: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Woleaian

Source/Author:  Bender et al. (2003a,b) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:woe  Glottocode: wole1240 
Notes:  Bender, W.B., Goodenough, W.H., Jackson, F.H., Marck, J.C., Rehg, K.L., Sohn, H., Trussel, S. & Wang, J.W. (2003) Proto-Micronesian Reconstructions I & II. 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill  Checked By:  
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Micronesian:Micronesian Proper:Ponapeic-Trukic:Trukic 


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Showing all of 24 entries


ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
2 left      
3 right      
7 to come      
10 dirty      
11 dust      
24 head      
29 to sniff, smell      
42 to suck      
57 husband      
58 wife      
68 needle      
69 to hunt word info      
70 to shoot word info      
83 to work word info      
91 to buy      
96 dog      
100 wing      
104 fat/grease      
106 snake      
107 worm (earthworm)      
110 spider      
111 fish      
125 salt      
126 lake      
131 cloud word info      
132 fog      
135 lightning      
138 warm word info      
140 dry word info      
148 white      
150 yellow      
158 narrow      
161 shy, ashamed      
162 old word info      
164 good      
165 bad, evil      
169 year      
175 above      
176 below      
190 other      
191 all      
194 how? word info      
207 Twenty word info      
208 Fifty word info      
1 hand paaú   8  
1 hand paú-(l)   8  
4 leg/foot peshee   15  
5 to walk fetale move by its own power, go, around and about (as verbal suffix) 8  
6 road/path yaale path/road/path of 1  
6 road/path yela-(li) path/road/path of 1  
6 road/path yen-(nape) path/roadway (< *yalalapa) 1  
8 to turn word info sape turn, face 14  
9 to swim yafe   7  
12 skin giili   1  
12 skin gili   1  
13 back word info taguru   12  
14 belly uube chest 11  
14 belly uba-(l) his c. 11  
15 bone shúú   2  
15 bone shúú-   2  
16 intestines taa   14  
17 liver yaase   1  
17 liver yase-   1  
18 breast ttú-(ú) my breast 1  
18 breast ttú-(le) her breast 1  
19 shoulder yefare   1  
19 shoulder yafera-(le)   1  
20 to know, be knowledgeable gile be clear, seen clearly, recognized 18  
21 to think maŋimeŋi to think/remember/consider/ponder/expect 11  
21 to think maŋi-i-(ye) think about it/expect it/remember it 11  
21 to think yagi-(le) for thought of it/by reason of it/because of it 12  
21 to think yagiyegi to think/ponder/consider 12  
21 to think yagi-(le) for thought of it/by reason of it/because of it 12  
21 to think yagiyegi   12  
22 to fear me-tagú-(ú) be scared of it, be afraid of it 1  
23 blood chchaa   1  
25 neck úúwe   18  
25 neck úwa-(le)   18  
26 hair word info úúle   10  
26 hair word info úle-(li)   10  
26 hair word info úleúle   10  
26 hair word info úle-fi-(i)   10  
27 nose booti   1, 12  
28 to breathe ŋaseŋase breathe rapidly/be exhausted 10  
30 mouth yaawe   36  
30 mouth yewa-(le)   36  
31 tooth ŋii   30  
31 tooth ŋii-(le)   30  
32 tongue leewe tongue 17  
32 tongue lewe-(mʷu) your tongue 17  
33 to laugh ffase to laugh/smile/chuckle 10  
33 to laugh (ge)-fase   10  
34 to cry taŋi   1  
34 to cry taŋiteŋi   1  
35 to vomit mʷmʷute to vomit, throw up 1  
36 to spit ma-ttipi to spit out 19, 53  
36 to spit ma-ttipi-(ye) to spit it out 19, 53  
37 to eat mʷoŋoo to eat food 8  
37 to eat gaŋi-(i) to eat something 1  
38 to chew word info lúúlúú chew/masticate/eat (honorific by female) 59  
38 to chew word info lúúlúú-(we) to chew betel 59  
38 to chew word info ŋú-ti-i chew it 11  
39 to cook word info mette cooked 19, 82  
39 to cook word info (ga)-met cook/prepare food 19, 82  
39 to cook word info (ga)-mett cook/prepare food 19, 82  
39 to cook word info mette   19, 82  
39 to cook word info buga-a   12  
40 to drink úlú   1  
40 to drink úlú-mi-(i)   1, 59  
40 to drink úlú-ma-(le)   1, 74  
41 to bite geigei to bite with the teeth or husk coconuts, into smaller layers 38, 73  
41 to bite kúkkú to bite/sting (as mosquitoes) 9, 74  
41 to bite gúúgúú to bite/chew/hold/squeeze 9, 74  
43 ear taliŋe ear 1  
44 to hear roŋoroŋ   1  
45 eye maate   1  
45 eye meta-(le)   1  
45 eye meta-(li)   1  
46 to see weri to see/observe 10  
46 to see weriweri to see/observe 10  
47 to yawn móó-(li-gatelú) to yawn/a yawn 19  
48 to sleep masúrú sleep 1  
48 to sleep mʷmʷe sleep well    
49 to lie down word info wolo to lie down/stretch oneself out 1  
50 to dream ttale   9  
51 to sit matto sit/squat down 18, 101  
52 to stand súú stand/take an upright position 2  
53 person/human being yare-mate   67, 70  
54 man/male mʷaale man, male 1  
55 woman/female faifile   1, 47  
55 woman/female shóó-buto woman forty to fifty years of age 7  
56 child laaú   5  
56 child laú-le   5  
56 child laúleú   5  
56 child saari   7  
56 child sari-   7  
59 mother sila-(le) his mother 1  
60 father taame father 1  
60 father tema-(li) father of 1  
61 house iimʷe   1, 48  
61 house imʷa-(le)   1, 48  
61 house imʷe-li-(i)   1, 48  
61 house imʷeimʷe   1, 48  
62 thatch/roof yaaso   1  
62 thatch/roof yaso-   1  
63 name iite   66  
63 name ita-   66  
64 to say serú to say 14  
65 rope taali rope, line 1  
65 rope tan-ni rope of 1  
66 to tie up, fasten fééféé   11  
66 to tie up, fasten féé-ti-(i)   11  
67 to sew word info teetee   2  
67 to sew word info tee-ye   2  
67 to sew word info ti-gi-(i)   2  
71 to stab, pierce togatoge pierce/stab/to stick s.t. into (a young coconut) 67  
71 to stab, pierce toutou to spear/innoculate/stab 13  
72 to hit word info tugu give a blow with the fist 8, 63  
73 to steal mʷashogo to steal 9  
73 to steal pirafe to steal/rob 8  
73 to steal pira-a to rob someone of something 8  
74 to kill lii-(ye) kill/beat it 11  
74 to kill nnii engage in beating/hitting/killing 11  
74 to kill ninnii-(ye) engage in beating/hitting/killing 11  
74 to kill lii-li engage in beating/hitting/killing 11  
75 to die, be dead mase   1  
76 to live, be alive me-lawe be alive 7  
77 to scratch word info kkéétú be itchy (from eating raw a kind of nonswamp taro) 11  
77 to scratch word info gerigeri scratch, rub 12  
78 to cut, hack word info tafatafe to cut, slice, write (by carving letters 18  
79 stick/wood raa branch of a tree, bough 2  
80 to split word info tile-ŋi-(i) open it, split it, crack it 29  
81 sharp kkaŋi   14, 68  
82 dull, blunt kkabu   13  
82 dull, blunt guu   72  
84 to plant fato   6  
84 to plant ffato   6  
84 to plant fato-gi-(i)   6  
84 to plant fato-go   6  
85 to choose fili-(i) choose it 1  
85 to choose ffili choose/decide 1  
86 to grow word info fagole   8  
86 to grow word info fagola-(a)   8  
87 to swell word info boo   9  
87 to swell word info booboo   9  
88 to squeeze word info fiyefiye to squeeze/press/wring 15  
88 to squeeze word info fiya-(a) squeeze it 15  
89 to hold word info (ge)-mʷashú-(ú) hold it 16  
89 to hold word info (ge)-mʷashú-(ú-we) grab it 16  
90 to dig keli   1  
90 to dig keli-ŋi-(i)   1  
92 to open, uncover waa-(ruu) be wide open 12  
92 to open, uncover waawaa be uncovered/large hole/opening 12  
93 to pound, beat word info bboo to pound (breadfruit) 3  
93 to pound, beat word info bboo-li-(i) pound it 3  
93 to pound, beat word info súgú-ú pound/beat/hit/hammer it 20, 2  
94 to throw word info gashe-e-(ye)   14  
95 to fall word info mʷoro to fall (as breadfruit or false teeth) 16  
95 to fall word info mʷoromʷoro drop down, be fallen 16  
97 bird ligaapi-(laai) a bird 9  
98 egg súgúnnú probable loan 1, 66  
99 feather úúle   30  
99 feather úle-(li)   30  
99 feather úleúle   30  
101 to fly yali   13  
102 rat geeshi   16  
102 rat geshi-   16  
103 meat/flesh fitigo   10  
105 tail úúgú   1  
105 tail úgú-   1  
108 louse word info gúúsú louse 1  
108 louse word info gúsú vermin 1  
109 mosquito laamʷu mosquito 1  
109 mosquito lamʷu- mosquito 1  
109 mosquito (tau)-lomʷu mosquito net 1  
112 rotten word info mashe   50  
112 rotten word info baa   17  
113 branch word info raa branch of a tree, bough 1  
114 leaf shéé   1  
114 leaf shéé-   1  
115 root wegare   2  
115 root wagera-(li)   2  
116 flower péé-(raŋe) a kind of yellow flower 10  
116 flower péé-(beshe) a kind of white flower 10  
117 fruit uwaa fruit, to bear fruit 1  
118 grass fatili   1  
119 earth/soil bbelú soil 13  
120 stone faaú   1  
120 stone faú-   1  
120 stone faasú   1  
120 stone fasú-   1  
121 sand ppiye   12  
122 water word info shaalú liquid 1  
122 water word info shalú- fresh water 1  
123 to flow heļ flow - this is Mrs - no "h" in Wol - JCM 12  
124 sea me-tawe   13  
124 sea sati-   1  
124 sea saati   1  
124 sea tati-   1  
124 sea taati   1  
127 woods/forest waalú forest 17  
127 woods/forest walú- bush, woods 17  
128 sky laaŋi sky/typhoon/rainstorm/wind 1  
128 sky laŋi- sky/typhoon/rainstorm/wind 1  
129 moon me-rame moon, month 7  
130 star fúús   1  
130 star fúsú-(li)   1  
133 rain uute rain 1  
133 rain uta- rain 1  
134 thunder pachche   15, 16  
136 wind yaaŋi   1  
136 wind yaŋi-   1  
136 wind yaŋiyeŋi   1  
137 to blow word info péépéé blow gently (as a breeze) 14  
137 to blow word info uguugu blow with the mouth 15  
139 cold word info fééú be cold/cool/shiver 11  
139 cold word info (gari)-ffééú be cold/chilly 11  
141 wet chchogi be wet 12  
142 heavy chchau   9  
143 fire yaafi   1  
143 fire yafi-   1  
144 to burn word info gúú burn, glow 10  
145 smoke word info (gera)-atú to be foggy/smoky 2  
146 ash felaŋe ashes 8  
146 ash peyase fireplace (archaic) 7  
146 ash mó-óshoosho   9  
147 black sóólo be black 8  
147 black chchóchchóólo be black 8  
149 red paare tree with red flowers 17  
151 green gaarawarawa green/blue (sic) 13, 52  
152 small -shigi   81  
152 small giti   80  
152 small gitigiiti   80  
152 small kkiti   80  
153 big lape   10  
153 big nnap   10  
153 big lapelap   10  
154 short word info mʷmʷosho be short/brief 12  
155 long word info yelai length 13  
155 long word info yelai-(li) length of 13  
155 long word info yennai be long/extended 13  
156 thin word info ma-lifi   1  
156 thin word info ma-lifilifi   1  
157 thick word info ma-alúyelú to be thick, close packed, dense 3  
159 wide shéé-lape be wide/broad/spacious 9, 48  
160 painful, sick metagi painful/hurt 1  
160 painful, sick te-mʷaaú be sick 14  
163 new féé   1  
163 new fféé   1  
166 correct, true búŋú be right, correct 12  
167 night booŋi   1  
167 night boŋi-   1  
168 day raali   6  
170 when? word info (i)-lee-te   1, 24  
171 to hide word info yope to hide, remain in hiding. 5  
172 to climb word info téé climb/move 8  
172 to climb word info téé-(tage) climb up 8  
173 at i-   1  
174 in, inside lalo   1  
177 this yee this near me 1, 18  
177 this yeele this here near me 1, 33  
178 that yeele   1  
178 that (i)-mʷuu   11  
178 that (i)-mʷuu-le   11  
178 that (i)-kke-mʷuu   11  
178 that (i)-kke-mʷuu-le   11  
179 near repe be close by/near 13  
179 near ga-repe be near/come close 13  
180 far ttaawe   1  
181 where? word info i-faa   3, 48  
181 where? word info (i)-iyaa   37  
182 I gaaŋú   12  
183 thou go- (sentential voc.) 1  
183 thou go   1  
183 thou geele   6  
184 he/she iiye independent pronoun 1  
185 we word info giishe incl. 1, 42  
185 we word info gishe incl. 1, 42  
185 we word info gai excl. 43  
186 you gai      
186 you gaamii   1, 13  
186 you -gamii   1, 13  
187 they re-   1, 70  
187 they iire   1, 70  
187 they -:re   1, 70  
188 what? word info (me)-ta what? 1, 64  
188 what? word info (me)-ttaa what? 1, 64  
189 who? word info (i)-teú   9  
192 and me and (with) 2  
192 and ŋe and then, 10  
193 if garee or/by any chance/if 7  
195 no, not yeebe no 14  
195 no, not -tai not 4  
195 no, not ta- not 4  
195 no, not -tewai future negative (will not) 4, 98  
196 to count watewate to count/reckon/enumerate 10  
196 to count weta-gi-(i) count or reckon it 10  
196 to count paapaa count 11  
197 One word info yete   1  
197 One word info yeta   1  
197 One word info se-   14  
198 Two word info rúúwe   1  
198 Two word info rúúwa   1  
198 Two word info rúwa   1  
198 Two word info rúwe-   1  
199 Three word info yeeli   1  
199 Three word info seli-   1  
199 Three word info seli-ike   1  
200 Four word info faŋi (sic) 1, 67  
201 Five word info lime-ige   1  
201 Five word info lima-   1  
201 Five word info limo-uwe   1  
201 Five word info liime   1  
202 Six word info wole-   1  
202 Six word info wolo-   1  
202 Six word info woolo   1  
203 Seven word info fiisi   1  
204 Eight word info wali-ige   3  
204 Eight word info wanú-iki   3  
204 Eight word info walu-uwe   3  
204 Eight word info wali-   3  
204 Eight word info waali   3  
205 Nine word info tiwe   5  
206 Ten word info -ŋaulu   5  
209 One Hundred word info (se)-pwúgúwe   20  
210 One Thousand word info -ŋe-raú   17  
210 One Thousand word info ŋe-rasi   17  
210 One Thousand word info -ŋe-rai   17  

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