: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Mangareva

Source/Author:  POLLEX 2000 (Bruce Biggs & Ross Clark) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:mrv  Glottocode: mang1401 
Notes:  These are primarily a mix of items from Tregear and Rensch with corrections from Mary Walworth's fieldwork (mostly corrected orthography)
*s , *f > glottal stop 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Nuclear:East:Central:Marquesic 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
70 to shoot word info      
85 to choose      
106 snake      
178 that      
190 other      
193 if      
1 hand kapu Palm of hand (Tgr) x  
1 hand rima Five; hand-arm 1, 64  
1 hand rima   1, 64  
2 left 'ema Left (Tgr) [Tgr misrepresented glottal stop as h] 11  
2 left 'ema Gauche (Rch) 11  
2 left 'ema   11  
3 right maori      
4 leg/foot vavae Leg 1, 100  
4 leg/foot a'ape      
5 to walk 'ere   6, 9  
6 road/path ara   1  
7 to come a'u   44  
8 to turn word info tīrori      
9 to swim kau Swim (Tgr) 5  
9 to swim kau   5  
10 dirty paneu      
11 dust puèu Dust (I) 1, 74  
11 dust èu Poussier x  
11 dust e'u   1  
12 skin kiri   1  
13 back word info tua   11  
14 belly kona Lower abdomen (Jnu) 8  
14 belly koopuu Stomach (i) x  
14 belly manava Innards 9  
14 belly kōpū   2  
15 bone ivi Bone 52, 5  
15 bone ivi   52, 5  
16 intestines manava      
17 liver ate Liver 1  
17 liver kakaroumei      
18 breast kuperu      
19 shoulder pakuhivi The shoulder, point of a paddle, raise a burden from the ground; a name given to a nephew (Tgr) x  
19 shoulder paku'ivi   8  
20 to know, be knowledgeable kite It should be noted that Mangareva also demonstrates the form tikei to mean 'cognisant', which appears to be a borrowing from the Rapa Nui metathesized reflex of *kite. 12  
21 to think makara      
22 to fear mataku Afraid, fear 1  
22 to fear mataku   1  
23 blood toto Blood 4  
23 blood toto   4  
24 head upoko Head 10  
24 head o'o   1?  
25 neck kaki   20  
26 hair word info rouro Hair of the head 40  
26 hair word info rauo'o   40, 36  
27 nose i'u Nose 1  
28 to breathe 'akaea   80  
29 to sniff, smell 'ogi Kiss, smell (Tgr) x  
29 to sniff, smell 'ongi   9  
30 mouth àaàa Mouth (Rch) B. [<] x  
30 mouth 'a'a   1  
30 mouth haha   1  
31 tooth ni'o Tooth 1  
31 tooth ni'o   1  
32 tongue erero Tongue 15  
32 tongue arero   15  
33 to laugh kata Laugh 7  
33 to laugh kata   7  
34 to cry koa      
35 to vomit aruaì Vomit x  
35 to vomit ruaki   8, 31  
36 to spit anuanu Saliva, spittle, to spit (Tgr); salive, crachat, cracher (Jnu) 14, 84, 121  
36 to spit kae      
37 to eat kai Food, eat 1, 47  
37 to eat kai   1, 47  
38 to chew word info 'amama   1  
39 to cook word info tunu to cook food in the ground oven 9  
40 to drink inu Drink (Jnu) 1  
40 to drink unu Drink (Tgr) 1  
40 to drink inu   1  
41 to bite eti Tear with teeth 9, 84  
41 to bite ngaunga'u   7  
42 to suck miti Suck 8  
42 to suck omo Teter, sucer (Jnu) 7  
42 to suck omo   7  
43 ear teriga Ear (Jnu) x  
43 ear taringa   1  
44 to hear rogo Hear; news 1  
44 to hear 'akarongo   1  
45 eye mata Face, eye 1  
45 eye mata   1  
46 to see nana   103  
46 to see nana   103  
47 to yawn amama Gape, yawn (Tgr) 19, 28  
47 to yawn naro      
47 to yawn 'amama   19, 28  
48 to sleep moe Sleep 10, 109  
48 to sleep moe   10, 109  
49 to lie down word info 'akaearanga      
50 to dream moemoeaa Dream (Tgr) 7, 27  
50 to dream moemoea   7, 27  
51 to sit no'o Sit 16  
51 to sit no'o sit; stay 16  
52 to stand tuu Stand 2  
52 to stand 'akātū 'aka + tū 2  
53 person/human being tagata Man 1, 66, 97  
53 person/human being tangata human being; man 1, 66, 97  
54 man/male tamaroa Enfant male, de tout age; se dit aussi des animaux (Jnu) x  
54 man/male tangata man; human being 12, 14  
55 woman/female aine Femme (Jnu) x  
55 woman/female ahine A woman, female (Tgr) x  
55 woman/female àìne Femme; x  
55 woman/female -ìne Female (I don't understand why this is treated as a suffix - MW) 1, 41  
55 woman/female 'a'ine   1, 106  
56 child toromiki   102, 63  
57 husband ahana Mari (Jnu). Spouse, husband or wife (Tgr) x  
57 husband a'ana spouse, usually used to refer to male spouse. Tgr 1898 has it listed for both male and female. 13  
58 wife ahana Mari (Jnu). Spouse, husband or wife (Tgr) 8  
59 mother tinana Parent who cares well for children; parents generally (Tgr) 1  
59 mother tinana parent (general) 1  
60 father tinana Parent who cares well for children; parents generally (Tgr) 1  
60 father tinana   1  
61 house àre House x  
61 house 'are   14  
62 thatch/roof ato Thatch (I) 1  
62 thatch/roof paku   50  
63 name igoa Name x  
63 name ingoa   6  
64 to say ki   43  
65 rope toura Corde, filet (Jnu) 9  
65 rope kaka braided cord made from coconut husk fibers    
66 to tie up, fasten rii Bind (Jnu) 14  
66 to tie up, fasten nati Na(na)ti 13  
66 to tie up, fasten 'akaokonga to tie in a bundle    
67 to sew word info tui Sew 13, 16  
67 to sew word info tue   13, 16  
69 to hunt word info aruaru to chase 7  
71 to stab, pierce 'uki Prick, pierce, stab 1, 8  
71 to stab, pierce ko   100  
72 to hit word info pa(pa)ki Slap 6  
72 to hit word info patu To strike, give a blow to anyone (Tgr) 7  
72 to hit word info tata hit something until it breaks open (eg, a coconut) 10  
73 to steal kamo To steal (Bck) 1938 6  
73 to steal kamo   6  
74 to kill tina'i   82  
75 to die, be dead mate Die 1  
75 to die, be dead mate   1  
76 to live, be alive ora   6  
77 to scratch word info rakuraku Scratch 9  
77 to scratch word info kene'u      
78 to cut, hack word info tarai Rough hew; dress timber or stone (Tgr) 1  
78 to cut, hack word info 'akakiukiu      
79 stick/wood rakau Wood, timber, tree 1, 26  
79 stick/wood rakau wood, stick, plant, medicine 1, 26  
80 to split word info a'ae   5, 96  
81 sharp koikoi   14, 66  
82 dull, blunt moimoi   10  
83 to work word info haga Work, labour (no [h]) x  
83 to work word info 'anga   10  
84 to plant tanu   2  
86 to grow word info tupu Grow 1  
87 to swell word info 'akatekire      
88 to squeeze word info romiromi Cover, press upon 10  
88 to squeeze word info kukumu   14  
89 to hold word info tāmau   54  
90 to dig keri Dig 1  
90 to dig pokopoko      
91 to buy 'oko Buy, sell (I) 7  
92 to open, uncover 'u'ure      
93 to pound, beat word info tuki Pound 2  
93 to pound, beat word info tuki   2  
94 to throw word info tiri Throw away, reject (Tgr) 9  
94 to throw word info kero      
95 to fall word info marere Tomber, Fall 12  
95 to fall word info àkatoo Fall straight down (Tgr) 14  
95 to fall word info topa To fall from a height 124  
95 to fall word info topa   124  
96 dog kuri Dog x  
96 dog kurī   7  
97 bird manu Bird, small animal (Jnu) 1  
97 bird manu   1  
98 egg māmari moa   6  
99 feather 'uru   1  
100 wing pehau pe'au 1, 81  
100 wing pererau   9  
101 to fly rere Fly, run, jump 11  
101 to fly rere   11  
102 rat kiore Rat, souris (Rch) 12  
102 rat kiore   12  
103 meat/flesh kiko Flesh 10  
103 meat/flesh kiko   10  
104 fat/grease hinu Oil, grease 12  
104 fat/grease matatere      
105 tail ìku Tail of fish 13  
105 tail vero Tail of dog (Bck) 10, 23  
105 tail ave      
107 worm (earthworm) iritoke Earthworm 7, 80  
107 worm (earthworm) iritoke   7  
108 louse word info kutu Louse 1  
108 louse word info kutu   1  
109 mosquito kōmanu      
110 spider pugaverevere Arraignee (Jnu) x  
110 spider pūngawerewere   1, 57, 99  
111 fish ika   1  
112 rotten word info para Ripe, rubbish (I) 13  
112 rotten word info popo Rotten, decayed (Jnu) 14  
112 rotten word info para   13  
113 branch word info rara   1  
114 leaf rau Leaf 1  
114 leaf rau   1  
115 root aka Root 2  
115 root aka   2  
116 flower pua Flowers (Jnu) 1  
116 flower tiare   7  
117 fruit 'ua Bear fruit 1  
117 fruit 'ua 'to fruit' 1  
118 grass mutie Grass (Bck1938 13  
119 earth/soil repo Soil, earth, dirt 11  
119 earth/soil repo   11  
120 stone poàtu Stone (Bck) x  
120 stone po'atu   1, 19  
121 sand one Earth, soil (Tgr) 1  
121 sand one   1  
122 water word info vai Water 2  
122 water word info vai   2  
123 to flow ta'e Couler (Jnu) 10  
123 to flow ta'e   10  
124 sea moana Ocean 10  
124 sea tai   1  
125 salt miti   7  
126 lake rano Swamp 1  
126 lake rano swamp 1  
127 woods/forest ulu Unplanted 15  
127 woods/forest vao uninhabited place 14  
128 sky ragi Sky x  
128 sky rangi   1  
129 moon maahìna Moon, month 37, 5  
129 moon ma'ina   37, 5  
130 star 'etu   1  
131 cloud word info ao Cloud (Tgr) 12  
132 fog ko'u Rain-mist (I). low cloud round mountain (Jnu) 1, 47  
133 rain ua Rain 1  
133 rain ua   1  
134 thunder atutiri Thunder(Tgr) 14  
134 thunder atutiri   14  
135 lightning uira Lightning 2  
136 wind matagi Wind x  
136 wind hau Souffler, etre bruyant (se dit du vent seul) (Jnu) 10  
136 wind matangi   1, 66  
137 to blow word info agi(agi) Blow gently x  
137 to blow word info puì Souffler (Jnu) x  
137 to blow word info pu'i   6  
138 warm word info maàna Warm x  
138 warm word info ma'ana   1, 72  
139 cold word info makariri Cold, chilly 1, 52  
139 cold word info anu Cold, coldness (Jnu) 8  
139 cold word info makariri   1, 52  
140 dry word info maro   13  
141 wet rari Be wet (Jnu) 9  
141 wet maku As moist (Tgr) 10  
141 wet ranga      
142 heavy teimaha Heavy 46, 66  
142 heavy kikikiki      
143 fire ahi Fire, flame (Tgr) x  
143 fire a'i   1  
144 to burn word info ta'u Set alight, burn, tend fire 8  
144 to burn word info tutu   1, 6  
144 to burn word info ka'a   62  
145 smoke word info auahi   2  
146 ash e'u   1  
146 ash ngara'u soot, charcoal 67, 60  
147 black kerekere Bluish-black, as very deep sea 5  
147 black uri Black, dark 7  
147 black kerekere   5  
148 white tea White, blanched (Tgr) 8  
148 white tea   8  
149 red kura Red 13  
149 red kura   13  
150 yellow rengarenga   10  
151 green moto Green, unripe 1, 10  
151 green moto   1, 10  
152 small rikiriki Etre petit 66  
152 small poto Short x  
152 small ningore      
153 big nui Big, many 11  
153 big ru'aru'a      
154 short word info poto Short 9  
154 short word info poto   9  
155 long word info roa   12, 105  
156 thin word info rikiriki      
157 thick word info matoru Thick x  
157 thick word info mātoru   3  
158 narrow komakoma Strait, narrow (Tgr) 10  
158 narrow kokoma A narrow place, a strait, a defile (Tgr) 10  
158 narrow āiti   89  
159 wide 'ata'ata      
160 painful, sick mamae Mal, douleur, souffrance (Rch) 10  
160 painful, sick mamae   10  
161 shy, ashamed àkamaa Be ashamed (I) x  
161 shy, ashamed 'akāma   1  
162 old word info taito Ancient, antique (Tgr) x  
162 old word info te'ito   10  
163 new 'ou New 1  
163 new 'ou   1  
164 good reka Pleasant 14  
164 good meitetaki Beautiful, good, soft, sweet (Tgr) x  
164 good porotu   125  
164 good mariʔe   16  
165 bad, evil kino   9  
166 correct, true tika True, right, just (Tgr) 9  
166 correct, true mau   10  
167 night poo Night x  
167 night   1  
168 day ao Day (not night) 1, 54  
168 day ao   1, 54  
169 year tau Season, year 1  
170 when? word info ahea Quand sera-ce? (Jnu) x  
170 when? word info a 'ea   5  
171 to hide word info pupuni To hide; be enclosed, shut in 1  
171 to hide word info pupuni   1  
172 to climb word info piki   6  
173 at i At x  
173 at iki   1  
174 in, inside roto   5  
175 above ruga Above 9  
175 above runga   9  
176 below raro Under, below 8  
176 below raro   8  
176 below raro   8  
177 this tenei This 7, 1  
179 near tata Near 9  
180 far mamao Eloigne, de loin (Jnu) x  
180 far mama'o   13  
181 where? word info 'ea Where? (Jnu) 3, 35  
181 where? word info 'ea   3, 35  
182 I au   1, 21  
183 thou koe You (Sing.) 1  
183 thou koe You (Sing.) 1  
183 thou koe   1  
184 he/she iakoia 'ona is used also today due to influence from Tahitian. 1, 42  
185 we word info tāua dual incl. 1, 29  
186 you korua Second person dual pronoun (Tgr) x  
186 you kotou Second person plural pronoun (Jnu) 16  
186 you kōrua dual 16  
186 you kōtou plural 16  
187 they rāua dual x  
187 they rātou plural 1, 72  
188 what? word info What? x  
188 what? word info a'a   1  
189 who? word info ai Who? (Jnu) 1  
189 who? word info vai Who? (I) - no [v] form-MW x  
189 who? word info ai   1  
191 all kouroa      
192 and e   8  
194 how? word info pe'ea   11  
195 no, not kore   11  
196 to count tou'ara This is a counting term for any numeral that is not a multiple of 10. For example twenty is [rua rongo'uru]; 22 is [rua rongo'uru e rua tou'ara]. Not exactly 'to count', but the closest to a counting-type term in the language. 8  
197 One word info etaì One x  
197 One word info ta'i   41  
198 Two word info rua Two 1  
199 Three word info toru Three 1  
200 Four word info à Four x  
200 Four word info 'a   1, 66  
201 Five word info rima Five, hand-arm.(Source: Pollex) 1  
202 Six word info ono   1  
203 Seven word info 'itu   1  
204 Eight word info varu   3  
205 Nine word info iva   5, 44  
206 Ten word info rongo'uru   5, 32, 52  
207 Twenty word info takau   4  
208 Fifty word info rima rongo'uru   1, 15  
209 One Hundred word info rau Hundred.(Source: Pollex) 2  
210 One Thousand word info mano Thousand, (previously two thousand) (Jnu).(Source: Pollex) 2  
58 wife ve'ine L from Marquesan 5, 68 L
68 needle nira L from English   L
169 year ano L from French   L

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