: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Malango

Source/Author:  Tryon & Hackman (1983) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:mln  Glottocode: mala1484 
Notes:  Tryon, D.T. & Hackman, B. (1983) Solomon Islands languages: an internal classification. 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Michael Dunn  Checked By:  
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Southeast Solomonic:Gela-Guadalcanal:Guadalcanal 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
39 to cook word info      
57 husband      
58 wife      
68 needle      
85 to choose      
86 to grow word info      
91 to buy      
92 to open, uncover      
93 to pound, beat word info      
94 to throw word info      
107 worm (earthworm)      
125 salt      
126 lake      
158 narrow      
159 wide      
161 shy, ashamed      
171 to hide word info      
172 to climb word info      
175 above      
178 that      
190 other      
191 all      
207 Twenty word info      
19 shoulder kokove-mu   43  
38 to chew word info ngataa   35  
50 to dream mbolebole   10  
70 to shoot word info vavana   1  
70 to shoot word info tatai      
79 stick/wood hai   1  
84 to plant chukaa   51  
208 Fifty word info chehe sangavulu   2  
76 to live, be alive mauri alive 1, 76  
192 and ame and 2  
192 and maia and 2, 46  
1 hand lima-na arm 1, 64  
146 ash tɔra ashes 27  
173 at i at 1  
173 at tana at 7  
13 back word info mbuke-na back 13  
165 bad, evil seko bad 50  
9 to swim lesɔ bathe; irregular *o > e 8  
14 belly tɔmba-na belly 36  
176 below vava-na below 1  
153 big leho big    
97 bird manu bird 1  
41 to bite ŋɔtia bite 77  
147 black mbau black 42  
23 blood hambu-na blood 5  
137 to blow word info pusua blow    
137 to blow word info huhuri blow 47  
82 dull, blunt mɔndu blunt 55  
15 bone suli-na bone 52  
113 branch word info arana-na branch 1, 17, 37  
18 breast čuču-na breast 1  
28 to breathe mahɔmahɔ breathe 17  
144 to burn word info vurulake burn 48  
127 woods/forest lɔŋa bush    
127 woods/forest talu bush    
56 child ŋgari child; irregular *e > i 40  
131 cloud word info lavɔ cloud 62  
131 cloud word info taŋgula cloud    
139 cold word info mbisi cold 46  
7 to come mai come 1  
166 correct, true hɔtɔ correct 13  
196 to count inĵu count 46  
34 to cry ɔra cry 45  
78 to cut, hack word info kalia cut (string) 62  
78 to cut, hack word info kalia cut (wood) 62  
78 to cut, hack word info cut nut X  
168 day ndani day 6  
75 to die, be dead mate die 1  
90 to dig helia dig 1  
10 dirty naŋguha dirty 55  
96 dog pai dog 54  
96 dog čakuri dog 55  
40 to drink inu drink 1  
140 dry word info čele dry 76  
11 dust papasaha dust 19  
43 ear valiŋe-na ear 1, 23  
119 earth/soil pari earth 45  
37 to eat hania eat 1  
98 egg tɔlu-na egg 1  
204 Eight word info alu eight 3  
45 eye mata-na eye 1  
95 to fall word info ruču fall 65  
180 far vasau far 1, 18  
104 fat/grease sereha fat/grease 35  
104 fat/grease nɔkɔ fat/grease    
60 father tɔha-na father    
22 to fear matahu fear 1  
99 feather vulunimanu feather (of bird) 1  
143 fire lake fire 6  
111 fish čeče fish 56  
111 fish hahanɔ fish 58  
201 Five word info čehe five 16  
123 to flow tatave flow 10  
116 flower čiči-na flower 42  
101 to fly lɔlɔvɔ fly 1  
101 to fly laŋɔ fly (insect!) x  
132 fog čɔi fog    
200 Four word info vati four 1, 65  
117 fruit vua-na fruit 1  
5 to walk ndia go 30  
5 to walk sivɔ go down    
5 to walk ndatɔ go up    
164 good talana good    
118 grass mburumburu grass 19  
151 green maraɔ green 13  
16 intestines tinae-na guts 1  
26 hair word info vulunitanɔ-na hair (body) 31  
184 he/she ia he 1  
24 head vuŋa-na head 2  
44 to hear rɔŋɔnia hear 1  
142 heavy mava heavy 46  
72 to hit word info lambua hit (stick) 42  
89 to hold word info maɔ hold    
89 to hold word info taria hold 62  
61 house vale house 14  
61 house luma house 1  
194 how? word info huaha how?    
69 to hunt word info ruhu hunt 13  
69 to hunt word info ɔŋa hunt 52  
182 I inau I (1sg) 1, 22  
193 if tina if 51  
174 in, inside lalɔ-na in 1  
47 to yawn mama'o irregular presence of glottal stop 19  
74 to kill lambua kill 42  
20 to know, be knowledgeable hanā know    
33 to laugh kia laugh 14  
114 leaf rau-na leaf 1  
2 left mauli-na left 1, 59  
4 leg/foot tua-na leg 95  
49 to lie down word info nĵarɔ lie down 49  
76 to live, be alive mauri life 1, 76  
135 lightning vitihia lightning 10  
17 liver ate-na liver 1  
155 long word info ndahɔ long 58  
108 louse word info lisa-na louse egg x20  
108 louse word info ŋutu louse; irregular *k > ŋ 1, 27  
54 man/male mane man 1  
103 meat/flesh venesi-na meat/flesh 17, 67  
129 moon vula moon 1  
109 mosquito namu mosquito 1  
59 mother tina-na mother 1  
30 mouth maŋa-na mouth 13  
63 name asa-na name 1, 18  
179 near varaŋi near 1, 74  
179 near maravia near    
25 neck liɔ-na neck 1  
163 new vaɔlu new 1  
167 night puti night    
205 Nine word info siu nine; irregular loss of *a 5  
195 no, not teha no 4, 70  
27 nose isu-na nose 1  
162 old word info tuali old (person) 48  
162 old word info tuali old (thing) x  
197 One word info čakai one 8  
209 One Hundred word info čakai saŋatu one hundred; irregular loss of *R 4, 38  
210 One Thousand word info čakai tɔha one thousand 27  
53 person/human being tinɔni person 10  
133 rain usa rain 1  
102 rat husuve rat 3  
149 red čiči red 19  
3 right mandɔa-na right; irregular loss of *l/*R; irregular diphthongisation of final vowels 9  
6 road/path sala road 1  
115 root lamu-na root 3  
65 rope halɔ rope; irregular *w > h 2  
112 rotten word info pɔtɔ rotten 9, 68  
121 sand nuhunuhu sand 41  
64 to say kɔvahai say 153  
77 to scratch word info ŋgarusia scratch 44  
124 sea tasi kɔlɔ sea 1  
46 to see mɔrɔsia see 60  
203 Seven word info vitu seven 1  
67 to sew word info vovosi sew    
81 sharp vavaŋa sharp 14, 20  
154 short word info kumu short 63  
160 painful, sick ɔče sick 57  
51 to sit tɔhɔtū sit    
202 Six word info ɔnɔ six 1  
12 skin kevu-na skin    
128 sky aɔmaŋa sky    
48 to sleep maturu sleep 1  
48 to sleep mbiku sleep 57  
152 small peči small 57  
29 to sniff, smell sihini smell 12  
145 smoke word info puŋu-na smoke 28  
145 smoke word info lɔŋgu smoke    
106 snake pɔli snake 44  
110 spider laɔlaɔ spider 9  
110 spider kɔminĵi spider 46  
36 to spit čuve spit 19, 88  
80 to split word info tapala split 88  
88 to squeeze word info lusia squeeze; irregular *o > u 19, 65  
71 to stab, pierce mbuča stab 65  
71 to stab, pierce nunua stab    
52 to stand tū čau stand 2  
130 star vetuhu star 1, 50  
73 to steal mbeli steal 12  
120 stone makara stone 26  
42 to suck mučua suck 20  
87 to swell word info čare swell    
9 to swim ɔlɔ swim 74  
105 tail kali-na tail 34  
206 Ten word info saŋavulu ten 5  
62 thatch/roof atɔ thatch 1  
62 thatch/roof lekɔlekɔ thatch    
187 they ikɔera they (3du) x  
187 they ira they (3pl) 1, 70  
157 thick word info paru thick 44  
156 thin word info mareve thin; irregular *d > r 1, 67  
21 to think pandā think 36  
177 this i ia this 1, 18  
199 Three word info tɔlu three 1  
134 thunder visa thunder 19  
66 to tie up, fasten sɔria tie 57  
32 tongue lapi-na tongue 21  
31 tooth livɔ-na tooth 1, 35  
8 to turn word info leleɔ turn    
198 Two word info ruka two; irregular medial -k- 1, 21  
35 to vomit mumuta vomit 1  
5 to walk ndindia walk    
138 warm word info papara warm 71  
122 water word info kɔlɔ water 42  
185 we word info ikɔhami we (1du.excl) 2  
185 we word info ikɔhita we (1du.incl) 1  
185 we word info ilɔhami we (1pl.excl) 2  
185 we word info ilɔhita we (1pl.incl) 1  
141 wet raŋgɔ wet    
188 what? word info na hua what? 36  
170 when? word info i ŋisa when? 1, 24  
181 where? word info i vei where? 3  
148 white sere white 15  
189 who? word info i sei who? 1  
136 wind huhuri wind 12  
100 wing rapɔ-na wing 50  
55 woman/female ndaki woman 25  
83 to work word info aŋgɔ work 32  
169 year uvi year 41  
150 yellow mila yellow 44  
150 yellow aŋɔ yellow 9  
186 you ikɔhamu you (2du) x  
186 you ilɔhamu you (2pl) 1  
183 thou ihɔe you (2sg) s  
186 you -miu your (2pl.poss) x  
186 you -mu your (2sg.poss) x  

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