: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Uvea, West

Source/Author:  Hollyman 1987 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:uve  Glottocode: west2516 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill/Mary Walworth  Checked By: Simon Greenhill/Mary Walworth 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Nuclear:Samoic-Outlier:Futunic 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
57 husband      
93 to pound, beat word info      
118 grass      
125 salt      
141 wet      
190 other      
191 all      
192 and      
193 if      
208 Fifty word info      
210 One Thousand word info      
7 to come 'au mai   1, 44  
170 when? word info afea Quand? (Hmn) 5  
143 fire afi Feu (Hmn) 1  
189 who? word info ai Pollex 06: Who? (Hmn). 1  
115 root aka Root 2  
6 road/path ala Road 1  
77 to scratch word info alatia Gratter (quelque partie du corps) (Hmn) 10  
175 above aluŋa Au-dessus; vers le haut; surface; partie sup√©rieure (Hmn) 9  
36 to spit anusi   14, 84  
131 cloud word info ao   12  
168 day ao Day (not night) 1, 54  
17 liver ate Liver 1  
145 smoke word info au Smoke 2  
182 I au I, me 1, 21  
137 to blow word info aŋiaŋi Blow 8  
107 worm (earthworm) biget L from Iaai (Ozanne-Rivierre 1994)   L
69 to hunt word info bosi possible loan from Iaai    
42 to suck cemi ina   7  
178 that dela   65  
178 that dena   1  
177 this denei Pollex 06: Denei. :This. 7, 1  
153 big efa   13  
200 Four word info fa Four 1, 66  
55 woman/female fafine Woman 1, 106  
58 wife fafine Woman 5, 68  
32 tongue fagalelo   15  
45 eye faimata   1  
61 house fale House 14  
8 to turn word info faliu   2  
70 to shoot word info fana Arc, tirer ... l'arc (Hmn) 1  
120 stone fatu Pierre, caillou 1  
134 thunder fatutuli   14  
106 snake fei Pollex 06: <Fei. :Snake (1888)>.; This may very well be a Greek loan?    
130 star fetū   1  
55 woman/female fine Woman, girl, female, wife (Dty) 1, 41  
58 wife fine Woman, girl, female, wife (Dty) 5, 89  
117 fruit fua Fruit 1  
87 to swell word info fufula   7  
92 to open, uncover fukea   1, 63  
99 feather fulu Pollex 06: Fulu. :Feathers. 1  
205 Nine word info fā honu tupu      
163 new fōu New 1  
83 to work word info gaobi L from Iaai   L
183 thou ge (Ply) 5  
186 you ge (Ply) 1  
185 we word info gima L from Iaai 2 L
104 fat/grease giris L from Eng   L
186 you godou (Ply) 16  
183 thou goe You (Sing.) 1  
183 thou goe You (Sing.) 1  
5 to walk haele L from EUvea or Tongan 6 L
62 thatch/roof hagoe L from NC lgs - likely Iaai (Ozanne-Rivierre 1994)   L
188 what? word info hea   83  
195 no, not hee L from Euvean or Tongan (Ozanne-Rivierre 1994) 13 L
74 to kill hliŋeina L from Iaai (Ozanne-Rivierre 1994)   L
28 to breathe homena Loan from Iaai   L
173 at i At 1  
181 where? word info i fea Where? 3, 35  
184 he/she ia Third person singular personal pronoun 1  
111 fish ika   1  
20 to know, be knowledgeable iloa   13  
40 to drink inu Drink 1  
103 meat/flesh io   10  
80 to split word info isia   7  
27 nose isu Nose 1  
85 to choose itra ina      
15 bone ivi   52, 5  
63 name iŋoa Pollex 06: Ingoa. :Name. 6  
37 to eat kai Food, eat 1, 47  
73 to steal kaia Steal 7  
9 to swim kakau Swim 5  
172 to climb word info kake Climb 32  
165 bad, evil kakino   9  
33 to laugh kata Laugh 7  
9 to swim kaua Swim (Hmn) 5  
10 dirty kele   10  
119 earth/soil kele Earth 10  
90 to dig kelia Dig (a hole) 1  
12 skin kili   1  
102 rat kimoa   14  
185 we word info kita First person inclusive marker (Ply) 1  
46 to see kitea   1  
89 to hold word info kukumi   1  
96 dog kuli   7  
89 to hold word info kumia   1  
108 louse word info kutu   1, 6  
120 stone kōfatu Hard, light-brown stone [<] 1, 39  
176 below lalo   8  
187 they latou   1, 72  
114 leaf lau Leaf 1  
159 wide lauefa   73, 48  
158 narrow lauliki Pollex 06: Lauliki. :Narrow (Leverd). 84  
26 hair word info lauulu   40  
128 sky laŋi Sky 1  
146 ash lefu   67  
101 to fly lele Fly 11  
1 hand lima Five; hand-arm 1, 64  
201 Five word info lima Five, hand-arm.(Source: Pollex) 1  
209 One Hundred word info lima a tēnua      
155 long word info loa Long 12, 105  
88 to squeeze word info lomia Press down with hand 10  
21 to think loto      
174 in, inside loto Interior, inside of anything; deep (Hmn) 5  
44 to hear loŋona Hear, listen 1  
198 Two word info lua Two 1  
206 Ten word info lua a lima      
203 Seven word info lua honu tupu      
35 to vomit lulua Vomit 8  
79 stick/wood lākau   1, 26  
113 branch word info lālā Branch 1  
66 to tie up, fasten lītia Tie up 14  
138 warm word info mafana Lukewarm 1, 72  
139 cold word info makalili Cold 1, 52  
140 dry word info malō Sec (Hmn) 13  
156 thin word info manifi Thin 1  
97 bird manu Animal, bird. (WUH) insect (Hmn) 1  
140 dry word info masa Dried up (of a well) 11  
129 moon masina Lune, mois (Hmn) 37, 5  
151 green mata   1  
81 sharp mata kakai   14, 16  
22 to fear mataku Afraid, fear 1  
3 right matau Right-handed, skilful (Hmn) 5, 13  
136 wind mataŋi Wind 1, 66  
75 to die, be dead mate Dead, ill 1  
162 old word info matua   1  
149 red melo Red 1, 16  
150 yellow melo Yellow 11?  
50 to dream miti Dream 36  
48 to sleep moe Sleep 10, 109  
49 to lie down word info moe   6  
105 tail mokunen L from Iaai   L
160 painful, sick momae Pain (1880 WUM) (Hmn) 10  
142 heavy momafa Heavy, pregnancy 46  
160 painful, sick mumae Distress, pain, toil (Hmn) 10  
142 heavy mumaha   46  
180 far mumao Far off, distant 13  
171 to hide word info mumuni   1, 67  
64 to say muna   129  
161 shy, ashamed Be ashamed (Hmn) 1  
164 good mārie Good 16  
126 lake mātai      
157 thick word info mātolu   3  
76 to live, be alive māuli Pollex 06: Maauli. :Life, living, to live (Hmn). 1, 76  
194 how? word info nafea   11, 51  
109 mosquito namu   1  
31 tooth nifo   1  
51 to sit Var. hnō, noho 16  
47 to yawn ohaem L from NC lgs - likely Iaai (Ozanne-Rivierre 1994)   L
121 sand one Sand 1  
19 shoulder pakakau   22  
100 wing pakakau Epaule, aile, nageoire de tortue (Hmn) 1, 59, 88  
82 dull, blunt petu   1  
112 rotten word info popo Rotten 14  
167 night Night 1  
132 fog sahot L from NC lgs -likely Iaai (Ozanne-Rivierre 1994)   L
11 dust sasa L from NC lgs - likely Iaai (Ozanne-Rivierre 1994)   L
68 needle sau   1  
116 flower sei Pollex 06: Sei. :Flower (Hmn). 9  
2 left sema Gauche (Hmn) 11  
68 needle sika Netting needle 9  
148 white sina Pollex 06: Sina. :White. 66  
95 to fall word info siŋa Fall 44  
86 to grow word info somo (Coco) germant; germer (Hmn) 7  
29 to sniff, smell soŋi Pollex 06: Smell (sth.) (Hmn). 9  
29 to sniff, smell soŋia Pollex 06: Smell (sth.) (Hmn). 9  
71 to stab, pierce suki Pollex 06: Suki. :Spear, stab, pierce. 1, 8  
123 to flow tafe   10  
144 to burn word info tafuna Light a fire. (WUH) cook over fire (Hmn) 8  
197 One word info tahi L from EUvea 41 L
202 Six word info tahi hona tupu      
122 water word info tai Pollex 06: Tai. :Water (kind of water is marked by adjectives) (Hmn). 2  
124 sea tai   1  
179 near taiaki   43  
43 ear taliŋa   1  
56 child tama   6  
60 father tamana Pollex 06: Tamana. :Father (Hmn). 1  
39 to cook word info taona Cook in earth oven 10  
169 year tau Year 1  
196 to count tau Also: taua 8  
91 to buy taui Payment; pay (Hmn) 9, 13  
91 to buy tauia Payment; pay (Hmn) 9, 13  
53 person/human being taŋata Man 1, 66, 97  
54 man/male taŋata Man 12, 14  
34 to cry taŋi Cry 1  
14 belly tinae Belly 19, 34  
16 intestines tinae   1  
59 mother tinana Mother 1  
94 to throw word info titī Also tīa 9  
84 to plant tokia Semer, planter (Hmn) 4, 5  
152 small tokoisi   141  
199 Three word info tolu Three 1  
204 Eight word info tolu honu tupu      
166 correct, true tonu Correct 8  
23 blood toto Blood 4  
154 short word info totoe      
13 back word info tua   11  
67 to sew word info tuia Sew 13, 16  
65 rope tukutuku Pollex 06: Tuku/tuku. :Rope (slack) (Hmn).    
72 to hit word info also: tāia 10  
207 Twenty word info tēnua      
52 to stand Stand 2  
78 to cut, hack word info tūtia Couper 17  
25 neck ua   18  
133 rain ua   1  
147 black uli Black 7  
24 head ulu Head 1  
65 rope umaea Pollex 06: U/maea/. :Rope (U 1888) (Hmn). 10  
4 leg/foot vae Foot, leg (Hmn) 1, 100  
127 woods/forest vao Forest 14  
189 who? word info wai Pollex 06: Who? (Hmn). 1, 19  
110 spider wale lemo L from Iaai   L
98 egg wākuny L from Iaai   L
135 lightning wīla Lightning 2  
165 bad, evil ŋaio      
38 to chew word info ŋaua Chew (cane, purau etc.) (Hmn) 8  
30 mouth ŋutu Pollex 06: Ngutu. :Mouth, beak, muzzle (Hmn). 2  
18 breast ū Sein (Hmn) 1  
41 to bite ū   8  
127 woods/forest ūlakau Grove 15, 13  

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