: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Bikol (Rinconada)

Source/Author:  Lobel & Bucad 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:bto  Glottocode: irig1242 
Notes:  Lobel, Jason William and Grace Uvero Bucad. Rinconada Bikol-Filipino-English Phrasebook: with Mini-Dictionary. Naga City, Philippines: Lobel & Tria Partnership, 2001. 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Andrew C. Hsiu  Checked By:  
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Philippine:Greater Central Philippine:Central Philippine:Bikol:Inland:Iriga 


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Showing 3 of 50 entries. Show ALL logged changes


ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
175 above itaás   1  
191 all ngámin   1  
192 and saká   1  
192 and ag      
192 and palá      
146 ash      
173 at sa   14  
13 back word info taludtód   93  
165 bad, evil maraót   1, 91  
14 belly burós      
176 below iraróm   20  
153 big dakuló'   22, 23  
153 big duág      
97 bird bayóng   46  
147 black itóm   1  
23 blood rugó'   16  
15 bone túlang   1  
113 branch word info      
18 breast      
56 child igín   106  
131 cloud word info dag-óm rain cloud    
131 cloud word info panganuron      
139 cold word info maagnów   26, 120  
166 correct, true tama'   3  
168 day aldów   1  
10 dirty maatí'   118  
96 dog áyam   23  
96 dog ido   21  
140 dry word info mará   26  
82 dull, blunt      
11 dust talbó   1, 52  
43 ear talínga   1  
119 earth/soil ragá'   24  
98 egg itlog   1  
204 Eight word info waló   3  
45 eye matá   1  
180 far (a)rayó'   1, 76  
104 fat/grease      
60 father kag-igan na lalakí kag-igan = parent    
99 feather barbón      
208 Fifty word info singkwénta Spanish x L
143 fire kalayó   10  
111 fish isurá'   18  
201 Five word info limá   1  
116 flower búrak   22  
132 fog      
200 Four word info opat   1  
117 fruit bungá   9  
164 good mabóot      
164 good maráy   46, 120  
118 grass duót      
151 green      
26 hair word info bok   1, 68  
26 hair word info buwók   1, 65  
1 hand kamót   21, 68  
184 he/she (s)iya   1, 31  
24 head páyo   46  
142 heavy magubát   1, 63  
61 house balóy   14  
194 how? word info paóno   29, 77  
57 husband agóm   28  
182 I akó   1, 5  
193 if kin   1, 71  
193 if kun   1, 11  
174 in, inside sa loòg (inside)    
16 intestines bitukâ   21  
126 lake ranów   1  
114 leaf dáwon   1  
2 left walá   25, 68  
4 leg/foot paá   20  
4 leg/foot tiíl   10  
135 lightning kitkilát   1  
17 liver atáy   1  
155 long word info aba   27  
155 long word info maabá'   27  
108 louse word info lusà   16  
54 man/male lalakí   2, 99  
103 meat/flesh      
129 moon bulán   1  
109 mosquito námok   1, 90  
59 mother kag-igan na babayé kag-igan = parent    
30 mouth ngangá      
63 name ngarán   1  
158 narrow      
179 near (a)raní   1, 35  
25 neck lióg   1  
68 needle ragôm   1  
163 new bágo   1, 54  
167 night gab-í   21  
205 Nine word info siyám   9  
195 no, not dirí'   121  
195 no, not bukó'   26  
27 nose oróng   1, 84  
162 old word info guráng   21  
197 One word info usad   1, 63  
209 One Hundred word info sanggátos   4  
210 One Thousand word info sangríbo   5  
190 other ibá   12  
160 painful, sick kulóg pain    
160 painful, sick ílang sickness 130  
53 person/human being tawó   1  
133 rain urán   1  
102 rat babo'      
149 red pulá   28  
3 right tóo   5, 25  
6 road/path ági   56  
6 road/path ágiyan   56  
6 road/path rarán   1  
115 root      
65 rope guód   78  
112 rotten word info      
125 salt asín   3  
121 sand basód      
124 sea dágat   25  
203 Seven word info pitó   1  
81 sharp mataróm   1  
154 short word info alokot      
19 shoulder abagá   1  
161 shy, ashamed supóg   29  
202 Six word info onóm   1  
12 skin kulít   1  
128 sky      
152 small matubís      
152 small sadít   152  
152 small sadáy   152  
145 smoke word info asó   2  
106 snake sáwa   25  
110 spider lawa'   1  
130 star bitúon   1  
79 stick/wood káwoy   1  
120 stone búrak   1  
120 stone bató   1  
105 tail ikôg   1  
206 Ten word info sampulo'   5  
178 that adtó   16  
178 that 'dto   16  
178 that íton   16  
178 that iyán   3  
62 thatch/roof átop   1  
187 they sira   1  
187 they sindá   1, 35  
157 thick word info maib-óg   60  
156 thin word info maimpís   1, 47  
177 this adí   39  
177 this 'di   39  
177 this ini   1  
183 thou iká   1  
199 Three word info toló   1  
134 thunder dagul-dul   2, 47  
41 to bite kagát   1  
137 to blow word info uyupun   1, 44  
28 to breathe magingainga redup. of "inga" 1, 70  
144 to burn word info subsubán      
144 to burn word info suluón   100, 101  
91 to buy magbakál   32  
38 to chew word info kisam-kisam      
85 to choose magpilî   1  
172 to climb word info magpánik   1, 62  
172 to climb word info magtukád      
7 to come magabót   15  
39 to cook word info maglutô   20  
196 to count magbílang   1  
34 to cry magtangís   1  
34 to cry magburá'      
78 to cut, hack word info magputól   103, 107  
78 to cut, hack word info magbangá      
78 to cut, hack word info magbaák      
75 to die, be dead magraán      
90 to dig magkalót   54  
90 to dig magbubón      
50 to dream túrog = sleep    
50 to dream pangaturogan = dream 79  
40 to drink maginóm   1  
37 to eat magkaón   1, 14  
95 to fall word info maúlog   29  
22 to fear tákot   1  
123 to flow magsulóg      
101 to fly mag layug   43  
86 to grow word info      
44 to hear marongóg   1  
171 to hide word info magtago'   13  
72 to hit word info tangpaôn (to hit in the head)    
89 to hold word info kaptán   25  
89 to hold word info magkapòt   25  
89 to hold word info kapotán   25  
69 to hunt word info      
74 to kill magguraán   95  
20 to know, be knowledgeable ísi   106  
33 to laugh magtáwa   1  
33 to laugh magngisî      
49 to lie down word info magbatáng   22  
76 to live, be alive buwáy   14  
92 to open, uncover magbukás   1, 63  
84 to plant magtanóm   2  
93 to pound, beat word info      
64 to say magsábi   33  
77 to scratch word info kaguwôn   1  
77 to scratch word info magkagôw      
46 to see mabayad stress on the first syllable    
46 to see masilngan stress on the first syllable 110  
67 to sew word info magtayí'   1  
70 to shoot word info sugaton      
51 to sit mag-ola'      
51 to sit mag-ula'      
48 to sleep magtúrog   1  
29 to sniff, smell magparóng   79  
36 to spit maglustab      
80 to split word info magbangá/magbaák      
88 to squeeze word info magpuga   1, 37  
71 to stab, pierce saksák   68  
52 to stand tindóg   20  
73 to steal magtabán   27  
42 to suck supsóp   1  
87 to swell word info      
9 to swim maglangóy   1  
21 to think      
94 to throw word info magbagát   45  
66 to tie up, fasten bugkós   111  
8 to turn word info magbirik   4, 75  
8 to turn word info mag libot   21  
8 to turn word info magsiko   21  
35 to vomit magsuká   9  
5 to walk maglaagí   108  
5 to walk magliagí   108  
5 to walk mag-ági   108  
83 to work word info magtrabáho Spanish 103 L
47 to yawn mag ugab   1, 38  
32 tongue rira'   4  
31 tooth ngipón   1, 48  
207 Twenty word info baynte Spanish x L
198 Two word info darwá   1, 23  
138 warm word info mainít hot 23  
122 water word info tubíg   14  
185 we word info kita   1, 50  
185 we word info kami   2, 52  
141 wet mabasá'   1  
188 what? word info onó   2, 65  
188 what? word info taonó      
170 when? word info sóno   10, 20  
170 when? word info kóno      
181 where? word info sári      
148 white putí'   1  
189 who? word info (s)ísay   1, 50  
159 wide malakbang   24  
58 wife agóm   20  
136 wind angín   1  
100 wing pakpák   33  
55 woman/female babayé   1, 105  
127 woods/forest kadlágan   105  
127 woods/forest kanúbnubán      
107 worm (earthworm) ulód   21  
169 year táon   1  
150 yellow      
186 you kamo   1, 38  

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