: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Mota

Source/Author:  Blust, From Codrington & Palmer (1896) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:mtt  Glottocode: mota1237 
Notes:  Codrington, R.H. & Palmer, J. (1896). A dictionary of the language of Mota, Sugarloaf Island, Banks Islands. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:North and Central Vanuatu:Northeast Vanuatu-Banks Islands:East Vanuatu 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
175 above avunana      
191 all gese   48  
191 all nol   15  
192 and wa   56  
192 and ta   30  
146 ash tarowo   62  
146 ash tuwus   63  
173 at apegalo      
173 at apemaragai      
13 back word info tagir   12  
13 back word info kulai   10  
165 bad, evil malkeke      
165 bad, evil tatas   1, 99  
14 belly toqai phonet. /tokpʷa-i/ 36  
176 below alalaŋana      
153 big poa   50  
153 big lava   10  
97 bird manu   1  
147 black siliga      
23 blood nara   1  
15 bone sur[iu]   52  
113 branch word info waŋarai      
18 breast sus[iu]   1  
56 child mʷera   8  
56 child natiu   5  
131 cloud word info maligo   34  
139 cold word info mamarir   1  
166 correct, true weswes   43  
168 day qoŋ   16  
10 dirty lepa   9  
10 dirty pulua   67  
96 dog kurut   7, 76  
140 dry word info mamasa   11  
140 dry word info raŋo   1, 85  
82 dull, blunt qatwono   15  
11 dust wuwua   1, 50  
43 ear qoroi   16  
119 earth/soil tano   1  
98 egg toliu   1  
204 Eight word info      
45 eye matai   1  
180 far sau   1  
180 far aras   32  
104 fat/grease garake   39  
60 father mama   1, 10  
60 father tamai   1  
99 feather ul[ui]   1  
208 Fifty word info      
143 fire av   1  
111 fish iga   1  
201 Five word info lima Five, hand-arm.(Source: Pollex) 1  
116 flower tawaga|siu   34  
132 fog marav   3, 32  
200 Four word info vat   1, 65  
117 fruit woai   1, 26  
164 good wia   1  
118 grass valis   1  
151 green gesagesaga   8  
151 green turturuga   70  
26 hair word info ului   31  
1 hand panei   14  
184 he/she [i]neia   1, 6  
24 head qatiu   9  
142 heavy mava   46  
61 house imʷa   1  
194 how? word info gasavai   13  
194 how? word info gasei   13  
194 how? word info tamʷavea      
57 husband rasoai   2, 64  
182 I [i]nau   1, 21, 22  
193 if menigiu      
174 in, inside loloi   1  
174 in, inside a-lo   1  
174 in, inside i-lo   1  
16 intestines tinai   1  
126 lake pei lava   21  
114 leaf no   1  
114 leaf naui   1  
2 left galao   14  
4 leg/foot raŋoi   17  
135 lightning vila   26  
17 liver varai   17  
155 long word info tole      
108 louse word info wut   1  
54 man/male ata [AF] means 'person', not 'male' 14  
103 meat/flesh visogoi   10  
129 moon vula   1  
109 mosquito nam[u]   1  
59 mother veve   20  
30 mouth valai   42  
63 name sasai   66  
158 narrow kokota   26  
179 near peteŋ      
179 near wenwen      
179 near rivtag   101  
25 neck nenei   63  
68 needle      
163 new garaqa   9  
167 night qoŋ   1  
205 Nine word info      
195 no, not tagai   10  
27 nose manui   14  
162 old word info mosiu   1, 118  
162 old word info tuai (of long duration) 1, 35  
197 One word info tuwale   9  
209 One Hundred word info      
210 One Thousand word info      
190 other tuara   61  
160 painful, sick gopa (sick) 50, 102  
160 painful, sick woso (be in pain)    
53 person/human being ta-nun   4, 51  
133 rain wena   51  
102 rat gasuwe   3  
149 red memea   1  
149 red soroga      
3 right matua (<M) 5, 37  
6 road/path mate-sala   1, 43  
115 root gariu (<+wakaRi?) 2, 41  
65 rope tali (Tryon ?ae) 1  
112 rotten word info naru   19  
125 salt nawo   30  
121 sand one   1  
124 sea lama   14  
124 sea nawo   42  
203 Seven word info      
81 sharp tup      
154 short word info qatutui   9?  
19 shoulder qatagpanei   36, 65?  
161 shy, ashamed apegalo      
161 shy, ashamed apemaragai   34  
202 Six word info      
12 skin vinitiu   28  
128 sky tuka   62  
152 small mantagai /rig/ is rare    
145 smoke word info as[u]   2  
106 snake mʷata   12  
110 spider marawa   32  
130 star vitu   1  
79 stick/wood tan-gae   1  
120 stone vat   1  
105 tail goloi   24  
206 Ten word info      
178 that ine   1?  
178 that ilone   1?  
62 thatch/roof no-ota <M sago leaf' 1, 61  
187 they [i] neira   1, 33  
157 thick word info matoltol   3  
156 thin word info mavinvin (<M) 1, 50  
177 this ike   46  
177 this iloke      
183 thou [i]niko   1, 17, 18  
199 Three word info tole   1  
134 thunder manu   37  
41 to bite ŋau   42  
41 to bite ŋit   58  
137 to blow word info sawu   12  
137 to blow word info uw   4, 81  
28 to breathe mapsag   14  
144 to burn word info siŋ   9  
91 to buy girei   48  
91 to buy wol   1  
38 to chew word info gat *kaRat 22  
85 to choose ilo-raka   30  
172 to climb word info kalo   49  
172 to climb word info rap   37  
7 to come vano ma   23, 1  
39 to cook word info taru   9  
39 to cook word info ur   9  
39 to cook word info tuntin   9  
196 to count liwun   1, 13  
34 to cry taŋ[i] note semantics 1  
34 to cry rarao note semantics 68  
78 to cut, hack word info tara   1  
75 to die, be dead mate   1  
90 to dig gil   1  
90 to dig nur      
50 to dream qore   10  
40 to drink un   1  
40 to drink ima   51  
37 to eat gan[a]   1  
95 to fall word info mʷas[u]   57  
22 to fear gogolo cf mataataa (rare) 57  
123 to flow sale   38  
123 to flow wera   31  
101 to fly rowo rowo - only in compounds? 1  
101 to fly gawa   14  
86 to grow word info totou   4  
44 to hear roŋo|tag   1, 55  
171 to hide word info liŋarag   60?  
171 to hide word info vara      
72 to hit word info tut   8  
72 to hit word info vus   86  
89 to hold word info taur note semantics of alternatives 35  
69 to hunt word info ganagana (Tryon)    
74 to kill vus mate   26, 2  
20 to know, be knowledgeable gilala   18  
33 to laugh mʷarae   87  
49 to lie down word info risa   75  
76 to live, be alive es maur in compounds 24  
92 to open, uncover tawalag   55  
84 to plant riv   9  
93 to pound, beat word info tipa   12?  
64 to say vava   13  
64 to say vet   47  
77 to scratch word info gagata   1?  
77 to scratch word info karu   44  
46 to see ilo   14  
67 to sew word info susur   15, 59  
70 to shoot word info tiqa   8  
51 to sit pute   116  
48 to sleep matur   1  
29 to sniff, smell soman   15  
36 to spit anus   14, 84  
80 to split word info [gara]wora   1  
88 to squeeze word info gavir      
88 to squeeze word info totos      
71 to stab, pierce as   34  
71 to stab, pierce sar   14  
52 to stand tira   54  
52 to stand tur   2, 69  
73 to steal palu   23  
42 to suck sus   25  
42 to suck sis   25  
87 to swell word info riga   23  
87 to swell word info sis   11?  
9 to swim gagao   5  
9 to swim garu   5  
21 to think nonom actually <*dodomi 13  
94 to throw word info vivir   30  
66 to tie up, fasten vil      
8 to turn word info viro   24  
35 to vomit lua   8  
5 to walk van[o]   2  
83 to work word info mawmawui   29  
47 to yawn mamaova   19  
32 tongue garamʷea|i   7, 14  
31 tooth liwoi   1, 35  
207 Twenty word info      
198 Two word info rua   1  
138 warm word info titin   12  
138 warm word info titkeliga      
122 water word info pei   28  
185 we word info [i]nina   1?  
185 we word info [i]kamam   2  
141 wet nima      
188 what? word info sava   1  
170 when? word info [a]ŋaisa   1, 24  
181 where? word info vea   3, 35  
148 white wowoga   13, 93  
148 white aqaga   13  
189 who? word info [i]sei   1  
159 wide tawela   34  
58 wife rasoai   1  
136 wind laŋ <+laNit?) 1, 77  
100 wing panei   2  
55 woman/female vavine   1, 106  
127 woods/forest uta   7  
127 woods/forest mʷot   60  
107 worm (earthworm) sulate   1, 8  
169 year tau   1  
150 yellow aŋoaŋo   9  
150 yellow pepega      
186 you [i] kamiu   1, 13  

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