: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Kiribati

Source/Author:  Bingham & Sabatier via Stephen Trussel and Gordon 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:gil  Glottocode: gilb1244 
Notes:  A Combined Kiribati-English Dictionary based on the works of Hiram Bingham, D.D. and Father Ernest Sabatier, M.S.C. (translated by Sr. M. Oliva) with additional scientific material from Luomala, Goo & Banner. Compiled by Stephen Trussel and Gordon W. Groves, University of Hawaii, 1978 ( 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Francisc Czobor  Checked By:  
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Micronesian:Micronesian Proper:Ikiribati 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand bái hand, arm, wing, fin 8  
2 left máing left, left-hand, left-handed person 13  
3 right átai the right, the right hand of, right handed 5, 40  
4 leg/foot wáe a leg, a foot 1, 100  
5 to walk karae      
5 to walk nákonako   1  
5 to walk butæ      
5 to walk nuwae      
6 road/path káwai road, way, route, path, street    
7 to come ke   16  
7 to come ki   16  
7 to come róko róko means also; see Bender et al. (2003) given as "come, arrive" 9  
8 to turn word info tan   59  
8 to turn word info tæn   59  
9 to swim uáua      
10 dirty baitoto      
10 dirty bakanana      
10 dirty baáreka      
10 dirty korowawa      
11 dust búbu smoke, dust, sawdust    
12 skin kun skin, peel, bark, crust, membrane 1  
13 back word info áku   12  
14 belly bíroto abdomen    
15 bone ri   2  
16 intestines kanoa n nano bowels, intestines    
17 liver áto   1  
18 breast b'aáb'aa lower part of the breast x  
18 breast úb'a upper part of the breast x  
19 shoulder ánga      
20 to know, be knowledgeable atá to know, to be aware of, to understand 35  
21 to think iango      
22 to fear maákina not sure of -kina bit here, but Bender et al. (2003) give ma-aku 'afraid' and ma-aka 'fear s/one', so I've coded as cognate 1  
22 to fear makina not sure of -kina bit here, but Bender et al. (2003) give ma-aku 'afraid' and ma-aka 'fear s/one', so I've coded as cognate 1  
23 blood rara   1  
24 head átu   9  
25 neck roróa      
26 hair word info íra n átu hair of the head    
27 nose b'áiri   1, 12  
28 to breathe ike to respire, to breathe    
29 to sniff, smell aroki to smell or scent an odour 1  
29 to sniff, smell neneboi to smell or scent an odour    
30 mouth wi teeth, tooth, mouth, beak, point, needle    
31 tooth wi teeth, tooth, mouth, beak, point, needle 54  
32 tongue néwe   17  
33 to laugh ngáre laughter    
34 to cry tang   1  
34 to cry baebaeta      
35 to vomit múmuta   1  
36 to spit baáware      
37 to eat kang   1  
37 to eat kana   1  
37 to eat matamu      
37 to eat ám'arake      
38 to chew word info kanta to chew    
38 to chew word info mama to masticate 1  
39 to cook word info kám'a   11  
39 to cook word info kama   11  
40 to drink nima   1, 74  
40 to drink mói   1  
41 to bite ténaa      
42 to suck nam to smack lips, to taste, to suck    
43 ear taninga   1  
43 ear tæninga   1  
44 to hear óngo   1  
45 eye mata eye, look 1  
45 eye mæta figure, face 1  
46 to see nóra      
47 to yawn ka   31  
47 to yawn kararæ   31  
47 to yawn nimæn      
48 to sleep matu   1  
48 to sleep mætu   1  
48 to sleep mwe      
49 to lie down word info wéne to lie down 1  
50 to dream mi   1, 37  
50 to dream mia   1, 37  
50 to dream mitara      
51 to sit tékateka to sit, to sit down    
52 to stand teirake to stand up, to get up    
53 person/human being aomata man, human, native 67, 70  
54 man/male m'aáne male 1  
54 man/male mane man 1  
55 woman/female áine female, woman, feminine 1, 47  
56 child atáei   7, 84  
56 child nati   5  
56 child næti   5  
56 child teéi   7  
56 child tei   7  
57 husband bu spouse 16  
57 husband kainaba husband, wife    
58 wife bu spouse 10  
58 wife kainaba husband, wife    
59 mother tína   1  
60 father táma   1  
61 house áuti      
61 house úm'a   1  
62 thatch/roof áto thatch made of coconut leaves 1  
63 name ara   1, 18  
64 to say atónga      
64 to say táku Pn loan - JCM   L
65 rope mae string, rope, cord; Pn loan - JCM   L
66 to tie up, fasten bae   96  
66 to tie up, fasten kabáea   96  
67 to sew word info itutu   17, 48  
67 to sew word info itua   17  
67 to sew word info itutua   17, 48  
68 needle néiran Loan? 36  
68 needle néiro Loan? 36  
69 to hunt word info katebe man to hunt with weapons    
70 to shoot word info katébea to shoot from a bow    
71 to stab, pierce ewa to pierce, to stab    
72 to hit word info bo to strike, to hit    
72 to hit word info óro to blow 15  
73 to steal ira to steal, to rob, to cheat 8  
74 to kill (ka-)márua      
74 to kill kamætea   2  
74 to kill tiri(-nga)      
75 to die, be dead mate   1  
76 to live, be alive máiu be alive, live 1, 76  
77 to scratch word info ngóa to scratch what itches    
78 to cut, hack word info kórokai to cut wood    
79 stick/wood kai wood in general: trees, plants, stick, switch, rod, 1  
80 to split word info aea      
80 to split word info b'énæ   1, 76  
80 to split word info bwena   1, 76  
81 sharp kakang   14, 68  
81 sharp mariro      
81 sharp namta      
82 dull, blunt kábubu   13  
83 to work word info kaibekua to make work, labour    
84 to plant tei   46  
84 to plant unika      
85 to choose binea to choose, to select    
86 to grow word info ríki to shoot up, to spring, to grow    
87 to swell word info bwea      
87 to swell word info uati      
88 to squeeze word info ong to squeeze, to press to extract juice    
89 to hold word info tau      
90 to dig kéna   1  
91 to buy bób'ai to buy, to sell, to trade - Eng? - JCM    
92 to open, uncover úka   1  
92 to open, uncover káuka   1  
93 to pound, beat word info íka pound as food with a pestle    
94 to throw word info kárea to cast at, to throw at 14  
95 to fall word info b'áka      
96 dog kíri   7  
97 bird man   1  
97 bird mæn   1  
98 egg bunatoi egg of bird or turtle 80  
98 egg bunætoi egg of bird or turtle 80  
99 feather buráe ni man buráe = hair, fur, feather    
100 wing bái an arm, a wing 7  
101 to fly kíba      
102 rat kimóa mouse, rat Pn loan - JCM   L
103 meat/flesh íriko flesh, muscle, meat 10  
104 fat/grease nénea grease, fat    
105 tail búki the base, the butt end, the buttocks, the tail    
106 snake náeta serpent, snake    
107 worm (earthworm) íbo worm 35  
107 worm (earthworm) ino worm 35  
107 worm (earthworm) m'áta worm 10  
108 louse word info úti   1  
109 mosquito maninnara   91  
109 mosquito mæninara   91  
110 spider areau   6  
111 fish íka fish (general term), fish of any kind 1  
112 rotten word info m'æka      
112 rotten word info mka      
112 rotten word info toto      
113 branch word info m'ánga [<] Pn; looks like a loan from Polynesian   L
114 leaf ba      
115 root wákaa   2  
115 root waka   2  
116 flower marewe      
116 flower ue      
117 fruit uaa   1  
118 grass utéute      
119 earth/soil tano earth, soil 1  
119 earth/soil tæno ground 1  
120 stone ati   1  
121 sand bíke beach sand, sand bank, sandy soil 13  
122 water word info ran fresh water 1  
122 water word info ræn fresh water 1  
122 water word info mam fresh water 60  
122 water word info mæm fresh water 60  
123 to flow raánga   70  
123 to flow ranga   70  
124 sea tari sea 1  
124 sea taári salt water, sea water. 1  
124 sea -tari   1  
124 sea taari   1  
125 salt taoro      
126 lake nama   8  
126 lake reeke      
127 woods/forest buákoakónikai a forest, woods    
128 sky kárawa heaven, the blue sky, the skies    
129 moon namakáina moon, month    
130 star ítoi   1  
131 cloud word info nang   37  
132 fog maábubu   77  
132 fog mabubu   77  
132 fog marabu      
133 rain kárau to rain; rain, rainwater 24  
134 thunder ba   15, 16  
135 lightning íti lightning, thunderbolt, electricity, light 34  
136 wind ang wind, breeze, air 1  
137 to blow word info wái a. to blow as the wind;    
137 to blow word info uka b. to blow on, to blow out 15  
138 warm word info kabue warm (weather)    
139 cold word info mariri   1  
139 cold word info mæriri   1  
140 dry word info m'áu a. dry 11  
140 dry word info taka b. to dry    
140 dry word info bataka a. dry; 14  
140 dry word info kam'áua b. to dry 11  
141 wet aoi      
141 wet maimai   99  
141 wet maki      
141 wet mæra   99  
142 heavy rawata heavy    
142 heavy tinebu weighty    
143 fire ái   1  
144 to burn word info kabueka   102  
144 to burn word info kabuóka   102  
145 smoke word info búbu      
145 smoke word info marabu      
146 ash mannang      
147 black b'áta      
147 black kun      
147 black roró      
148 white mái white 106  
148 white máina pale 106  
149 red uráura      
150 yellow méamea      
151 green mawáwa   13  
152 small kárako   118  
152 small kakárako   118  
152 small tiko      
153 big búbura "naba" - 'too, also' is the purported cognate - JCM    
153 big kora      
154 short word info kimótoto      
155 long word info anáu   13  
155 long word info anánau   13  
156 thin word info bwére      
156 thin word info manni   1  
156 thin word info mæni   1  
157 thick word info maten   3  
157 thick word info mæten   3  
158 narrow réme      
158 narrow wáriki   13  
159 wide wárebwe      
160 painful, sick áoraki sick, unwell; sickness, disease 1  
161 shy, ashamed angama      
161 shy, ashamed maama   1  
162 old word info kara old, aged, elderly    
163 new bou Bender et al. (2003:292) suggest this is a loan from a Polynesian source   L
163 new menaái      
163 new ngkáinaba      
164 good raoi   18  
164 good ráoirói   18  
164 good reréi   18  
164 good wau      
164 good kan      
165 bad, evil be      
165 bad, evil buákaka      
165 bad, evil buréti      
165 bad, evil tabobe      
166 correct, true éti a. correct;    
166 correct, true kóaua b. true, real    
167 night bong   1  
168 day ngaina day, daylight    
169 year riríki      
170 when? word info níngai   1, 24  
170 when? word info n tai ra   1, 24  
171 to hide word info karabana to cover oneself, to hide oneself    
172 to climb word info tám'a a. to climb    
172 to climb word info árarake b. ascend, climb as a mountain    
173 at i   1  
173 at ni   1  
173 at n   1  
174 in, inside i   4  
174 in, inside ni   55  
174 in, inside n   55  
174 in, inside nano   1  
175 above i eta   1  
176 below i nano   8  
177 this áei   1, 18  
178 that ae      
178 that áre   40  
178 that árei   40  
179 near kan irregular *ŋ > n 1, 75  
179 near aikan      
180 far kino      
180 far kírarewa   45  
180 far kíraroa   45  
180 far raróa   1  
181 where? word info ia   3, 48  
181 where? word info i:a   3, 48  
181 where? word info gna      
182 I ngái   12  
182 I i   x  
182 I n n: before verb x  
183 thou ngkóe   1  
183 thou ko ko: before verb 1  
184 he/she ngáia   1, 68  
184 he/she e   x  
185 we word info ngáira      
185 we word info ti ti: before verb    
186 you ngkámi      
186 you kam kam: before verb 1  
187 they ngaia      
187 they a a: before verb    
188 what? word info ra   1, 52  
188 what? word info tera   1, 52  
189 who? word info antai   9  
190 other      
191 all náko      
192 and áo      
192 and ma   2  
193 if ngkána      
194 how? word info kanga      
195 no, not kákea      
195 no, not tiáki      
196 to count wáre to count, to calculate, to enumerate, to spell, to read 10  
197 One word info teuána general word; 14  
198 Two word info uóua general word; root: ua 1  
199 Three word info tenúa general word; root: ten 1  
200 Four word info áua general word; root: a    
201 Five word info nimáua general word; root: nima 1  
201 Five word info nii-man   1  
201 Five word info nima-ua   1  
201 Five word info nima-   1  
202 Six word info onóua general word; root: ono 1  
202 Six word info one-   1  
203 Seven word info itúa general word; root: iti 1  
203 Seven word info iti-ua   1  
203 Seven word info iti-   1  
203 Seven word info itu-ua   1  
204 Eight word info wani-ua general word; root: wan, wani 3  
204 Eight word info wanua   3  
204 Eight word info wanu-ua   3  
204 Eight word info wani-   3  
205 Nine word info ruáiua general word; root: rua 27  
205 Nine word info rua-   27  
206 Ten word info bwi   38  
206 Ten word info tebwína   38  
206 Ten word info -ŋaun   5  
207 Twenty word info uábwi      
207 Twenty word info uángaun      
207 Twenty word info (ua)-iaki twenty in counting fish and rolls of dried pandanus paste    
208 Fifty word info nimábwi   10  
208 Fifty word info nimángaun   1  
208 Fifty word info nima-ŋaun   1  
208 Fifty word info nima-bwii   10  
209 One Hundred word info tebúbua one hundred 9  
209 One Hundred word info búbua hundred 9  
209 One Hundred word info (te)-bwubwua   20  
210 One Thousand word info nga thousand 18  
210 One Thousand word info ténga one thousand 18  

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