: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Kuot

Source/Author:  Lindström field notes 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:kto  Glottocode: kuot1243 
Notes:  non-Austronesian ("East Papuan"), New Ireland, Papua New Guinea.
Previous names: Panaras (also Nayama, Kun, Kulot; see Lindström 2002 p19).
Noun endings -ma, -na, -nəm, -nim, -bam, -bu, -bun, -uom disappear in plural formation and should probably be ignored for comparative purposes.  
Data Entry:  Typed By: Eva Lindström  Checked By:  
  • Total Data: 293
  • Number of Retentions:
  • Number of Loans: 14
Classification:  Isolate 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
3 right      
8 to turn word info      
28 to breathe      
53 person/human being      
68 needle      
117 fruit      
126 lake      
131 cloud word info      
156 thin word info      
158 narrow      
159 wide      
190 other      
193 if      
210 One Thousand word info      
1 hand kilan      
2 left kaiar prob 'left hand(ed)'    
4 leg/foot kiban      
4 leg/foot kadəlek (northern dialect)    
5 to walk num Vcls 2    
6 road/path alaŋ (AN loan)    
7 to come mu-o Vcls 3    
7 to come op Vcls 2    
9 to swim kakai Vcls 1; also 'float'    
10 dirty pəppəl adj    
11 dust buia      
12 skin neip only in plural form    
12 skin kumalip only in plural form    
12 skin pəppək pəppək also of 'peel', 'bark' etc.    
13 back word info ibunəm      
14 belly puana      
15 bone muanəm      
16 intestines pakkubinəm      
16 intestines dalə includes general insides of belly, 'offal'    
17 liver bakkarep      
17 liver bəsok also 'lung'    
18 breast sisima (AN loan)    
19 shoulder barana      
19 shoulder biaməna 'shoulder blade'    
20 to know, be knowledgeable it Vcls 2    
21 to think akat Vcls 1    
22 to fear rau Vcls 2    
23 blood oləbuan      
24 head bukom      
25 neck kəkkoŋ      
26 hair word info kapuruma      
27 nose akabunima 'nostril'    
27 nose ŋof 'nostril'    
29 to sniff, smell ie Vcls 2    
30 mouth nənəm      
31 tooth laukima      
32 tongue məlobiem      
33 to laugh fakabuo Vcls 1    
33 to laugh akkit Vcls 1    
33 to laugh tekkit Vcls 1    
34 to cry libə Vcls 2    
35 to vomit tarak-ban Vcls 3    
35 to vomit abən Vcls 2, of small children    
36 to spit kasup Vcls 1    
37 to eat o Vcls 2    
37 to eat parak Vcls 1    
38 to chew word info səm chew    
38 to chew word info soŋ chew betel nut    
38 to chew word info ŋose chew and swallow juice, as of sugar cane    
38 to chew word info kərəs chew noisily, crunch    
38 to chew word info səmsəm chew    
39 to cook word info bukara 'make cooked < adj. 'cooked'    
39 to cook word info pa iouna Vcls 2, make 'mumu', cook in stones (iouna=cooking stones)    
40 to drink təp-o Vcls 3    
41 to bite karət (AN loan) also 'betel nut'    
42 to suck sisi Vcls 1 (AN loan, see 'breast')   L
42 to suck ninip 'as in suck on fingers'    
43 ear kikinəm      
44 to hear ptə Vcls 2    
44 to hear omirə Vcls 2    
45 eye irəma      
46 to see kima Vcls 1    
46 to see i-i Vcls 3    
47 to yawn marala Vcls 1    
48 to sleep duri also 'lie down'    
48 to sleep tete child-directed    
49 to lie down word info duri also 'to sleep'    
50 to dream kirit-ie Vcls 3    
50 to dream kikkirit-ie Vcls 3    
51 to sit onəma Vcls 2    
52 to stand dus Vcls 1    
54 man/male mikana      
54 man/male teima      
55 woman/female makabun      
56 child poi someone's child    
56 child kulot boy    
56 child kuləmut girl    
56 child lop children (PL only)    
57 husband lai      
58 wife kualə also 'old woman' (same in Nochi)    
59 mother naga same in Nalik, Nochi, Madak ('my mother')    
59 mother num older root? base of collective forms    
59 mother kakka child's address    
60 father irə      
60 father mama child's address    
61 house lukuan (also 'roof')    
62 thatch/roof lukuan also 'house'    
63 name bonim      
64 to say ga      
64 to say gama      
64 to say ma      
64 to say mama      
65 rope iakur      
66 to tie up, fasten pis Vcls 1 (AN loan)   L
66 to tie up, fasten pəla Vcls 1    
66 to tie up, fasten buruk-in tie with knot    
67 to sew word info sikit (AN loan)    
69 to hunt word info sin Vcls 1 'hunt with dogs'    
70 to shoot word info bəle shoot with spear    
70 to shoot word info pure shoot or stab with spear etc.    
71 to stab, pierce pure Vcls 1 stab, shoot    
71 to stab, pierce siki Vcls 1 stab, pierce, prick (AN loan)   L
71 to stab, pierce buliŋ Vcls 1 'stab', poke, as ground for post etc    
72 to hit word info pit Vcls 1, hit with stick, also 'cut firewood'    
72 to hit word info pukət Vcls 1, beat with stick    
73 to steal pula Vcls 1    
74 to kill nəm Vcls 2a, 'to go at, injure'    
75 to die, be dead pəra Vcls 2    
76 to live, be alive nim Vcls 2, also 'be conscious'    
77 to scratch word info karamit Vcls 1    
78 to cut, hack word info bulə Vcls 2a 'cut, chop, fell'    
78 to cut, hack word info kirip Vcls 1 'cut, chop with knife'    
79 stick/wood karənəm      
79 stick/wood pas      
80 to split word info səba Vcls 1 'split bamboo, or areca palm trunk for walling or flooring'    
80 to split word info bəsa Vcls 1 'split bamboo, or areca palm trunk for walling or flooring'    
80 to split word info pəreit Vcls 1 'split firewood, or vine for lashing'    
81 sharp oror adj    
82 dull, blunt but adj    
83 to work word info ubi Vcls 1    
84 to plant li Vcls 2a    
84 to plant Vcls 1 'plant a new garden'    
85 to choose ite Vcls 1 also 'sort'    
85 to choose mat Vcls 1 also 'take aim'    
86 to grow word info sik (AN: Nochi chik chikchik)   L
86 to grow word info siksik (AN: Nochi chik chikchik)   L
87 to swell word info dəŋ Vcls 1    
87 to swell word info tiŋ Vcls 1    
87 to swell word info abə Vcls 2 also 'rise, climb'    
87 to swell word info ut Vcls 1 also 'be full from eating'    
88 to squeeze word info pora Vcls 1    
89 to hold word info at Vcls 2a    
90 to dig kau Vcls 1 (AN loan (?))    
91 to buy seo Vcls 1 also 'pay'    
91 to buy u-i Vcls 3 also 'pay    
92 to open, uncover pilas Vcls 1    
93 to pound, beat word info sək Vcls 1 hit, pound with stone or stick    
93 to pound, beat word info ra Vcls 2a 'pound to open shell'    
94 to throw word info ko Vcls 1    
94 to throw word info apə Vcls 1 incl throw spear    
94 to throw word info pure Vcls 1 throw at    
95 to fall word info kəm Vcls 2    
95 to fall word info tiri Vcls 1    
95 to fall word info mir Vcls 1    
96 dog kapuna (AN: same as Nochi)    
97 bird kobeŋ southern Kuot (AN loan? Lakuramau koben=wing)   L?
97 bird amani northern Kuot (AN loan)   L
98 egg səgər      
98 egg dəkər Kabil dialect    
99 feather nebam      
100 wing pupuruna      
101 to fly pəva-la Vcls 3    
102 rat kifəma (m) (AN loan)   L
102 rat kifəbun (f) (AN loan)   L
103 meat/flesh puppunes      
103 meat/flesh otbəna 'meat of fish'    
103 meat/flesh ŋane 'what you have with the carbo hydrates (Tok Pisin abus)'    
104 fat/grease ailu      
104 fat/grease kiris of nuts    
105 tail ləpəle of dog as well as snake    
105 tail pətpat also 'lower back of pig (butchered with the tail)'    
105 tail ləbonaŋ tail and backmost part of fish    
105 tail uliakano bird's tail    
106 snake kakok      
107 worm (earthworm) makabunama (spp, long and thin)    
108 louse word info ineima      
109 mosquito ŋatŋarima (AN loan)    
110 spider kakoburik      
110 spider kokoburik      
111 fish abuluma      
112 rotten word info is adj    
113 branch word info muaranim      
113 branch word info muareima      
114 leaf bəbam      
115 root ikunəm      
116 flower purə only verb; prob loan    
118 grass pəlis      
119 earth/soil kimanəm      
120 stone adəs      
121 sand ubiem      
122 water word info burunəm      
122 water word info danuot also 'river', AN loan (?)   L?
123 to flow ripa Vcls 2    
124 sea pirom      
125 salt tes (AN loan)    
127 woods/forest panap bush, also 'rubbish, trash' (PL only)    
127 woods/forest ben high forest    
128 sky panbinim the blue sky, clouds are below it    
129 moon uləŋ (AN loan)    
130 star marələ (AN loan < Morning star)   L
130 star mataleŋleŋ (AN? = Nochi)   L?
132 fog upau mist, rising from forest after rain    
133 rain afərət (AN loan < wet season)    
134 thunder duk      
135 lightning ilak (AN loan)    
136 wind ifif (AN loan)    
137 to blow word info ləf blow away, of wind    
137 to blow word info fu blow with the mouth (AN loan)   L
138 warm word info pamnə adj    
138 warm word info pəppamnə warm, hot in general    
139 cold word info madin Vcls 1, cold, cool in general    
140 dry word info bəlak Vcls 1, dry, be dry in general    
140 dry word info uauk Vcls 1, of sores or anything wet that dries out    
141 wet saput Vcls 1    
141 wet sərap adj    
141 wet puskə adj 'moist'    
141 wet səsarap adj    
141 wet saraput Vcls 1    
142 heavy giginə adj    
143 fire kit (AN? Lavongai kut)    
144 to burn word info suam Vcls 1    
144 to burn word info ip-au Vcls 3 'burn secondary growth in garden preparation'    
145 smoke word info bonət      
146 ash ura      
146 ash utərə      
147 black pul      
147 black puppul adj (AN? =Nochi 'black, dirty')    
148 white pəsok Vcls 1 (AN: Tigak & Lavongai: posok)    
149 red toktok adj (AN?? = Nochi tok)    
150 yellow kakko Vcls 1    
151 green makmakada Vcls 1 (AN: Nalik mərəxə'wa, Madak məmaxa)    
152 small kəppi adj also 'thin', 'narrow'    
152 small tətak (AN? Nochi: dokdok)   L?
153 big kan adj also 'thick', 'wide'    
154 short word info pəppo adj (length and height)    
155 long word info laklakə adj    
157 thick word info am adj also 'fat'    
160 painful, sick ŋit Vcls 1 hurt    
160 painful, sick tafa Vcls 1 sick    
161 shy, ashamed muli-bə Vcls 3    
162 old word info lai old man    
162 old word info lappək 'be old' if used as Vcls 1    
162 old word info kuala old woman    
162 old word info kualappik 'be old' if used as Vcls 1    
163 new adj    
164 good mur adj    
164 good məgo adj    
165 bad, evil kirə adj    
166 correct, true mikə adj    
167 night arubu also 'darkness'    
168 day la day    
168 day ileŋ daytime, daylight    
169 year karanim also 'low tide, reef at low tide'    
170 when? word info namuk adv, also 'how many'    
171 to hide word info kako-ri Vcls 3    
171 to hide word info sukə V cls 1 'pull back to hide'    
172 to climb word info abə Vcl 2, also rise etc    
173 at na      
174 in, inside na      
175 above bo also 'on'    
175 above nakkap adv 'on, over, up'    
176 below pət also 'under'    
176 below laurup adv 'under, below, down'    
177 this ti many many forms,+ inflected for person    
178 that to many many forms,+ inflected for person    
179 near kakarat      
180 far kəkkaliat      
181 where? word info lakum      
182 I tuo      
182 I turuo      
183 thou nuo      
183 thou nunuo      
184 he/she i masc    
184 he/she u fem -- much variation across pronominal functions    
185 we word info buo incl    
185 we word info bubuo      
185 we word info papa excl    
185 we word info pa      
186 you mi      
186 you mimi      
187 they mi varies across functions    
187 they ma varies across functions    
188 what? word info mani      
189 who? word info aka      
191 all ganam 'all, whole'    
192 and ga      
194 how? word info are mani "like what"    
195 no, not təle negation    
195 no, not karuk is not, no    
196 to count pəs Vcls 1    
197 One word info namurit      
198 Two word info narain      
199 Three word info naien      
200 Four word info nakala      
201 Five word info muanəm      
202 Six word info gunamur      
203 Seven word info gamura      
204 Eight word info gamin      
205 Nine word info gamiala      
206 Ten word info mənaburuan      
207 Twenty word info narain mənaburualapien two tens    
208 Fifty word info muanə ma mənaburualap five tens    
209 One Hundred word info mənaburuan ma mənaburualap ten tens    

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