: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Marquesan

Source/Author:  POLLEX 2000 (Bruce Biggs & Ross Clark), David Addison 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:mrq  Glottocode: nort2845 
Notes:  This is an amalgamation of North (MRQ) and South Marquesan (QMS)
Pollex supplemented from Dordillon 1931-1932 
Problems:  This is an amalgamation of North (MRQ) and South Marquesan (QMS) 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill and Russell Gray  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Nuclear:East:Central:Marquesic 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand ìma Five, hand 1, 64  
2 left akeake      
2 left 'ima a'ea'e left hand    
3 right atamai Droit, a droit (Dln) 7  
3 right 'ima oko right hand 33  
4 leg/foot vae Leg (I) 1, 100  
5 to walk hèe Go (I) 6, 9  
6 road/path vaànui Road 22  
7 to come tihe to arrive    
7 to come he'e mai   1, 42  
8 to turn word info kavií   90  
9 to swim kau Nager, aller a la nage (Dln) 5  
10 dirty paàpaà Tres mur, gate, pourri (Dln) 7  
10 dirty hava Souille, sali, tache (Dln) 8  
11 dust 'epo reflex of PEP *repo 'dirt' MW x  
12 skin kiì Skin 1  
13 back word info tua Dos, echine, se mettre dos a dos (Dln) 11  
14 belly kopu Belly, stomach 2  
14 belly 'opu Belly, stomach 2  
15 bone ivi Bone (Bgs) 52, 5  
16 intestines koekoe   31  
17 liver ate Foie (Dln) 1  
18 breast u Sein, mamelle, gorge (Dln) 1  
18 breast ki'i nene      
19 shoulder pauhihi   8  
19 shoulder paufifi   8  
20 to know, be knowledgeable hani Accoutume, habituee, fait a, avour l'habitude de, etre accoutume (Dln)    
21 to think maákau   7  
22 to fear meta'u (MQN) To fear, be afraid 1  
22 to fear ha'ameta'u to fear 1  
23 blood toto Sang, saigner (Dln) 4  
24 head u'u Head 1  
24 head upoko Head (Dln) 10  
25 neck kaakii Neck, throat (Bgs) 20  
26 hair word info hu'u Plume, poil (Dln) (Archaic) 31  
26 hair word info 'ouoho   40, 36  
27 nose ihu Nose 1  
28 to breathe menava Breath, anterior fontanelle 1  
28 to breathe ha Extenue de fatigue (Dln) 11  
29 to sniff, smell hoki Baiser, faire toucher nez contre nez (Dln) 9  
29 to sniff, smell hone honi? Touch noses together (Crk) 9  
30 mouth haha Bouche, geule, ouverture (Dln) B. [<] 1  
30 mouth fafa Mouth (Crk) B. [<] 1  
30 mouth nutu Snout, head of animal 2  
31 tooth niho Dent (Dln) 1  
32 tongue a'èo Tongue 15  
33 to laugh kata Laugh 7  
33 to laugh àta Laugh 7  
34 to cry taki Son, sonner, chanter (Dln) 1  
34 to cry tani Son, sonner, chanter (Dln) 1  
34 to cry ue   38  
35 to vomit 'ua Vomit 8  
36 to spit tufa   120  
37 to eat kai Food 1, 47  
37 to eat 'ai Food 1, 47  
38 to chew word info kakahu Bite [<] 8, 73  
38 to chew word info nennahhu To bite (Crk) [<] 8, 73  
39 to cook word info tao =baked (either in an umu or a modern oven). 10  
39 to cook word info nunu cook in general e.g. nunu te kaikai = cook the food 9  
40 to drink inu To drink 1  
41 to bite kakahu Bite 7  
41 to bite nennahhu To bite (Crk) 7  
41 to bite nahu Mordre (Dln) 7  
42 to suck 'omo Suck (Bgs) 7  
42 to suck omo Suck 7  
43 ear puaìka   19  
43 ear puaìna   19  
44 to hear 'oko To hear, news (mqn) 1  
44 to hear 'ono To hear, news (mqs) 1  
45 eye konohi Eye 4  
45 eye korohi Eye 4  
45 eye mata Eye,face 1  
46 to see íte   1  
47 to yawn mama Ouvrir la bouche (Dln) 19, 28  
48 to sleep hiamoe   10, 109  
49 to lie down word info moe Lie down 6  
50 to dream moemoea   7, 27  
51 to sit noho Sit, dwell, stay 16  
52 to stand tuu Etre debout, se tenir debout, droit (Dln) 2  
53 person/human being 'enata Homme, en general (Dln) 1, 66, 97  
53 person/human being 'enana Homme, en general (Dln) 1, 66, 97  
53 person/human being kenana Homme, en general (Dln) 1, 66, 97  
54 man/male tama 'oa male child    
54 man/male tane Fortement (Dln) 1, 11  
54 man/male heko male 17?  
54 man/male toa male (of animals) x  
55 woman/female vehine Woman (Dln) 1, 106, 116  
55 woman/female -hine Female (I don't understand why this is treated as a suffix - MW) 1, 41  
56 child tama   6  
57 husband hahana The male of mankind and of all birds. A husband (Crk) 13  
58 wife vehine   5, 68  
59 mother kui   15  
60 father motua   9  
61 house aika Terre, propriete, domicile, richesses, manoir, foyer domestique 6  
61 house ha'e House 14  
61 house fa'e House 14  
62 thatch/roof ato Frame to which thatch is tied 1  
62 thatch/roof hatu Pieces of thatch are called hatu, but the only reference I've heard for this is in relation to the hame of (F)Hatu 'Iva (the southernmost MRQ island). Thatch is extremely rare on NH today. 1  
63 name inoa Name 6  
63 name ikoa Name 6  
64 to say peáu   12  
64 to say teáo   128  
64 to say tekao   128  
65 rope touà Corde, grosse corde (Dln) 9  
66 to tie up, fasten fitiì Lier, attacher, nouer (Dln) 148  
66 to tie up, fasten hitiki Lier, attacher, nouer (Dln) 148  
66 to tie up, fasten nati Tie, fasten (NKH) 13  
66 to tie up, fasten nani Tie, fasten 13  
67 to sew word info tui Coudre, percer, enfiler (Dln) 13, 16  
68 needle nina L from English   L
68 needle rira L from English   L
69 to hunt word info tute      
69 to hunt word info tatai      
70 to shoot word info toi      
70 to shoot word info puhi to shoot(also NH word for firearm and to blow [breath out]) 17  
71 to stab, pierce huki Morceau de bois pointu pour percer les poulpes (Dln) 1, 8  
72 to hit word info pakipaki Donner des petits coups avec la main (Dln) 6  
72 to hit word info paìpaì Donner des petits coups avec la main (Dln) 6  
72 to hit word info patu Strike (in flaying skin or bark), strike, nudge with elbow (I) 7  
72 to hit word info tuki Battre, ecrasser, piler (Dln) 8  
72 to hit word info tuì Battre, ecrasser, piler (Dln) 8  
72 to hit word info kere to hit (punch with the fist)    
72 to hit word info pehi hit generally    
72 to hit word info ta "to strike" (perhaps taa) 10  
73 to steal kai hue (Mot etranger) voleur (Dln) 5  
73 to steal kamo Voler, voleur (Dln) 6  
74 to kill haámate   2  
74 to kill kukumi   28  
74 to kill pehi   43  
75 to die, be dead mate Mort, la mort, mourir, souffrir, malade, malaise, maladie, mal (Dln) 1  
75 to die, be dead kèo Die (of a person), go out (of a light) (Dln)    
76 to live, be alive pohué   36  
77 to scratch word info tuveé   33  
78 to cut, hack word info 'ihi to peel / Peler (Dln) 10  
78 to cut, hack word info 'o'oti Cut, clip 9  
78 to cut, hack word info kokoti Cut, clip 9  
78 to cut, hack word info taài Tailler, ciseler, travailler le bois ou la pierre (Dln) 1  
79 stick/wood àkau Bois (Dln) 1, 26  
80 to split word info koava      
81 sharp koi Sharp, Sharp 14, 66  
82 dull, blunt mué   10  
82 dull, blunt tumué   10  
82 dull, blunt puriki dull in modern NH, most likely derived from the word for donkey (after French burique), and hence metaphorically stupid, dull 18  
83 to work word info hana Action, acte, travailler, oeuvre (Dln) 10  
84 to plant nanu   2  
85 to choose vae   10  
86 to grow word info tupu Pousser, croitre, germer 1  
87 to swell word info hete Gonfle, fermente, engle (Dln) 5  
87 to swell word info huhu'a Swollen 7  
88 to squeeze word info hota Clarifier le kava 8, 2, 93  
88 to squeeze word info koko Squeeze, press 9  
88 to squeeze word info 'omi Squeeze, press upon 10  
89 to hold word info ííma      
89 to hold word info mau   54  
90 to dig keì (i) Dig 1  
91 to buy hoko Echanger, acheter, payer, vendre (Dln) 7  
91 to buy ho'o Echanger, acheter, payer, vendre (Dln) 7  
92 to open, uncover pepeu      
92 to open, uncover pe'ua to open    
93 to pound, beat word info tuki Battre, ecrasser, piler (Dln) 2  
93 to pound, beat word info tuì Battre, ecrasser, piler (Dln) 2  
94 to throw word info tiì Throw 9  
94 to throw word info tio'a to throw 10  
95 to fall word info mekèe   10  
95 to fall word info maku'u   11  
95 to fall word info moku'u   11  
95 to fall word info hika (m'n)   44  
95 to fall word info hina   44  
95 to fall word info topa   124  
95 to fall word info vi'i to fall (in the sense of becoming unbalanced, slipping) 86  
95 to fall word info huu te henua to fall in the sense of an avalanche or rock slide    
96 dog peto L from English   L
96 dog ku'i Probable arch. form - as dogs were lost in the Marquesas by the time the Europeans arrived. 7  
96 dog nuhe Southern MRQ, problematic?    
97 bird manu Bird 1  
98 egg mama'i   6  
99 feather huú manu   1  
100 wing peheu Aile (Dln) 1, 81  
100 wing pekeu   1, 59  
101 to fly ona insect?    
102 rat kio'e Rat 12  
102 rat kumakuma Rat (Dln) 13  
103 meat/flesh kiko Flesh 10  
104 fat/grease kao Huile, graisse, sauce, jus (Dln)    
104 fat/grease hinu àma Huile noiratre qui decoule de lama (Dln) 12  
104 fat/grease kerehi L from English   L
105 tail iku Lime de peau de certains poissons (Dln) [<] 1  
105 tail hiku Tail, rear portion (of fish) 13  
105 tail vèo Queue d'un animal (Dln) 10, 23  
106 snake puhi henua 'land eel'-MW    
107 worm (earthworm) noke Worm 7  
107 worm (earthworm) to'e Worm 7  
107 worm (earthworm) toke Worm 7  
108 louse word info kutu Louse (in NH) 1  
108 louse word info kutu papa Crab lice 1, 6  
108 louse word info 'utu Louse 1  
109 mosquito nono the endemic Marquesan biting black fly 1, 74  
109 mosquito nono kia mosquito; 1, 74  
109 mosquito nono purutia (German nono) the sand fly purportedly introducted by a freighter unloading ballast with sand (and eggs) from PGN (then a German colony? or just "German" because of its ferociousness?) 1, 74  
110 spider pukavèevèe   1, 57, 99  
110 spider punavèevèe   1, 57, 99  
110 spider pukavèevèe   1, 57, 99  
110 spider punavèevèe   1, 57, 99  
111 fish ika Fish (Mqn) 1  
111 fish Fish (Mqs) 1  
112 rotten word info paà Ripe (I) 13  
112 rotten word info pee rotten 16  
113 branch word info àà Petites branches (Dln) 1  
114 leaf àu Leaf 1  
115 root aka Racine (Dln) 2  
116 flower pua Flower (I) 1  
117 fruit hua To fruit 1  
118 grass mutie Herbe, gazon, foin (Dln) 13  
119 earth/soil 'epo Boue, fange, terre, poussiere (Dln) 11  
120 stone hatu-keàa Boulder 1, 38  
120 stone ke'a (or ke'aa) = rock 38  
121 sand one Sable 1  
122 water word info vai Water (I) 2  
123 to flow tahe Couler, ruisseler, se repandre (Dln) 10  
124 sea moana deep ocean, La haute mer (Dln) 10  
124 sea tai saltwater or the nearshore 1  
125 salt kanatai   20  
125 salt puhinaú      
125 salt pa'atai (ripe saltwater?) 20, 19  
126 lake vai óto   6  
127 woods/forest vao Forest (I) 14  
128 sky àni Sky 1  
128 sky àki Sky 1  
128 sky de ahgy Heaven or sky (Rbt) 1  
129 moon mahina Moon 37, 5  
129 moon me'ama   7  
130 star hetuu Star 1  
130 star fetuu Star 1  
130 star fettoe Star 1  
131 cloud word info ao (i) Nuage (Dln) 12  
132 fog kohu Cloud, fog 1, 47  
133 rain ua Pluie (Dln) 1  
134 thunder hatutiì Tonnere (Dln) 14  
134 thunder pha too tee Thunder (Rbt) 14  
135 lightning uià Eclair, eclairer (Dln) 2  
136 wind metaki Wind (in NH) 1, 66  
136 wind metani Wind 1, 66  
137 to blow word info puhi Souffler (Dln) 6  
138 warm word info mahana Lukewarm 1, 72  
138 warm word info ha'amaahanahana to warm 1, 72  
139 cold word info makaìì Cold, chilly 1, 52  
139 cold word info kamaìì Cold, chilly (metathesis?) 1, 52  
139 cold word info makkarede Cold, or the cold (Crk) 1, 52  
139 cold word info anu Froid, coup de sang, avoir froid (Dln) 8  
139 cold word info kamariri in 'Ua Pou ((metathesis?)) 1, 52  
140 dry word info paka Scab x  
140 dry word info papaka Dry 12  
140 dry word info pakaka Dur, coriace, non flexible (Dln) 12  
140 dry word info mo'o   13  
141 wet kutaú   10  
141 wet útau   10  
141 wet toku   10  
141 wet kutai   10  
141 wet áutau      
142 heavy tono      
142 heavy toko   38  
143 fire ahi Fire 1  
144 to burn word info tutu Incendier, bruler, mettre le feu a quelque chose (Dln) 1, 6  
144 to burn word info hakau'a to light a fire (or lamp); by extension turn on an electric light 3  
145 smoke word info auahi Fumee, vapeur (Dln) 2  
145 smoke word info auahi Fumee, vapeur (Dln) 2  
146 ash ànahu Ashes (metathesis?) 67, 60  
146 ash kaàhu charcoal; wood ashes 67  
146 ash 'ehuahi Ashes 67  
146 ash kehuahi Ashes; irregular 67  
146 ash ke'ehu Ashes; irregular 67  
147 black kèekèe Black 5  
147 black hivahiva Gray, silver-gray 6  
148 white tea Clear, white 8  
148 white tèo Blanc (Dln) 9  
148 white teko Blanc (Dln) 9  
148 white tavai'e   47  
149 red kuà Red 13  
149 red kuwa Red, applied to feathers, cloth etc. imported to the islands,also to the scarlet berries or peas used in their ornaments (Crk) 13  
149 red pukiki   43  
150 yellow putokatoha      
150 yellow tokatoka      
151 green ki óu ti teé      
151 green ʔoutite'e      
152 small iti Petit, peau (Dln) 1  
152 small ìki Petit, etroit (Dln) 66  
152 small poto Short (Bgs) 10  
152 small kaiu small (metaphorically from "eat breast"?) 37  
153 big nui Beaucoup, plusieurs, gros, grand (Dln) 11  
153 big maaka   31  
154 short word info nohinohi Short stature (Tgr)    
154 short word info poto Short (Bgs) 9  
155 long word info 'oa Long 12, 105  
156 thin word info áhiáhi   5  
156 thin word info kahikahi      
156 thin word info ákiaki   18  
156 thin word info piáhiáhi   5  
157 thick word info moto'u Thick 3  
158 narrow iti      
158 narrow faiti   84  
159 wide fatea   21  
160 painful, sick mamae Souffrir 10  
160 painful, sick memae souffrance 10  
161 shy, ashamed hakaika      
162 old word info ko'oua Aged, decrepit (Dln) 9  
162 old word info koua Old man (Crk) 9  
162 old word info tehito Ancient 10  
162 old word info kakiu (ancient)    
163 new hou New 1  
164 good 'eka Enjoy 14  
164 good meitaì Bon, agreable 15  
164 good kanahau good 62  
165 bad, evil kino Mechant, mauvais, chiche (Dln) 9  
165 bad, evil ìno Mechant, mauvais, chiche (Dln) 9  
165 bad, evil hauhau bad/evil 32  
166 correct, true mea hei      
166 correct, true toitoi   41  
167 night poo Nuit, tenebres, jour de vingt-quatre heures (Dln) 1  
168 day ao Jour oppose a nuit (Dln) 1, 54  
168 day oatea daylight 27  
169 year tau Year consisting of ten moons 1  
169 year hua'a   28  
170 when? word info aahea When (future interrogative) 5  
171 to hide word info pupuni Se cacher (Dln) 1  
171 to hide word info hakanaa      
172 to climb word info hiti   6  
173 at i Preposition indicating location 1  
174 in, inside i Preposition indicating location x  
174 in, inside ioo Location in space; to, in, into, on. beside, near, at, or to the home of (Mtu) 5  
174 in, inside 'oto Inside 5  
175 above 'uka Above (NKH) (I) 9  
175 above 'una Above 9  
176 below à'o Under, below 8  
177 this tenei   7, 1  
178 that tena   1  
178 that na   1  
178 that ia'a over there    
178 that te'aa that (far) 65  
179 near tata Proche, pres (Dln) 9  
180 far mamao   13  
180 far mema'o ? 13  
181 where? word info hea   3, 35  
182 I au First person singular pronoun (Bgs) 1, 21  
182 I ='u First person singular x  
183 thou koe Second person singular 1  
183 thou koe 2PS 1  
183 thou ko'ua thou x  
183 thou 'oe thou 1  
183 thou 'oe   1  
184 he/she ia Il, elle, lui (Dln) 1  
185 we word info tatou 1 pl. incl. 1, 39  
185 we word info matou   2, 39  
185 we word info maua   2, 29  
185 we word info taua 1 dual incl. 1, 29  
186 you kootou 2P dual pronoun (Dln) 16  
186 you 'otou 2PP pronoun 16  
186 you kotou Vous (Dln) 16  
187 they 'atou   1, 72  
188 what? word info aha What? 1  
189 who? word info ai Who? 1  
190 other ke   8?  
191 all tiatohu      
192 and maa And (with numerals) 2  
193 if me If 5  
194 how? word info peehea Comment? pourquoi? (Dln) 11  
195 no, not ie(hh)ai A negative, not, cannot (Crk) 10, 84  
195 no, not tee Negativiser (Mtu) 111  
196 to count tatau Compter, conter, reciter (Dln) 8, 80  
197 One word info tahi One 41  
198 Two word info 'ua Two (I) 1  
199 Three word info to'u Three 1  
200 Four word info faa Four 1, 66  
201 Five word info 'ima Five, hand.(Source: Pollex) 1  
202 Six word info ono Pollex 06: Ono. :Six (Dln). 1  
203 Seven word info fitu Seven.(Source: Pollex) 1  
204 Eight word info va'u used on Nuku Hiva currently 3  
205 Nine word info iva Nine.(Source: Pollex) 5, 44  
206 Ten word info 'onohu'u Ten.(Source: Pollex) 5, 32, 52  
206 Ten word info 'okohu'u Ten.(Source: Pollex) 5, 32, 52  
207 Twenty word info tekau Twenty.(Source: Pollex) 4  
208 Fifty word info      
209 One Hundred word info 'au Originally two hundred or four hundred but now one hundred (Bgs).(Source: Pollex) 2  
210 One Thousand word info      

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