: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Inagta Alabat

Source/Author:  Lobel et al. 2020. 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:dul  Glottocode: alab1246 
Notes:  Lobel, Jason William, Amy Jugueta Alpay, Rosie Susutin Barreno, & Emelinda Jugueta Barreno. 2020. Notes from the Field: Inagta Alabat: A moribund Philippine language, with supporting audio. Language Documentation & Conservation 14: 1-57.  
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill  Checked By:  
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Greater Central Philippine:Umiray Dumaget 


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Showing 3 of 4 entries. Show ALL logged changes


ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
175 above taˈʔas   1  
191 all laˈhat      
192 and pat      
146 ash ʔaˈbu   1  
173 at de      
13 back word info 'kulud      
165 bad, evil 'pajuk      
14 belly biˈtukaʔ   85  
176 below luˈpag      
153 big luˈpag      
97 bird manukˈmanuk   1, 47  
147 black madekˈlem      
23 blood diˈgiʔ   16  
15 bone ˈbejen      
113 branch word info saˈŋaʔ      
18 breast ˈsusuʔ   1  
56 child ʔaˈnak   1  
131 cloud word info paŋiˈnurin      
139 cold word info malaˈmig   22  
166 correct, true katuˈʔudan      
168 day deˈgew      
10 dirty maduˈmi   51  
96 dog 'ʔiduʔ   21  
140 dry word info tuˈjuʔ      
82 dull, blunt mapuˈrul   1, 33  
11 dust ʔalikaˈbuk   1  
43 ear seˈweŋ      
119 earth/soil leˈmak   47  
98 egg ʔitˈlug   1  
204 Eight word info waˈlu   3  
45 eye maˈtaʔ   1  
180 far kalaˈhunat      
104 fat/grease taˈbaʔ   23  
60 father ʔumaˈmaʔ   1?  
99 feather gitˈgit   68  
208 Fifty word info limamˈpuʔ   1, 2  
143 fire haˈpuj      
111 fish ʔisˈdaʔ      
201 Five word info liˈma   1  
116 flower bulakˈlak   22  
132 fog ʔalaˈpaʔap      
200 Four word info ʔaˈpat   1, 14  
117 fruit ˈgeʔen      
164 good maʔubiˈja      
118 grass daˈmu      
151 green ˈbirdi   x  
26 hair word info beˈhek   1, 65  
1 hand ʔaˈlimaʔ   1  
184 he/she heˈje      
24 head 'ʔuluʔ   1  
142 heavy mabugˈʔat   1, 63  
61 house beˈlej (traditional Agta hut) 14  
61 house baˈjaj (modern lowlander house) 14  
194 how? word info paʔˈnuʔ   29, 77  
57 husband laˈlakiʔ      
182 I haʔˈku   1, 5  
193 if ti      
174 in, inside ˈluʔub      
174 in, inside huˈluk      
16 intestines biˈtukaʔ   21  
126 lake dagatdaˈgatan      
114 leaf ˈdahun   1  
2 left kaliˈwaʔ   67  
4 leg/foot biˈtiʔis   23  
135 lightning kelˈdep      
17 liver ʔaˈtaj   1  
155 long word info huˈhunat      
108 louse word info ˈkutuʔ   1  
54 man/male laˈlakiʔ   2, 99  
103 meat/flesh laˈman   46  
129 moon ˈbilan   1  
109 mosquito peˈleŋut      
59 mother ʔumiˈnaʔ   1?  
30 mouth biˈbig   1  
63 name ˈŋaden   1  
158 narrow laˈbi      
179 near kaˈgijan      
25 neck ˈliʔug   1  
68 needle kaˈrajum   1  
163 new beʔˈgu   1  
167 night diˈjum   20  
205 Nine word info siˈjam   9  
195 no, not ʔuˈkun      
195 no, not waˈjaʔ      
27 nose haʔˈduŋ   1, 71  
162 old word info ˈlumaʔ (object)    
162 old word info puˈhawaŋ (male)    
162 old word info bajbaˈjiʔ (female)    
197 One word info heʔˈsaʔ   1  
209 One Hundred word info heʔˈsaʔʔaˈdaʔan   49  
210 One Thousand word info heʔˈsaʔʔaˈlibu   5  
190 other kabaˈŋaʔ      
160 painful, sick mahapˈdus   126  
53 person/human being taˈwu   1  
133 rain geˈmes   66  
102 rat jaˈgaʔ      
149 red puˈla   28  
3 right ˈkanan   1, 73  
6 road/path kaˈnug      
115 root ʔuˈgat      
65 rope ˈlubid   21  
112 rotten word info ˈbukes (of egg)    
112 rotten word info panˈʔus (of cooked meat)    
112 rotten word info siˈraʔ (of uncooked food)    
125 salt ʔaˈsin   3  
121 sand ʔagetˈʔet      
124 sea ˈdagat   25  
203 Seven word info piˈtu   1  
81 sharp mataˈjum (of blade or edge) 1  
81 sharp masudˈsud (of tip)    
154 short word info bubukˈtit   102  
19 shoulder mugˈmugen   98  
161 shy, ashamed nahaˈhalaj      
202 Six word info ˈʔanim   1  
12 skin balaʔˈkis   21  
128 sky ˈlaŋit   1  
152 small maˈtiʔ (in size) 149  
152 small maˈmatiʔ (quantity) 149  
145 smoke word info ʔaˈsu   2  
106 snake 'beʔek      
110 spider ˈlawaʔ   1  
130 star bituˈʔin   1  
79 stick/wood kaˈhew   1  
120 stone beˈtuʔ      
105 tail bunˈtut      
206 Ten word info samˈpuʔ   5  
178 that huˈjeʔ (near addressee)    
178 that hiˈduʔ (far from both)    
62 thatch/roof ʔaˈtup   1  
187 they hideˈhen      
157 thick word info makaˈpal   1  
156 thin word info maniˈpis   1  
177 this huˈji      
183 thou hiˈkaw   1  
199 Three word info tatˈluʔ   1, 10  
134 thunder kuˈlug      
41 to bite kaˈget   1  
137 to blow word info hiˈjup   1, 44  
28 to breathe hiˈŋa      
144 to burn word info natuˈʔuk      
91 to buy nagbiˈli      
38 to chew word info ŋasˈŋas      
85 to choose ˈpiliʔ   1  
172 to climb word info ʔakˈnit (up tree or house)    
172 to climb word info sabˈnit (up hill)    
7 to come paˈhaj      
39 to cook word info ˈlutuʔ   20  
196 to count ˈbilaŋ   1  
34 to cry ˈʔibil   82  
78 to cut, hack word info ˈputel (cut)    
78 to cut, hack word info taˈgeʔ (hack)    
75 to die, be dead ˈpalaʔ      
90 to dig ˈhukaj      
50 to dream daˈlaŋit      
40 to drink ʔiˈnum   1  
37 to eat ˈkaʔun   1  
95 to fall word info ˈhujug   29  
22 to fear ˈtalaw   34  
123 to flow hagˈpiʔ      
101 to fly liˈpad   21  
86 to grow word info ˈtubuʔ (sprout) 1  
86 to grow word info nagdaˈkuʔ (grow larger)    
44 to hear nasekeˈgan      
171 to hide word info ˈtaguʔ   13  
72 to hit word info tamˈpiʔ (with hand)    
72 to hit word info bugˈbug (with object) 24  
89 to hold word info kaˈhe (in hand)    
89 to hold word info tuʔˈkuj (as a bag by its handles)    
69 to hunt word info magʔaˈlaw      
69 to hunt word info haˈjug (monkeys) x  
74 to kill ˈpalaʔ      
20 to know, be knowledgeable ʔaˈlam      
33 to laugh ˈsagak   113  
49 to lie down word info magˈbulid      
76 to live, be alive buˈhaj   14  
92 to open, uncover buˈkas   1, 63  
84 to plant nagtaˈnim      
93 to pound, beat word info baˈju      
64 to say ˈkadeʔ      
77 to scratch word info ˈkamut (an itch) 44  
77 to scratch word info kakajˈbut (as a chicken)    
46 to see mamaʔaˈnan      
46 to see natuluˈŋan      
67 to sew word info taˈhiʔ   1  
70 to shoot word info baˈril      
51 to sit ˈseŋul   167  
48 to sleep tuˈjug   1  
29 to sniff, smell sagˈka   126  
36 to spit lunˈtab   29, 72  
80 to split word info piˈsaŋ      
88 to squeeze word info ˈʔipit      
71 to stab, pierce sakˈsak   68  
52 to stand tegˈdek      
73 to steal giˈnakaw   1  
42 to suck ʔutˈʔut      
87 to swell word info mamaˈgaʔ      
9 to swim panagˈbej      
21 to think ˈʔisip   23  
94 to throw word info peˈsat   129  
66 to tie up, fasten bugˈkus   16  
8 to turn word info liˈkuʔ   21  
35 to vomit tegˈʔa      
5 to walk hakˈlew      
83 to work word info taraˈbahu   103  
47 to yawn 'hakaj      
32 tongue katˈlub   20  
31 tooth ˈŋepen   1, 48  
207 Twenty word info dalwamˈpuʔ   3, 6  
198 Two word info dawˈha   1  
138 warm word info maligamˈgam (lukewarm)    
138 warm word info maˈʔinit (hot) 23  
122 water word info ˈtubig   14  
185 we word info kaˈmiʔ (excl)    
185 we word info kiˈtaʔ (incl)    
141 wet beˈsiʔ   1  
188 what? word info haʔˈnuʔ   2  
170 when? word info kaʔiˈlan      
181 where? word info deʔˈde      
148 white malemˈʔat      
189 who? word info hiʔˈnuʔ      
159 wide bebeˈlag      
58 wife baˈkes   21  
136 wind heʔˈnew   96  
100 wing pakˈpak   33  
55 woman/female baˈbaji   1, 105  
127 woods/forest kaˈlasan   1  
107 worm (earthworm) bukˈbuk   82  
169 year taˈʔun   1  
150 yellow diˈlaw   27  
186 you kaˈmu      

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