a yet to be ended and published Dictionnaire Numèè-Français made by Jean-Claude RIVIERRE (†). This linguist has work, before this lexicon, on a phonoligical comparaison of the New Caledonia south languages, including the Numèè language, still spoken nowadays in this area (RIVIERRE, J-C, 'Phonologie comparée des dialectes d'extrème sud de la Nouvelle-Calédonie', Paris : Selaf, pp. 216).
This lexicon provides recent lexical data, from the Numèè language to French, and, through the transcription alphabet used, phonetic data. However, there is no phonetical or phonological introduction.
To complete the transcription, this list has used the more recent description work on the Numèè language. This work is the Fabrice Wallice thesis, "Description morpho-syntaxique du nââ numèè (langue de Yaté, Extrême-Sud de la Nouvelle-Calédonie) " (co-dir. C. Moyse-Faurie & J. Vernaudon, univ. de la Nouvelle-Calédonie), INALCO, defended on the 8th of november 2013. This work presents a usefully and reliable synthesis of all the writings that has been propoed for the Numèè language.

Note on the methodology :
- The borrowed lexical item have been signaled in the source lexicon and have not been retained here
- The word that are morphologically dependant, working as attached words, has been transcribed with a dash before or after the word
- When several words in the source lexicon have been found for a single english word in the list, the one with a meaning closer to the english word have been retained.
- When it has been impossible to find the semantic distinction between several words, they all have been entered, althought the lack of found distinction has been noted in the 'Author annotation' collumn.
- When a morphologically dependant word has been found along with a fully independant word, the fully independant word has been retained. 
Data Entry:  Typed By: David PIEKUT  Checked By:  
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:New Caledonian:Southern:Extreme Southern  


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
7 to come      
8 to turn word info      
9 to swim      
13 back word info      
16 intestines      
17 liver      
18 breast      
19 shoulder      
22 to fear      
24 head      
26 hair word info      
27 nose      
29 to sniff, smell      
39 to cook word info      
42 to suck      
47 to yawn      
56 child      
62 thatch/roof      
65 rope      
67 to sew word info      
69 to hunt word info      
77 to scratch word info      
82 dull, blunt      
88 to squeeze word info      
89 to hold word info      
91 to buy      
93 to pound, beat word info      
96 dog      
99 feather      
100 wing      
106 snake      
109 mosquito      
113 branch word info      
114 leaf      
116 flower      
125 salt      
126 lake      
127 woods/forest      
139 cold word info      
152 small      
158 narrow      
159 wide      
170 when? word info      
172 to climb word info      
173 at      
174 in, inside      
175 above      
177 this      
178 that      
179 near      
180 far      
182 I      
183 thou      
186 you      
188 what? word info      
190 other      
192 and      
193 if      
194 how? word info      
196 to count      
202 Six word info      
203 Seven word info      
204 Eight word info      
205 Nine word info      
206 Ten word info      
207 Twenty word info      
208 Fifty word info      
209 One Hundred word info      
210 One Thousand word info      
1 hand mẽ   14  
2 left -kõɽõmẽ   21  
2 left ⁿdakõɽõmẽ   21  
3 right ⁿdamø:   88  
4 leg/foot   33  
5 to walk vɛ̃      
6 road/path waɲẽɽõ      
6 road/path waɲɛ̃ɽõ      
10 dirty ⁿdɽa      
11 dust ᵐbuɽuwi Means 'dust', as well as 'eau limoneuse' (in french) 20, 104  
12 skin ŋẽɽẽ   1  
12 skin ɲẽɽẽ   1  
14 belly      
15 bone ɲẽɽẽ      
15 bone ɲĩɽẽ      
20 to know, be knowledgeable ʈõŋẽɽẽ      
21 to think ŋẽ:      
23 blood dɽɛ      
25 neck kukʷa      
28 to breathe mʷø̃:      
30 mouth wokʷa      
31 tooth ɣe:no      
32 tongue nẽ:kʷẽnẽ      
32 tongue nẽkʷẽnẽ      
33 to laugh kẽ:      
34 to cry ŋʷi: The distinction between those two lexical items is not clear    
34 to cry tã:      
35 to vomit muɽe      
36 to spit ᶮɟukãɽẽ      
37 to eat kʷɛ      
38 to chew word info ku: a.    
38 to chew word info mẽ:      
40 to drink kũ:      
41 to bite kʷɛ      
43 ear wɛnẽ:      
44 to hear wãɽã      
45 eye ɣe:mo      
45 eye ɣe:mɛ      
46 to see tõã      
48 to sleep mi:      
49 to lie down word info kẽmɛ Means 'to lie down without sleeping'    
49 to lie down word info xamɛ      
50 to dream mi:ŋẽtoã      
51 to sit juɛ      
52 to stand na The distinction between those two lexical items is not clear    
52 to stand tete      
53 person/human being va:re      
53 person/human being vaweɽe      
54 man/male ɲie      
55 woman/female ɲõ The distinction between those two lexical items is not clear    
55 woman/female vø̃::      
57 husband ᶯɖumʷaɲõ      
58 wife ɲõkẽ:      
59 mother ɲã:      
60 father tẽ:      
61 house mʷã      
63 name vane      
64 to say nĩ:   104  
66 to tie up, fasten caɽɛ Means 'to tie up', and in addition (in french) 'nouer, serrer    
68 needle ɲẽ      
70 to shoot word info tu      
71 to stab, pierce ci- Means 'to pierce, to use a pointed object' Described by the author as a verbal prefix    
72 to hit word info kã:      
73 to steal vø̃ɽõ      
73 to steal võɽõ      
74 to kill      
74 to kill ijɛ      
75 to die, be dead   1  
76 to live, be alive mʷoɽo      
78 to cut, hack word info ︉ⁿdipo: Means 'to cut with an axe'    
79 stick/wood itue      
79 stick/wood jitue      
80 to split word info -po:      
81 sharp ŋẽ      
81 sharp ŋø̃      
83 to work word info mara      
84 to plant mʷãɽĩ:      
85 to choose nẽ:      
86 to grow word info tɪ:      
86 to grow word info tei      
87 to swell word info i:      
87 to swell word info ji:      
90 to dig ju      
92 to open, uncover cike:      
92 to open, uncover wucike:      
94 to throw word info juŋẽ      
94 to throw word info joŋẽ      
95 to fall word info ᵐbeko      
95 to fall word info cuku      
95 to fall word info vicuku      
97 bird mø̃ɽõ      
98 egg ko      
101 to fly ɲã      
102 rat cĩ:ᵐbu      
103 meat/flesh vy:ma:      
104 fat/grease mʷãɽẽ      
105 tail mʷãpʷy:      
107 worm (earthworm) ᵐbie Translated by 'worm' without any further specification of the types of worm it referes to 11  
108 louse word info nia a.    
110 spider mʷãkõã      
111 fish mɪ:      
112 rotten word info ku:   120  
112 rotten word info aku:   120  
112 rotten word info muɽɛ      
115 root ŋu:ŋe:      
117 fruit wã      
117 fruit wã:      
118 grass ᶮɟoᵐbʷia      
119 earth/soil ᶯɖa      
120 stone vʊ:      
121 sand kʷẽ      
122 water word info ᶮɟo      
123 to flow wa      
123 to flow ua      
124 sea nẽ:-ᶮɟo      
124 sea nẽnẽ:-ᶮɟo      
128 sky kʷa      
129 moon me:      
130 star veo:   21?  
131 cloud word info kõʈe      
132 fog ku:      
133 rain xi      
134 thunder ʈe:      
135 lightning i:vɛ:      
135 lightning jivɛ:      
136 wind kʷie      
137 to blow word info ŋũ a.    
137 to blow word info ũ: a.    
137 to blow word info ŋu b.    
138 warm word info me:      
140 dry word info pupʷa a.    
140 dry word info me: a.    
140 dry word info tékɛ: b.    
141 wet mĩẽ The distinction between those two lexical items is not clear    
141 wet vanu:      
142 heavy mɛnɛ̃nɛ̃      
142 heavy vetonɛ̃nɛ̃      
143 fire ʈã      
144 to burn word info ŋẽrẽ      
145 smoke word info kɛ:ʈã      
145 smoke word info ke:ʈã      
146 ash ᶯɖɛ   1  
147 black ᶯɖi:nẽ      
148 white ᵐbʷa:      
149 red ᵐbʷi Means 'red' as well as 'well cooked' or 'mûr' as a fruit    
149 red ᵐbʷe in french    
150 yellow kari:      
151 green meru:      
153 big tẽ:ɣɛ Means 'big', as well as 'tall'    
154 short word info kue Means 'short', without any further specification of height or length acceptation of this word    
155 long word info mʷa: Means 'long', without any further specification of height or length acceptation of this word    
156 thin word info ca:ɣɪ:      
157 thick word info coe:ⁿdɛ      
160 painful, sick veju:      
161 shy, ashamed va:      
162 old word info va:rekẽ:      
162 old word info vawerekẽ:      
163 new va      
164 good meci      
165 bad, evil -ne      
166 correct, true ⁿdo- Means 'true'    
167 night mʷẽɽẽ      
168 day ɲi:      
169 year nĩ:      
171 to hide word info ʈokʷɛ:      
176 below ka:      
181 where? word info eʈie Seems to be the more likely 'where' protoform used for question    
184 he/she nẽ Note that the author of the source lexicon define the pronoun as a respectful way to refere to 'he, him' The most common 3S pronoun distinct from the 3P prounoun, has not been found in the source lexicon    
185 we word info ekʷãrã excl.    
187 they nẽ      
189 who? word info ʈie      
191 all ŋʷẽĩ:      
191 all ũwẽĩ:      
191 all wẽĩ:      
191 all wãĩ:      
195 no, not ja: Means 'no'    
197 One word info ta:      
198 Two word info ᵐbo:      
199 Three word info ᵐbɛtĩ:      
200 Four word info ᵐbɛvo:      
200 Four word info ᵐbɛvʊ:      
201 Five word info veɽe      

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