: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Niue

Source/Author:  POLLEX 2000 (Bruce Biggs & Ross Clark) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:niu  Glottocode: niue1239 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Tongic 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand lima Five, hand 1, 64  
2 left hema The left (side or hand) (Tgr) 11  
3 right matau Right (not left) 5, 13  
4 leg/foot vee Leg (respectful term) (McE) 1, 100  
5 to walk haele Go (formal usage) 6  
6 road/path kauhala Roadside 1  
6 road/path hala Road 1  
7 to come auaa Arrive opportunely, to happen upon (McE) 44  
8 to turn word info fuli (ACD) turn over, turn away 15  
9 to swim kakau Swim (I) 5  
9 to swim kaukau Swim (McE) 5  
9 to swim koukou Swim (McE) 5  
10 dirty palapala Dampness (McE) 7  
10 dirty pilo Dirty    
11 dust efu Dust 1  
11 dust puefu Dust crumbled(I) x  
12 skin kili Skin 1  
13 back word info tu'a   11  
14 belly manava Belly 9  
14 belly aloalo Belly, bowels (i) 10  
15 bone hui   52  
15 bone ivi Fishbone B. [<] x  
16 intestines ŋaakau Intestines 12  
17 liver ate Liver 1  
18 breast huhu Breast, breast milk (i) 1  
19 shoulder tukeua Shoulder 78?  
20 to know, be knowledgeable ilo Report, inform (Tgr) 13  
20 to know, be knowledgeable iloa Know (Tgr) 13  
21 to think mahala L from EP   L
21 to think manatu Think, consider, remember, wonder, try to understand; the mind, opinion (McE) 9  
22 to fear matakutaku To fear, be afraid 1  
23 blood toto Blood, sap, juice (McE) 4  
24 head ulu Head 1  
25 neck kakia Throat, neck [<] 20  
25 neck ua Neck 18  
25 neck ka(a)kia Neck (McE) 20  
25 neck fakakia To stretch out the neck (McE) 20  
26 hair word info fulu Hair, feathers 31  
26 hair word info lau ulu Hair of the head (Mce) 40  
27 nose ihu Nose 1  
28 to breathe fakamanava Breath 1  
29 to sniff, smell hoŋi Touch noses, smell (i), smell (Mce) 9  
30 mouth ŋutu Mouth, beak, orifice (I) (McE) 2  
31 tooth nifo Tooth 1  
32 tongue alelo Tongue 15  
33 to laugh kata Laugh 7  
34 to cry tagi To weep, cry (Mce) 1  
35 to vomit lua Vomit 8  
35 to vomit puhaki A sigh (McE) [<] x  
36 to spit anu To spit (McE) 14, 84, 121  
37 to eat kai Food, eat (mc), eat (i) 1, 47  
38 to chew word info gau Chew, as sugar cane 8  
39 to cook word info tao Bake (Mce) 10  
40 to drink inu Drink 1  
41 to bite kakati Hold in mouth (Mce) 1, 55  
41 to bite eti To bite off (as rind of sugarcane, etc)(Mce) 9, 84  
42 to suck miti Suck; absorb (McE) 8  
43 ear teliŋa Ear (Mce) 1  
44 to hear faanoŋonoŋo Hear, listen, obey (MCE) 1, 59  
45 eye mata Eye, face 1  
46 to see mata Look at (Mce) 8  
47 to yawn fakamamanga To open the mouth (Mce) 19, 5  
47 to yawn mamao Yawn 19, 28  
47 to yawn mamao DUP x  
48 to sleep mohe Sleep 10, 109  
49 to lie down word info takoto Pollex 06: Takoto. :Lie down. 7, 10  
50 to dream miti Dream 36  
51 to sit nofo Sit, dwell 16  
52 to stand tuu Stand, be upright 2  
53 person/human being taŋata Man, person, mankind (Mce) 1, 66, 97  
54 man/male taane Male, husband (Mce) 1, 11  
55 woman/female fifine Woman (Wtr) 1, 106  
55 woman/female -fine Female 1, 41  
56 child tamaikiiki Children (McE) 6, 64  
57 husband taane Male, husband (Mce) 14  
58 wife hama Wife (fig.) (McE)    
58 wife hoana   8  
59 mother matua fifina parent female 4  
60 father matua taane parent male 9  
61 house kaina Home, land, homeland (Sph) 6  
61 house fale   14  
62 thatch/roof ato To cover (mainly refers to covering a shelter with leaves, or to cover an area of land with leaves (Sph) 1  
63 name hinga Name 6  
63 name higoa   6  
64 to say ke pehe   59  
65 rope toua Rope, cord (McE) (Tgr) 9  
66 to tie up, fasten fa(fa)u Construct by tying 11  
66 to tie up, fasten fafau bind together (McE) 11  
66 to tie up, fasten liilii Arrange a raft (I) 14  
66 to tie up, fasten lilii Bind 14  
67 to sew word info tui Thread pierced objects, sew (I)(McE) 13, 16  
68 needle hika Net needle (i) 9  
69 to hunt word info      
70 to shoot word info fanafiti Shoot with bow (I) 1  
71 to stab, pierce hoka Pierce, poke (Mce) 67  
71 to stab, pierce huki Pierce, stab 1, 8  
72 to hit word info paa Slap, strike, touch (I), clap (McE) 13  
72 to hit word info poki Slap (McE) [<] 6  
72 to hit word info haha Beat down 12  
72 to hit word info taa Strike, kill, adze (Mce) 10  
72 to hit word info tuki Knock, pound, mash (McE) 8  
73 to steal kaihaa Steal 7  
74 to kill taa Strike, kill, adze (McE) 8  
75 to die, be dead mate To die 1  
76 to live, be alive ola Life, health (Mce) 6  
76 to live, be alive olaola Health, recover from illness (I) 6  
77 to scratch word info alati To scratch 10  
77 to scratch word info vakuaku Scribble, scratch (Mce) 9  
77 to scratch word info laku Mix with hands [<] x  
78 to cut, hack word info iihi Split, divide, rip open (McE) 10  
78 to cut, hack word info koti Pinch, snip 9  
78 to cut, hack word info kokoti Pinch 9  
78 to cut, hack word info hele Knife, cut (I), cut up (McE) 16  
78 to cut, hack word info talai Hew, carve, chop, adze 1  
79 stick/wood akau Wood, tree 1, 26  
79 stick/wood laakau Shrub, plant (McE) [this is likely a borrowed form, however the semantic value is different to the one needed here. x  
80 to split word info matofiua Split in two (McE) 106  
81 sharp matila Pollex 06: Matila. :Sharp. 2  
82 dull, blunt      
83 to work word info gahua To work; job, occupation (Sph)    
83 to work word info galue A feast (Sph) [<] 11  
83 to work word info gahua DUP x  
84 to plant too To plant; to conceive (of a woman) (McE) 4  
85 to choose fifili Choose, select (MCE) 1  
86 to grow word info tupu Grow, spring up, be descended from (McE) 1  
87 to swell word info fufula To swell 7  
88 to squeeze word info fofota Squeeze, throttle, press (McE) 8, 2, 93  
88 to squeeze word info lomi Press 10  
88 to squeeze word info tatau Wring, strain, press out (Mce) 13  
89 to hold word info kuku Draw together, embrace, grasp, hold 12  
89 to hold word info hapo Take in the hand 15  
90 to dig keli To dig 1  
91 to buy taui To pay, reward, revenge (McE) 9, 13  
92 to open, uncover afangi To open (McE) 9  
93 to pound, beat word info tuki Knock, pound, mash (McE) 2  
94 to throw word info velo Pollex 06: Velo. :Throw (Mce). 38  
95 to fall word info mokulu Fall (as ripe fruit) (McE) 11  
96 dog kulii Dog 7  
97 bird manu Animal 1  
97 bird manulele Bird 1  
97 bird manu lele Bird (not animal) 1  
98 egg      
99 feather palaa Long tail-feathers of a bird (McE) 5  
100 wing tapakau Wing of a bird, fin of a fish (McE) 1, 59  
100 wing pekau Wing of a bird, fin of a fish (McE) 1, 59  
100 wing peehau Wing of a bird or other flying creature (McE) 1, 81  
101 to fly lele Fly (McE) 11  
102 rat kumaa Rat 13  
103 meat/flesh kakano Flesh, meaning (Mce) 14  
103 meat/flesh kiko Flesh; female genitalia 10  
104 fat/grease gako Dripping, cooking-oil (Sph) 14  
104 fat/grease huni Greasy 12  
105 tail hiku End, tail 13  
106 snake gata Snake 12  
107 worm (earthworm) kelemutu Pollex 06: Kelemutu. :Earthworm. 9  
108 louse word info kutu Louse 1  
108 louse word info tuma Louse (McE) 3  
109 mosquito namu Mosquito 1  
110 spider kufani      
111 fish ika Fish 1  
112 rotten word info pala Ripe, rotten (I), wet, clammy (McE) 13  
112 rotten word info palapopo Rotting on ground (McE) 13, 14  
112 rotten word info popo Rotten 14  
113 branch word info laa (sg) 1  
113 branch word info laalaa (pl). Small branch (McE) B. [<] 1  
114 leaf lau Leaf 1  
114 leaf au Thatch (McE) 1  
115 root aka Creeper, Kudzu Bean (Pueraria thunbergiana) (McE) 2  
116 flower fiti Flower 8  
117 fruit fua Fruit, bear fruit 1  
118 grass      
119 earth/soil kelekele Earth, soil 10  
120 stone fatukalaa Rough volcanic stone 1  
120 stone patu Rock 1  
120 stone maka Stone, pebble, rock 4  
121 sand one Sand 1  
121 sand oneone Sand 1  
122 water word info vai Water 2  
123 to flow tafe To flow (I) 10  
124 sea moana Sea beyond the reef, ocean 10  
124 sea tahi Sea 1  
124 sea vaha Open sea (McE) 12  
125 salt matima   3  
126 lake loto Pool, lakelet (McE) 6  
126 lake namo Lake, pond 7  
127 woods/forest ulu Grove, clump (i), plantation, group (Mce) 15  
127 woods/forest vao Forest 14  
128 sky      
129 moon mahina Moon (Bgs) 37, 5  
130 star fetuu Star 1  
131 cloud word info aolagi Cloud 12  
132 fog      
133 rain uha Rain 1  
134 thunder halulu Pollex 06: Halulu. :Thunder; to thunder, reverberate.    
134 thunder pakūlagi lit: roar, sky    
135 lightning uhila Lightning 2  
136 wind mataŋi Wind 1, 66  
136 wind havili Blow softly, gentle breeze 11  
137 to blow word info angi Light breeze (I), blow generally gentle breeze (McE) 8  
137 to blow word info aangi Blow gently (of wind) (Ndc) 8  
137 to blow word info ifi Blow 5  
137 to blow word info puhi Blow (I), spurt out, blow out (McE) 6  
137 to blow word info havili Blow softly, gentle breeze 11  
138 warm word info mafana Warm 1, 72  
139 cold word info makalili Cold, chilly 1, 52  
140 dry word info maha Empty, dry 11  
140 dry word info pakaka Scorched (i) [<] x  
141 wet      
142 heavy mamafa Heavy 46  
143 fire afi Fire 1  
144 to burn word info tafu Make fire, light fire, tend fire, cook (I) 8  
144 to burn word info tungi To kindle, to light a fire 1, 7  
145 smoke word info ahu Smoke 2  
146 ash efuefu Ashes (I) 1  
147 black uli Black, dark coloured (i), black (Mce) 7  
148 white tea White, light-coloured, fair skinned (McE) 8  
149 red kula Red 13  
150 yellow ago   9  
151 green lanu laukou   12  
152 small ikiiki Small 1  
152 small likiliki Small (Motu dialect) (McE) 66  
152 small pukupuku Small, medium-sized (McE) 12  
153 big lahi Large 12  
154 short word info pukupuku Small, medium-sized (McE) 3  
155 long word info loa Long 12, 105  
156 thin word info aleale Pollex 06: Aleale. :Thin, transparent (Sph).    
157 thick word info matolu Thick 3  
158 narrow lautote Pollex 06: Lau/tote. :Narrow.    
159 wide laulahi Wide, broad 73, 9  
160 painful, sick maki Pollex 06: Maki. :Sickness, illness, sore. 1  
161 shy, ashamed maa Ashamed 1  
162 old word info tuai Old, ancient; marks perfect aspect (McE) 48  
163 new foou New 1  
164 good -melie Pleasing, good 16  
165 bad, evil      
166 correct, true hakotika hako 107  
166 correct, true tika L from EP lgs 9 L
166 correct, true tonu Proper, right (McE) 8  
167 night poo Night 1  
167 night pouli-   1, 10  
168 day aho Day (not night) 1, 54  
168 day aho DUP x  
169 year tau Year, season (Mce) 1  
170 when? word info fe_ (ACD)which?, where?, when? 5  
171 to hide word info      
172 to climb word info      
173 at i At (preposed particle) 1  
174 in, inside loto Inside, pool 5  
175 above lunga Above 9  
176 below lalo Below, under 8  
177 this      
178 that ia demonstrative: that, those 1  
179 near tata Near (Mce) 9  
180 far mamao Distant 13  
181 where? word info fee Where? which? when? (MCE) [<] 3, 35  
181 where? word info fee Where? 3, 35  
182 I au First person singular pronoun (Focus) 1, 21  
182 I kau First person singular pronoun 1, 21  
182 I -ku First person singular (Possessive) x  
183 thou koe Second person singular, thou 1  
183 thou koe Second person singular, thou 1  
184 he/she ia He, she, it (McE) 1  
185 we word info taua   1, 29  
185 we word info tautolu   1, 39  
185 we word info maua   2, 29  
185 we word info mautolu   2, 39  
186 you      
187 they laua   x  
187 they maua   x  
188 what? word info haa what?, why? 84  
189 who? word info hai Who 1  
190 other falu Pollex 06: Falu. :Some, other (Mce). 74  
191 all katoa All, total 13  
191 all gotoa All, everyone, whole. Archaic, used in church (Sph) 13  
192 and ma And (not confined to numerals) 2  
192 and mo And, with, for, nor, as, in, from (McE) 9  
193 if      
194 how? word info feefee How? 11  
194 how? word info pehe Thus 11  
195 no, not tee Negative (McE) 111  
196 to count totou Read, count (McE) 8, 80  
197 One word info taha One [<] 41  
198 Two word info ua Two 1  
199 Three word info tolu Three (McE) 1  
200 Four word info faa four 1, 66  
201 Five word info lima Five, hand.(Source: Pollex) 1  
202 Six word info ono Pollex 06: Ono. :Six (Sph) 1  
203 Seven word info fitu Seven.(Source: Pollex) 1  
204 Eight word info valu Pollex 06: Valu. :Eight. 3  
205 Nine word info hiva Nine.(Source: Pollex) 5  
206 Ten word info hongofulu Ten.(Source: Pollex) 5  
207 Twenty word info tekau Twenty (only used in counting fish).(Source: Pollex) 4  
208 Fifty word info lima fiha      
209 One Hundred word info te au Hundred (McE).(Source: Pollex) 2  
210 One Thousand word info afe Thousand (Sph).(Source: Pollex) 3  

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