Language: Inabaknon
Change History:
Showing all of 51 entries
- Source: Aj (Word 165) - Simon Greenhill (2021-10-15 12:27:18)
- Source: Aj (Word 137) - Simon Greenhill (2021-10-15 12:27:09)
- Source: Aj (Word 50) - Simon Greenhill (2021-10-15 12:25:56)
- Source: Aj (Word 147) - Simon Greenhill (2021-10-15 12:25:44)
- Source: Aj (Word 174) - Simon Greenhill (2021-10-15 12:25:34)
- Source: Aj (Word 210) - Simon Greenhill (2021-10-15 12:25:25)
- Source: Aj (Word 187) - Simon Greenhill (2021-10-15 12:25:13)
- Changed #129604 from "layog",
"", "22",
"" (Word 65535) - Laurie Reid (2016-07-04 08:37:06)
- Source: Ramon Leonido Jr. (Word 197) - Simon Greenhill (2011-03-10 09:03:32)
- Source: Ramon Leonido Jr. (Word 198) - Simon Greenhill (2011-03-10 09:03:14)
- Source: Ramon Leonido Jr. (Word 79) - Simon Greenhill (2011-03-10 09:02:51)
- Source: Jeanra (Word 58) - Simon Greenhill (2010-09-21 00:32:49)
- Updating Classification to Match Ethnologue 16.
From: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Sama-Bajaw, Abaknon
To: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Greater Barito, Sama-Bajaw, Abaknon - Simon Greenhill (2009-07-23 03:36:33)
- Changed #129770 from "kadkad",
"with bolo or digging stick)", "",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:26:28)
- Changed #129602 from "barahibo",
"*Feather (of chicken)", "21",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:26:28)
- Changed #129605 from "balagting",
"", "",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:26:28)
- Changed #129624 from "baybay",
"", "52",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:26:28)
- Changed #129634 from "panganod",
"", "27",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:26:28)
- Changed #129781 from "sunog +t+d1",
"", "21",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:26:28)
- Changed #129651 from "dulaw +d1",
"", "24",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:26:28)
- Changed #129665 from "husto +d1",
"", "25",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:26:28)
- Changed #129791 from "yungod",
"", "",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:26:28)
- Changed #129816 from "kon",
"(temporal conjunction)", "25",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:26:28)
- Changed #129741 from "pinugad",
"to say", "",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:08:42)
- Changed #129581 from "kudkod",
"", "21",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-22 03:08:42)
- Changed #129527 from "huna'-huna'",
"To *think; to *ponder", "24",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-21 04:52:00)
- Changed #129534 from "hingasong",
"", "23",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-21 04:52:00)
- Changed #129729 from "kibkib",
"", "20",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-21 04:52:00)
- Changed #129618 from "gamot +d1",
"", "3",
"" (Word 65535) - Russell Gray (2008-10-21 04:52:00)
- Changed "notes" from "" - Russell Gray (2008-10-21 04:40:29)
- Updated Language Details - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:31:20)
- Changed from "tapit" (Word 179) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:29:11)
- Changed from "apiki" (Word 179) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:29:11)
- Changed from "sa'is" (Word 202) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:26:03)
- Changed from "singko" (Word 201) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:25:37)
- Changed from "kwatro +d1" (Word 200) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:25:01)
- Changed from "tris" (Word 199) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:24:38)
- Changed from "dos" (Word 198) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:24:15)
- Changed from "un" (Word 197) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:23:43)
- Changed from "uno" (Word 197) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:23:43)
- Changed from "kwinta" (Word 196) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:23:07)
- Changed from "grin" (Word 151) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:13:34)
- Changed from "kagurangan" (Word 127) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:08:21)
- Changed from "karni +t+d1" (Word 103) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 02:00:54)
- Changed from "mistir" (Word 57) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 01:44:51)
- Changed from "tal'ok" (Word 40) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 01:18:09)
- Changed from "inom" (Word 40) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 01:18:09)
- Changed from "tal'ok" (Word 40) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 01:17:22)
- Changed from "inom" (Word 40) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 01:17:22)
- Added Entry (Word 40) - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 01:16:49)
- Language Added - Simon Greenhill (2007-04-19 01:00:18)
ID: |
Word: |
Item: |
Annotation: |
Cognacy: |
Loan: |
175 |
above |
yungod |
L |
175 |
above |
labaw |
2 |
191 |
all |
dimu'an |
191 |
all |
intiro |
191 |
all |
plos |
192 |
and |
asta |
192 |
and |
hasta |
192 |
and |
may |
2 |
192 |
and |
ngan |
192 |
and |
ngani' |
192 |
and |
pati' +t |
146 |
ash |
agbon |
1 |
173 |
at |
13 |
taludtod |
165 |
bad, evil |
maraat |
14 |
belly |
battong +it+d1 |
*abdomen |
29 |
176 |
below |
dilalom |
34? |
153 |
big |
haway |
wide/spacious |
153 |
big |
haya |
big |
1 |
97 |
bird |
manok +t+d1 |
*Bird (generic term for birds of any kind) |
1 |
147 |
black |
hirom |
23 |
blood |
laha' |
1 |
15 |
bone |
ta'ulang |
1 |
113 |
sanga +d1 |
2 |
18 |
breast |
darakan |
56 |
child |
dadi' |
131 |
panganod |
27 |
L |
139 |
anni |
166 |
correct, true |
husto +d1 |
25 |
L |
168 |
day |
allaw |
1 |
10 |
dirty |
rigsok +d1 |
Dirty *conditon |
96 |
dog |
ido' |
24 |
140 |
tuho' |
75 |
82 |
dull, blunt |
dungpol |
as of blade |
3 |
11 |
dust |
alpog |
1 |
43 |
ear |
talinga |
1 |
119 |
earth/soil |
pitak |
23, 37 |
98 |
egg |
antallo |
*Egg (of bird or reptile). |
1 |
204 |
utso |
Sp? |
L |
204 |
walo' |
3 |
45 |
eye |
mata1 +t+d1 |
1 |
180 |
far |
lantong |
distant |
180 |
far |
tabog1 |
104 |
fat/grease |
lammok |
24 |
60 |
father |
tatay |
19 |
60 |
father |
tata' |
19 |
99 |
feather |
barahibo |
*Feather (of chicken) |
21 |
L |
208 |
singkwinta +t+d1 |
Sp? |
L |
143 |
fire |
api |
1 |
111 |
fish |
daying |
54 |
201 |
singko |
Sp? |
4 |
L |
201 |
lima |
1 |
116 |
flower |
burak |
22 |
132 |
fog |
alupu'op |
200 |
ampat |
1 |
200 |
kwatro +d1 |
Sp? |
L |
117 |
fruit |
buwa'1 |
1 |
164 |
good |
halap |
36 |
118 |
grass |
gabon |
151 |
green |
grin |
English? |
L |
26 |
barahibo |
1 |
hand |
kambag |
Arm up to the forearm |
1 |
hand |
tamburo' |
hand |
184 |
he/she |
iya |
1 |
24 |
head |
takulok |
1 |
142 |
heavy |
buwat |
1 |
61 |
house |
ruma' |
1 |
194 |
mati'ay |
Term to *inquire a certain *situation. |
57 |
husband |
mistir |
English loan? |
L? |
182 |
I |
193 |
if |
kon |
(temporal conjunction) |
25 |
L |
193 |
if |
ngani' |
*Conjunction (for contrastive elements). |
174 |
in, inside |
sallod |
16 |
intestines |
126 |
lake |
danaw |
1 |
114 |
leaf |
dahon +t+d1 |
1 |
2 |
left |
kawiri |
1, 42 |
4 |
leg/foot |
kitid |
135 |
lightning |
kil'at |
1 |
17 |
liver |
atay +t+d1 |
1 |
155 |
108 |
kuspad +d1 |
54 |
man/male |
lalla |
36 |
103 |
meat/flesh |
karni +t+d1 |
Spanish? |
L |
129 |
moon |
bulan +d1 |
1 |
109 |
mosquito |
namok |
1 |
59 |
mother |
nana |
30 |
mouth |
bawa' |
1 |
63 |
name |
aron |
proper name |
63 |
name |
bansag |
epithet |
158 |
narrow |
diki' |
35? |
158 |
narrow |
si'ok |
25 |
179 |
near |
tapit |
1 |
179 |
near |
unay2 |
1 |
179 |
near |
apiki |
vicinity |
1 |
25 |
neck |
kallong |
76 |
68 |
needle |
dagom +d1 |
1 |
163 |
new |
bag'o +d1 |
1 |
167 |
night |
sangom |
Night (six pm or past). |
36 |
205 |
nwibi |
Sp? |
L |
205 |
siyam +t+d1 |
9 |
195 |
no, not |
ma'in |
27 |
nose |
urong |
1 |
162 |
andang |
197 |
un |
Sp? |
L |
197 |
uno |
Sp? |
L |
197 |
adda |
209 |
One Hundred
addahatos |
4 |
210 |
One Thousand
mil |
L |
190 |
other |
la'in |
different |
2 |
160 |
painful, sick |
paddi |
painful |
23 |
53 |
person/human being |
a'a |
28 |
133 |
rain |
uran +d1 |
usdat(vulgar) |
1 |
133 |
rain |
usdat |
102 |
rat |
balagting |
L |
149 |
red |
piyat |
55 |
3 |
right |
kawanan |
1, 62 |
6 |
road/path |
lalan |
roadway |
1 |
6 |
road/path |
tinampo |
feeder road |
115 |
root |
gamot +d1 |
3 |
L |
65 |
rope |
pisi' +t+d1 |
22 |
112 |
lapa' |
125 |
salt |
asiya |
1 |
121 |
sand |
baybay |
52 |
L |
124 |
sea |
kalawot |
203 |
pito' |
1 |
203 |
syiti |
Sp? |
L |
81 |
sharp |
tarom? |
relating to blades |
1 |
154 |
pundok |
1 |
19 |
shoulder |
sugbong |
161 |
shy, ashamed |
sipog |
29 |
202 |
annom |
1 |
202 |
sa'is |
Sp? |
L |
12 |
skin |
anit +d |
animal skin |
2 |
12 |
skin |
panit +d1 |
vegetable skin |
2 |
128 |
sky |
langit +t+d1 |
1 |
152 |
small |
diki' |
little |
138 |
145 |
humbo |
34 |
106 |
snake |
sawa +d1 |
25 |
110 |
spider |
lawa' +d1 |
1 |
130 |
star |
bitu'on +d1 |
1 |
79 |
stick/wood |
dabal |
*Stick (or wood used to beat something) |
79 |
stick/wood |
kayo |
120 |
stone |
bato +t+d1 |
1 |
105 |
tail |
ingko |
1 |
206 |
awatong |
206 |
dyis +t+d1 |
Sp? |
L |
178 |
that |
nay nan |
near from speaker |
178 |
that |
nay ray |
far from speaker |
178 |
that |
-na'an |
yonder |
62 |
thatch/roof |
bungbong? |
*Roofing (material). |
187 |
they |
mayya |
157 |
dakmol +d1 |
156 |
husok |
177 |
this |
nayto |
177 |
this |
sito |
177 |
this |
to |
177 |
this |
yayto |
183 |
thou |
199 |
tallo |
1 |
199 |
tris |
Sp? |
L |
134 |
thunder |
dalugdog |
2 |
41 |
to bite |
pang'it |
41 |
to bite |
pa'pa' |
41 |
to bite |
kibkib |
L |
137 |
to blow
hiyop |
28 |
to breathe |
hingasong |
23 |
144 |
to burn
sunog +t+d1 |
21 |
L |
144 |
to burn
surit |
91 |
to buy |
balli |
to *purchase |
1 |
38 |
to chew
samsam |
general term |
21 |
85 |
to choose |
pili' +t+d1 |
To *choose |
1 |
172 |
to climb
daplos |
172 |
to climb
sagka |
7 |
to come |
da'ito |
To *come *here |
7 |
to come |
pada- |
To *come *here |
39 |
to cook
sugna' |
196 |
to count |
kwinta |
L? |
L? |
196 |
to count |
isip |
34 |
to cry |
bikho' +d1 |
to sob |
34 |
to cry |
ngalngal |
To *cry *loudly *with *tears |
78 |
to cut, hack
hadhad |
To *cut *large *timber |
75 |
to die, be dead |
matay |
1 |
75 |
to die, be dead |
pu'o |
90 |
to dig |
bungkal |
To *dig *up (ground by hand |
90 |
to dig |
kadkad |
with bolo or digging stick) |
L |
90 |
to dig |
ukad +d1 |
To *dig up |
50 |
to dream |
upi |
40 |
to drink |
tal'ok |
to drink alcohol |
40 |
to drink |
inom |
1 |
37 |
to eat |
kabos |
to *eat *in *voracious *manner |
37 |
to eat |
kakan |
to *dine |
1 |
95 |
to fall
raknag |
To *fall (specially leaves) |
22 |
to fear |
kuba-kuba |
To *palpitate |
22 |
to fear |
kulba +d1 |
*Fear *with *worry |
123 |
to flow |
daras |
101 |
to fly |
layog |
43 |
86 |
to grow
tubo'1 +t+d1 |
1 |
86 |
to grow
uswag |
44 |
to hear |
kali |
26 |
44 |
to hear |
pakali |
26 |
171 |
to hide
tago' |
13 |
72 |
to hit
igo'1 |
89 |
to hold
antan |
to carry |
89 |
to hold
kumkom |
To *hold something *with *closed *palm |
1 |
89 |
to hold
kumol |
To *hold *with *clench *fist |
69 |
to hunt
mamanwa |
69 |
to hunt
pamanwa |
74 |
to kill |
buno' +d1 |
to *murder |
1 |
74 |
to kill |
matay |
to *assassinate |
22 |
74 |
to kill |
utas |
to kill(vulgar) |
20 |
to know, be knowledgeable |
alimagmag? |
20 |
to know, be knowledgeable |
urup-urupan? |
33 |
to laugh |
patatawa |
to laugh |
1 |
33 |
to laugh |
turakhak |
belly laugh |
49 |
to lie down
libbak |
76 |
to live, be alive |
allom |
33 |
92 |
to open, uncover |
abri +d1 |
84 |
to plant |
lubo2 |
to sow |
84 |
to plant |
tanom |
To *plant (generic term of the verb to plant) |
2 |
93 |
to pound, beat
labbok |
To *pound (by pestle in a mortar) |
19 |
93 |
to pound, beat
pilipig |
To *pound roasted *green *rice |
19 |
93 |
to pound, beat
tappa |
To *pound *rice |
19 |
64 |
to say |
palling |
to utter |
57 |
64 |
to say |
pinugad |
to say |
L |
64 |
to say |
sabi +t |
to say |
77 |
to scratch
kudkod |
21 |
L |
46 |
to see |
kulaw? |
to check |
46 |
to see |
bataw-bataw |
to look randomly |
67 |
to sew
tahi' |
1 |
67 |
to sew
haluthot |
70 |
to shoot
pana' |
1 |
51 |
to sit |
tingkarag |
squat |
51 |
to sit |
tingkulo' |
sit on something |
81 |
48 |
to sleep |
turi |
1 |
29 |
to sniff, smell |
hingos |
22? |
29 |
to sniff, smell |
singo |
22? |
29 |
to sniff, smell |
baho1 +d1 |
36 |
to spit |
tupra |
spit(vulgar) |
36 |
to spit |
rukda' |
to expectorate |
80 |
to split
si'ak |
to split wood |
40 |
80 |
to split
tunga' +d1 |
to *divide |
80 |
to split
buka +d1 |
To *split (wood |
88 |
to squeeze
pihi' |
To *squeeze (in order to remove water from) |
71 |
to stab, pierce |
bundak +d1 |
to stab (a person) |
36 |
71 |
to stab, pierce |
dugsang |
to injure with pointed instrument |
36 |
52 |
to stand |
tunggo |
34? |
73 |
to steal |
laris |
to steal |
73 |
to steal |
tangkaw |
to steal |
1 |
73 |
to steal |
unas |
to steal food |
42 |
to suck |
supsop |
1 |
87 |
to swell
9 |
to swim |
rangi |
1 |
21 |
to think |
huna'-huna' |
To *think; to *ponder |
24 |
L |
94 |
to throw
tur'og |
To *throw *heavy *things (on someone |
94 |
to throw
balitok |
refers to throwing |
66 |
to tie up, fasten |
gu'os |
66 |
to tie up, fasten |
ingkot |
1 |
8 |
to turn
arop |
to veer |
35 |
to vomit |
uta' |
1 |
5 |
to walk |
langngan |
59 |
83 |
to work
malli' |
To *work *at the *ricefield |
47 |
to yawn |
huyam +d1 |
32 |
tongue |
dalla' |
4 |
31 |
tooth |
impon |
1 |
207 |
baynti |
Sp? |
L |
198 |
dos |
Sp? |
L |
198 |
duwwa |
138 |
alusu'os |
122 |
buwahi' |
185 |
kami' |
2 |
141 |
wet |
piripiti |
188 |
ay |
29 |
170 |
sumiran |
30 |
181 |
palingnga |
(movement implicit |
181 |
singnga |
coming or going) |
148 |
white |
puti' +t+d1 |
1 |
189 |
say |
1 |
159 |
wide |
lambo |
1 |
58 |
wife |
alla |
136 |
wind |
bariyo |
2 |
100 |
wing |
pakpak +t+d1 |
33 |
55 |
woman/female |
danda |
31 |
127 |
woods/forest |
talon |
30 |
127 |
woods/forest |
kagurangan |
Loan? c.f. Yakan |
2 |
107 |
worm (earthworm) |
ulot |
36 |
169 |
year |
anyo |
L |
150 |
yellow |
dulaw +d1 |
24 |
L |
186 |
you |
kaw |
21 |