: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Tetun (Dili)

Source/Author:  Katrina Langford, Catharina Williams-van Klinken 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:tdt  Glottocode: tetu1246 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Katrina Langford, Catharina Williams-van Klinken  Checked By:  
  • Total Data: 240
  • Number of Retentions:
  • Number of Loans: 7
Classification:  Creole:Tetun based 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
175 above iha ... nia leten at ...'s top    
191 all hotu      
191 all hotu-hotu      
192 and ho NPs    
192 and no formal use    
192 and i i (from Portugese 'e') for clauses   L
146 ash ahi kdesan Variant: ahu kdesan    
173 at iha      
13 back word info kotuk      
165 bad, evil aat      
14 belly kabun      
176 below iha ... nia okos at ...'s bottom    
153 big boot      
97 bird manu      
147 black metan      
23 blood raan   1  
15 bone ruin      
113 branch word info sanak      
18 breast susun      
56 child labarik child (young person)    
56 child oan child (son/daughter)    
131 cloud word info kalohan Not aware of white/rain cloud distinction, but haven't asked.    
139 cold word info malirin      
166 correct, true loos Also means 'right' (not 'left')    
168 day loron      
10 dirty foer      
96 dog asu      
140 dry word info maran      
82 dull, blunt      
11 dust rai rahun      
11 dust rai uut Less common term    
43 ear tilun   4  
119 earth/soil rai      
98 egg tolun      
204 Eight word info walu      
45 eye matan   1  
180 far dook      
104 fat/grease bokur fat    
104 fat/grease mina oil, lard    
60 father aman      
99 feather manu fulun Usually specify source: e.g. manu fulun=bird feather    
99 feather fulun body hair, feather, fur    
208 Fifty word info lima-nulu      
143 fire ahi      
111 fish ikan      
201 Five word info lima      
116 flower funan Must be possessed: e.g. 'ai funan'='tree flower', sabraka funan=citrus flower    
132 fog abu-abu      
200 Four word info haat      
117 fruit fuan Must be possessed: e.g. 'ai fuan'='tree fruit'    
164 good diak      
118 grass duut      
151 green modok green    
151 green matak fresh, green    
151 green verde Portugese 'verde'='green'   L
26 hair word info fuuk   1  
1 hand liman   1  
184 he/she nia      
24 head ulun   1  
142 heavy todan      
61 house uma   1  
194 how? word info oinsaa      
57 husband laen      
57 husband katuas oan lit. ' + child'    
57 husband kaben legally married spouse (husband, wife)    
182 I hau      
193 if se Portugese   L
193 if karik 'perhaps', often used in combination    
174 in, inside iha ... nia laran at ... 's inside    
16 intestines teen      
126 lake      
114 leaf tahan Must be possessed: e.g. ai tahan 'tree leaf'    
2 left karuk (liman karuk)      
4 leg/foot ain   1  
135 lightning rai lakan = earth shine    
17 liver aten      
155 long word info naruk      
108 louse word info utu      
54 man/male mane      
103 meat/flesh naan meat    
103 meat/flesh isin flesh (of body, fruit...) as opposed to spirit or bones or fat    
129 moon fulan      
109 mosquito susuk      
59 mother inan      
30 mouth ibun      
63 name naran      
158 narrow kloot      
179 near besik      
25 neck kakorok neck, throat    
68 needle daun      
163 new foun      
167 night kalan      
205 Nine word info sia      
195 no, not la not (verbs, adj)    
195 no, not laos not (other)    
195 no, not lae no    
27 nose inus      
162 old word info katuas old (for men)    
162 old word info ferik old (for women)    
162 old word info tuan old (for things)    
197 One word info ida   1  
209 One Hundred word info atus ida = hundred one    
210 One Thousand word info rihun ida = thousand one    
190 other seluk      
160 painful, sick moras      
53 person/human being ema      
133 rain udan      
102 rat laho      
149 red mean      
3 right loos (liman loos)      
6 road/path dalan      
6 road/path luroon road    
6 road/path estrada Portuguese: estrada (street)   L
115 root abut Must be possessed    
65 rope tali      
112 rotten word info dodok rotten, mushy    
125 salt masin      
121 sand rai henek      
124 sea tasi      
203 Seven word info hitu      
81 sharp kroat      
154 short word info badak      
19 shoulder kabaas      
161 shy, ashamed moe      
202 Six word info neen      
12 skin kulit      
128 sky lalehan = sky, heaven    
152 small kiik      
145 smoke word info ahi suar = fire smoke/exhaust/steam    
106 snake samea      
110 spider labadain      
130 star fitun      
79 stick/wood ai      
120 stone fatuk      
105 tail ikun      
206 Ten word info sanulu      
178 that      
62 thatch/roof uma duut house with thatch roof    
187 they sira      
157 thick word info mahar      
156 thin word info mihis      
177 this nee      
183 thou o      
199 Three word info tolu      
134 thunder rai tarutu = land bang; Less common: tinan tarutu=year/wet.season+bang    
41 to bite tata      
137 to blow word info huu      
28 to breathe dada iis iis = breath; dada = pull in    
144 to burn word info sunu      
91 to buy sosa      
38 to chew word info mama (malus) chew betel    
38 to chew word info nata   1  
85 to choose hili choose, pick    
85 to choose fihir stare at, choose    
85 to choose eskolya Portuguese 'escolha'='choice'   L
172 to climb word info sae ascend, climb    
7 to come mai   1  
39 to cook word info tein      
196 to count sura      
34 to cry tanis   1  
78 to cut, hack word info taa chop    
78 to cut, hack word info tesi cut, sever    
75 to die, be dead mate   1  
90 to dig kee      
50 to dream mehi      
40 to drink hemu      
37 to eat haan   1  
95 to fall word info monu general term for 'fall'    
95 to fall word info namtate fall and scatter (of fruit or leaves from tree)    
22 to fear tauk   1  
123 to flow suli      
101 to fly semo      
86 to grow word info moris No term. Use 'moris'='live' + word to show it is in process    
44 to hear rona      
171 to hide word info subar 'subar' is most common.    
171 to hide word info helik      
72 to hit word info baku      
89 to hold word info kaer      
69 to hunt word info kasa From Portuguese 'caça'   L
74 to kill oho      
20 to know, be knowledgeable matenek knowledgable, clever    
20 to know, be knowledgeable hatene   35  
33 to laugh hamnasa      
49 to lie down word info toba      
76 to live, be alive moris      
92 to open, uncover loke      
84 to plant kuda      
93 to pound, beat word info fai pound using end of stick, e.g. corn    
93 to pound, beat word info tuku pound with stone, e.g. garlic    
64 to say dehan      
77 to scratch word info koi      
46 to see haree      
67 to sew word info suku      
70 to shoot word info tiru      
51 to sit tuur      
48 to sleep toba sleep, lie down    
29 to sniff, smell horon      
36 to spit tafui      
80 to split word info fera      
88 to squeeze word info buti      
71 to stab, pierce sona      
52 to stand hamriik      
73 to steal naok      
42 to suck susu      
87 to swell word info bubu      
9 to swim nani   1  
21 to think hanoin   5  
94 to throw word info soe discard, throw underarm    
94 to throw word info tuda pelt, overarm    
66 to tie up, fasten kesi      
8 to turn word info fila   4?  
35 to vomit muta   1  
5 to walk lao   1  
83 to work word info servisu From Portuguese 'serviço'='service'   L
47 to yawn      
32 tongue nanaal      
31 tooth nehan Variant: nihan 1?  
207 Twenty word info rua-nulu      
198 Two word info rua   1  
138 warm word info manas      
122 water word info bee      
185 we word info ami excl.    
185 we word info ita incl.    
141 wet bokon      
188 what? word info saida Lit 'what one'    
188 what? word info saa Rare    
170 when? word info bainhira when (for future)    
170 when? word info hori bainhira when (for past)    
181 where? word info iha nebee      
148 white mutin      
189 who? word info see      
159 wide luan      
58 wife feen   5  
58 wife ferik oan lit. 'old.woman + child'    
58 wife kaben legally married spouse (husband, wife)    
136 wind anin      
100 wing liras      
55 woman/female feto   27  
127 woods/forest ai laran = plant + inside    
107 worm (earthworm) ular      
169 year tinan      
150 yellow kinur = yellow, turmeric    
186 you ita "you"    
186 you ita boot "you big" = more formal and respectful    

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