: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Savosavo

Source/Author:  Claudia Wegener 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:svs  Glottocode: savo1255 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Claudia Wegener  Checked By: Claudia Wegener 
  • Total Data: 242
  • Number of Retentions:
  • Number of Loans: 0
Classification:  Central Solomons 


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Showing all of 12 entries


ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
175 above taɰata      
191 all dulo      
192 and zu      
146 ash lavu   1  
173 at la   2  
13 back word info potopoto      
165 bad, evil isanga be bad    
14 belly pika      
176 below neuta      
153 big ŋai      
97 bird kosu      
147 black boraɰa be black    
23 blood ɰabu   5?  
15 bone tovolo      
113 branch word info age   1?  
18 breast susu   1  
56 child ɲuba      
131 cloud word info muzi cloud    
139 cold word info ɰaule to be cold    
166 correct, true ite sua be.true Att (attributive marker deriving a nominal modifier; ite does not occur on its own as a verb)    
168 day ivaɰu      
10 dirty lumu dirty/old (for things)    
10 dirty ɲeɲeɰa dirty (water)    
96 dog misu      
140 dry word info vige (general term)    
82 dull, blunt muku      
11 dust reka dust, ground    
43 ear tagalu      
119 earth/soil doi      
98 egg si chicken egg    
98 egg kolei megapode egg    
204 Eight word info kui      
45 eye nito      
180 far suɰu be far    
104 fat/grease sereɰa   35  
60 father mau      
99 feather sivuɰa feather    
99 feather vusu tail feather (possibly only of one species)    
208 Fifty word info aratale      
143 fire keda      
111 fish mi      
201 Five word info ara      
116 flower sisi ornamental flowers 16  
116 flower rugu flowers of trees and bushes 30  
132 fog lavo fog    
200 Four word info aɰava      
117 fruit maŋi      
164 good dai      
118 grass buruburu   19  
151 green eko green/bue    
151 green gola kiba green (lit. raw leaf)    
26 hair word info luta old term almost replaced by /sivuɰa/    
26 hair word info sivuɰa also means fur and feathers    
1 hand kakau hand/arm    
184 he/she lo      
184 he/she ko      
24 head batu   9  
142 heavy boze      
61 house tuvi      
194 how? word info maitei how?    
57 husband tada same as man    
182 I aɲi      
193 if kia      
174 in, inside pale      
16 intestines boli      
126 lake reku      
114 leaf kiba      
2 left male      
4 leg/foot nato      
135 lightning vila      
17 liver kalakala      
155 long word info savanga      
108 louse word info dole      
54 man/male tada      
103 meat/flesh melomelo      
129 moon kuɰe      
109 mosquito ɲoɲokea      
59 mother mama   5  
30 mouth napu      
63 name nini      
158 narrow      
179 near ɰoita      
25 neck tua      
68 needle      
163 new iɰe      
167 night muzi      
205 Nine word info kuava      
195 no, not ɰoma      
27 nose ɲoko   37  
162 old word info daki mapa old person (woman)    
162 old word info lumu old/dirty (mostly things)    
162 old word info tada mapa old person (man)    
197 One word info pade      
197 One word info ela      
209 One Hundred word info pa kela      
210 One Thousand word info pa toɰa      
190 other      
160 painful, sick paziɰa to hurt / be in pain    
160 painful, sick koɰili to be sick    
53 person/human being mapa      
133 rain kuma      
102 rat kuzi   3  
149 red sisi be red 19  
3 right tovi      
6 road/path keva      
115 root buara root    
115 root oɲe big root (only for trees)    
65 rope tali   1  
112 rotten word info mora      
112 rotten word info ɲobiro      
125 salt ɲaɲui      
121 sand nuɰunuɰu      
124 sea ɲaɲui      
203 Seven word info poɰoro      
81 sharp nenemali      
154 short word info kula (in length)    
19 shoulder lakelake      
161 shy, ashamed tamaɰa feel ashamed    
202 Six word info poɰoa      
12 skin korakora   37  
128 sky oka      
152 small ɲari      
145 smoke word info azu   2  
106 snake pepei      
110 spider kolomu      
130 star simusimu      
79 stick/wood kola stick/tree    
120 stone kato      
105 tail kodo      
206 Ten word info atale      
178 that lo      
62 thatch/roof pazupazu      
187 they ze      
157 thick word info uzuma      
156 thin word info garo      
177 this ailo      
183 thou no   1  
199 Three word info iɰiva      
134 thunder pada      
41 to bite l-ova-li 3SgmO-bite-3SgmO    
137 to blow word info vui-li blow-3SgmO    
28 to breathe azeaze said to be borrowed from Gela 16  
144 to burn word info l-evo 3SgmO-burn    
144 to burn word info ora to burn/be burning    
91 to buy voli-li buy-3SgmO 1  
38 to chew word info ŋaziŋazi   12  
85 to choose vili-li choose-3SgmO 1?  
172 to climb word info pia      
7 to come ba   24?  
39 to cook word info kuro      
196 to count pada      
34 to cry ŋei      
78 to cut, hack word info duku-li cut-3SgmO (tree, with sharp object)    
78 to cut, hack word info kake-li cut.bamboo-3SgmO    
78 to cut, hack word info kota-li    
78 to cut, hack word info papari-li cut-3SgmO (also for operations)    
78 to cut, hack word info sapi-li cut.into.slices-3SgmO    
78 to cut, hack word info sodu-li    
78 to cut, hack word info toɰi-li cut.rope-3SgmO    
78 to cut, hack word info tozo-li cut-3SgmO    
78 to cut, hack word info zuvi-li cut.banana.leaves-3SgmO    
75 to die, be dead ave      
90 to dig gore-li dig-3SgmO    
50 to dream vaɰunala      
40 to drink pizo      
37 to eat l-ou 3SgmO-eat    
37 to eat samu to have a meal 30?  
95 to fall word info tau      
22 to fear tamalu-li fear-3SgmO    
123 to flow sali   28  
101 to fly pevu      
86 to grow word info pabu      
44 to hear ene-li hear-3SgmO    
171 to hide word info ravi      
72 to hit word info l-ali 3SgmO-hit    
89 to hold word info l-ate 3SgmO-hold    
69 to hunt word info agoza to take prey (both hunting and fishing)    
74 to kill l-ave-li 3SgmO-kill-3SgmO    
20 to know, be knowledgeable l-olomi 3SgmO-know    
20 to know, be knowledgeable madoke-li be knowledgable about-3SgmO    
33 to laugh leka      
49 to lie down word info pau      
76 to live, be alive toɰo      
92 to open, uncover l-au aka 3SgmO-take be open (causative construction meaning to open, e.g. mouth)    
92 to open, uncover gagela-li open-3SgmO (e.g. door)    
92 to open, uncover voravora-li open-3SgmO (i.e. unfold e.g. hand, book)    
92 to open, uncover bilo-li uncover-3gmO    
84 to plant suba-li plant-3SgmO    
93 to pound, beat word info pori-li beat-3SgmO    
64 to say tei      
77 to scratch word info karikari   1  
46 to see l-eɰe 3SgmO-see    
67 to sew word info suki-li sew-3SgmO    
70 to shoot word info bola shoot with weapon 3SgmO (e.g. sling, bow, gun)    
70 to shoot word info rami-li shoot-3SgmO (e.g. stone)    
51 to sit epi      
48 to sleep izi      
29 to sniff, smell vunu-li smell-3SgmO    
36 to spit suasua      
80 to split word info vovo-li split clothlike object-3SgmO    
88 to squeeze word info buroŋo-li squeeze out of skin-3SgmO    
88 to squeeze word info lusi-li squeeze-3SgmO 19  
71 to stab, pierce touɰa-li stab-3SgmO    
71 to stab, pierce kaba-li pierce-3SgmO    
52 to stand alu      
73 to steal vanaɰo-li steal-3SgmO    
42 to suck uzi-li suck-3SgmO    
87 to swell word info unu      
9 to swim olo   8  
21 to think ɰanaɰana      
94 to throw word info solo throw 3SgmO    
66 to tie up, fasten tari-li (e.g. kite) 33  
66 to tie up, fasten tagi-li (e.g. clothline)    
66 to tie up, fasten piti-li tie-3SgmO    
8 to turn word info pili-li turn-3SgmO    
8 to turn word info kokobilo-li turn with opening down-3SgmO    
8 to turn word info liliɰo-li turn horizontally-3SgmO    
35 to vomit mumuta   1  
5 to walk vanovano   2  
83 to work word info agutu      
47 to yawn mava   1  
32 tongue lapi   21  
31 tooth nale      
207 Twenty word info nebolo      
198 Two word info edo      
138 warm word info ɰuvuɰuvu to be warm    
122 water word info piva      
185 we word info mai incl 2?  
185 we word info aɰe exclDu    
185 we word info ave exclPl    
141 wet bona      
141 wet mizo      
188 what? word info apoi      
170 when? word info avasa      
181 where? word info ala      
148 white sere be white    
189 who? word info ai   1  
159 wide alala      
58 wife madaki 28?    
136 wind ɰuliɰuli      
100 wing ɰavara      
55 woman/female adaki      
127 woods/forest ɰoɰoana bush    
107 worm (earthworm) periperi      
169 year eleɰo      
150 yellow posovata yellow, ginger    
186 you me      

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