: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Proto Siraya

Source/Author:  Sander Adelaar personal data; also: Adelaar 2014 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:fos  Glottocode: sira1267 
Notes:  Based on the dialects represented in the Gospel of St Matthew text. the Utrecht Manuscript (wordlist), and some phonological features reflected in the lists provided by Tsuchida and Yamada (1991). See Adelaar, Alexander, 2014 Proto Siraya phonology, Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale (Paris) 43:1-31. 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Sander Adelaar  Checked By:  
  • Total Data: 213
  • Number of Retentions:
  • Number of Loans: 1
Classification:  Austronesian:East Formosan:Southwest 


Change History:

Showing 3 of 10 entries. Show ALL logged changes


ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
38 to chew word info      
39 to cook word info      
71 to stab, pierce      
77 to scratch word info      
83 to work word info      
87 to swell word info      
89 to hold word info      
123 to flow      
132 fog      
159 wide      
1 hand *rima   1, 64  
2 left *ui   1  
3 right *ual   1  
4 leg/foot *θapal   55  
5 to walk *d<m>a-darang   21  
6 road/path *darang   1  
8 to turn word info *maxu-vering   4  
9 to swim *l<m>anguy   1  
10 dirty *ma-ru(s,θ)uk   110  
12 skin *baNit   2, 29  
13 back word info *rikuθ   1  
14 belly *buiN   81  
15 bone *turaN   1  
16 intestines *talamey   97  
18 breast *uhu   1  
19 shoulder *taxu   80  
21 to think päx-dəmdəm   13  
22 to fear *ma-takut   1  
23 blood *xamax   44, 39  
24 head *bungu   2  
25 neck *rəx   1  
26 hair word info *bukəx   1  
28 to breathe *mi-xinawa   1  
30 mouth *mutus   88  
31 tooth *walix   2  
32 tongue *θira   4  
33 to laugh *ma-tawa   1  
34 to cry *t<m>angi   1  
35 to vomit *m-uta   1  
36 to spit *ma-[d]ipax   74  
37 to eat *k<m>an   1  
40 to drink *m-i(i)t   71  
41 to bite *k<m>axat   1  
42 to suck *s<m>ipsip?   1  
44 to hear *x<m>ilingix   1, 27  
45 eye *mata   1  
46 to see *k<m>ita   1  
47 to yawn *ma-xuap   1  
48 to sleep *ma-iθip   108  
49 to lie down word info *ma-liku      
50 to dream *-maling   50  
51 to sit *m-i-rung   57  
52 to stand *m-i-tuku   100  
53 person/human being *tau   1  
53 person/human being *kaxulung   72  
54 man/male *parax   60  
55 woman/female *ina   30  
56 child *aNak   1  
57 husband *təbung   46  
59 mother *θa-ina   1  
60 father *θa-ama   1  
61 house *taNax   56  
62 thatch/roof *apang   74  
63 name *nanang   1  
64 to say *ma-su-su   126  
65 rope *tarix   1  
66 to tie up, fasten *hali-      
66 to tie up, fasten *buxut   50  
67 to sew word info *t<m>ahi      
68 needle *simsim? *səmsəm?   46  
69 to hunt word info *m-alup   1  
72 to hit word info *bukbuk   120  
73 to steal *ha-uθung   63  
75 to die, be dead *ma-patay   1  
76 to live, be alive *muxax   84  
81 sharp *ma-səxingat   102  
82 dull, blunt *ma-ngihit   26  
84 to plant *t<m>anəm   2  
85 to choose *peri   1  
86 to grow word info *tuul   61  
90 to dig *k<m>ari   1  
91 to buy *pa-iNa   72  
92 to open, uncover *maxu-Nəb   51, 52  
93 to pound, beat word info *p-i-a-xa-xaup   71  
94 to throw word info *m-aθing   120  
95 to fall word info (?) *tau-kua      
95 to fall word info *m'atəb      
98 egg *p-u-pəxax   55  
99 feather *ilil   78  
100 wing *paliθ   2  
101 to fly *subəx   66, 98  
102 rat *taxuliang   70  
103 meat/flesh *baat   37  
104 fat/grease *ximax   2  
105 tail *ikux   1  
106 snake *vulay   29  
107 worm (earthworm) *kuray   2  
108 louse word info *kutu   1  
109 mosquito *rikəx   2  
110 spider *rawa   1  
111 fish *təxəng   29, 79  
112 rotten word info ?UM mi-tupak   91  
112 rotten word info mix-tuay   112  
113 branch word info *pihil   64  
115 root *patar   65  
117 fruit *bua   1  
121 sand *lixix   76  
122 water word info *θalum   1  
124 sea *baung   5  
125 salt *baya   41  
129 moon *bural   1  
130 star *ătatilingaxay   67  
131 cloud word info *puraray   114  
133 rain *udaN   1  
134 thunder *θəngθəng   3, 98  
134 thunder *xiNtax   71  
135 lightning *rikat   1, 89  
136 wind *bari   2  
137 to blow word info *pa-hiup   1  
137 to blow word info *ba-bari   65  
138 warm word info *ma-dalat   113  
139 cold word info *ma-harmil   132  
140 dry word info *ma-θəkax   32  
141 wet *ma-hala   120  
142 heavy *ma-kədung   52, 83  
143 fire *apuy   1  
144 to burn word info *m-i-lamax   105  
145 smoke word info *atu   93  
146 ash *abu   1  
148 white *ma-puNi   111  
149 red *ma-ipəxang   80  
150 yellow *ma-kulian   1  
151 green *ma-xud(e,i)   85  
152 small *ma-kusing   102  
153 big *ma-iθang   2  
154 short word info *(ma-)kipu   48  
155 long word info *ma-han[g]dax   103  
156 thin word info *p<Vl>ipix   1, 69  
158 narrow *ma-ləngəd? *ma-suku?      
160 painful, sick *ma-alam   92  
161 shy, ashamed *ma-nGala   83  
162 old word info *ri(i,e)   81  
163 new *ba[x,h]u   1  
164 good *ma-riang   139  
165 bad, evil *ma-t'[e,i]   68  
166 correct, true *ma-m(i)sing   103  
166 correct, true *dilix   104  
168 day *waxi   17  
169 year *tawil   1, 22  
170 when? word info *manu   87  
171 to hide word info *h<m>a   62  
173 at *tu   28  
175 above *tu babaw   2  
177 this *ana   43  
178 that *ata   2  
179 near *tamang   120  
179 near *hili   119  
180 far *itu-tawax (?)   3  
181 where? word info *tu mang   90  
182 I *i-a[k]u   1  
183 thou *i-m(u)hu   28  
184 he/she *taini   41  
185 we word info *i-mian   2  
185 we word info *i-mita   1  
186 you *i-mumi   1, 31  
187 they *naini   32  
188 what? word info *mang   40  
188 what? word info *ma-mang   40  
189 who? word info *ti mang   2  
190 other *θuma   1  
191 all *iməd   96  
193 if *iθu   89  
195 no, not *aku-say   20  
196 to count *kətən   88, 89  
196 to count *k<m>ətkət   88  
197 One word info *-saat   1  
198 Two word info *-θuha   1  
199 Three word info *-turu   1  
200 Four word info *-pa-xəpat   1  
201 Five word info *-rima   1  
202 Six word info *-(ə)nəm   1  
203 Seven word info *-fitu   1  
204 Eight word info *kuixpa   1, 35  
205 Nine word info *ma-tuda   7  
206 Ten word info *saat ki tian   33  
207 Twenty word info *θuha ki tian   2  
208 Fifty word info *rima ki tian   14  
209 One Hundred word info *saat ka-xatux-ang   1  
210 One Thousand word info *saat ka-tunun-an   24  
27 nose *xungu(θ) θ is uncertain 77, 27  
29 to sniff, smell *θ<m>a-θangux 'to smell' 26, 70  
118 grass *uθu 'weed' 52  
157 thick word info *ma-kənəm? (less likely) *ma-kŭnŭm    
58 wife *k-ixa-ən (less likely: *k-axa-ən) 108  
194 how? word info *mama *[ki] *mang (not 23) 86  
131 cloud word info *bələm *bələm 'cloud', also 'sky' 115  
42 to suck *ma-uhu *ma-uhu 'to suck (baby)' 25  
7 to come *i[l]ua *r or *l ?    
96 dog (*)asu *s is suspect 1 L
43 ear *tangira *taringa? see Tsuchida&Yamada 1  
167 night *vixnan (?) + metathesis of *b and *R? 82  
17 liver *mawax -> UM dialect mawax 47  
120 stone *batu 1 1  
88 to squeeze word info *talding < UM talding 92  
11 dust *vuravur also *θapul 'dust powder' 14  
20 to know, be knowledgeable *ma-vana also: *m-umxa, *k<m>alang 1  
74 to kill *lupux also: *paka-patey 32  
70 to shoot word info *ma-təku-təkux also: pa-lətu (?) 53  
116 flower *iθip (?) based on UM isip 52  
78 to cut, hack word info *ta(x)ta ? consonants uncertain 142  
192 and *ka has a wider application 1  
172 to climb word info *max-dakin (?) last vowel could be schwa 65  
97 bird *ayam ka subəx lit. 'flying animal' 2  
80 to split word info ? *pa-p-u-duha lit. 'make into two' 68  
176 below (*tu) *θa-θəm lit. 'on the bottom' 20, 37  
174 in, inside *tu rəbu merge 41, 46, 47? 41  
147 black *ma-udim not (1) 44  
128 sky *ikir-ən only in G dialect (ikir-ən ) 69  
127 woods/forest *buxung only in UM (vuxong) 53  
79 stick/wood *kaxyu partly based on data in Tsuchida&Yamada 1991 1  
119 earth/soil *ənai SA: < *enay 'sand' 38  
114 leaf *hapa SA: similarity with Japanese hapa is probably coincidental 44  
126 lake *balanga UM valanga 48  

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