: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Nuguria

Source/Author:  POLLEX 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:nur  Glottocode: nuku1259 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill  Checked By:  
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Nuclear:Samoic-Outlier:Ellicean 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
5 to walk      
6 road/path      
8 to turn word info      
11 dust      
14 belly      
15 bone      
22 to fear      
28 to breathe      
42 to suck      
47 to yawn      
49 to lie down word info      
53 person/human being      
57 husband      
58 wife      
67 to sew word info      
68 needle      
69 to hunt word info      
70 to shoot word info      
71 to stab, pierce      
72 to hit word info      
76 to live, be alive      
77 to scratch word info      
79 stick/wood      
80 to split word info      
82 dull, blunt      
84 to plant      
85 to choose      
87 to swell word info      
88 to squeeze word info      
93 to pound, beat word info      
96 dog      
104 fat/grease      
106 snake      
108 louse word info      
112 rotten word info      
123 to flow      
124 sea      
125 salt      
126 lake      
131 cloud word info      
132 fog      
137 to blow word info      
139 cold word info      
141 wet      
142 heavy      
156 thin word info      
157 thick word info      
159 wide      
161 shy, ashamed      
162 old word info      
165 bad, evil      
171 to hide word info      
173 at      
174 in, inside      
175 above      
176 below      
177 this      
178 that      
179 near      
181 where? word info      
183 thou      
184 he/she      
187 they      
188 what? word info      
189 who? word info      
190 other      
191 all      
193 if      
194 how? word info      
195 no, not      
208 Fifty word info      
144 to burn word info (hare) uvela   63  
186 you a/koi   s  
143 fire afi   1  
143 fire ahi   1  
115 root aka   2  
32 tongue alelo   15  
45 eye anamata   1, 18  
182 I anau   1, 22  
45 eye anomota   1, 18  
107 worm (earthworm) anufe   45  
168 day ao   1, 54  
196 to count apau   63  
18 breast arana      
32 tongue arelo   15  
17 liver ate   1  
167 night bo   1  
210 One Thousand word info e hua      
101 to fly ele   11  
150 yellow falo   11  
200 Four word info ha   1, 66  
78 to cut, hack word info hafa   13  
99 feather hahuru   1  
83 to work word info hainarue   11  
27 nose haisu   1  
115 root haka   2  
36 to spit hanu   14, 84, 121  
7 to come hare   42  
61 house hare   14  
120 stone hatu   1  
158 narrow haufana narrow [sc. arrow]    
169 year he tau tokotahi   1  
130 star hetu   1  
134 thunder hetuturi   14  
21 to think hiai      
203 Seven word info hitu   1  
134 thunder hoituturi   14  
98 egg hua   5  
117 fruit hua   1  
116 flower hua-rakau   72  
37 to eat hukai   1, 47  
209 One Hundred word info hutarau   2  
27 nose ihu   1  
111 fish ika   1  
20 to know, be knowledgeable iloa   13  
102 rat imoa   14  
63 name inoa   6  
40 to drink inu   1  
73 to steal kai-huhu   7?  
103 meat/flesh kakano   14  
9 to swim kakau   5  
172 to climb word info kake   32  
19 shoulder kapakau   22  
33 to laugh kata   7  
3 right katea RH    
10 dirty kelekelua   10  
119 earth/soil kerekere   10  
90 to dig keri teluo   1  
128 sky lani sky, day, midday 1  
30 mouth lau nutu   2  
114 leaf lau-rakau   1  
26 hair word info lau-ulu   40  
164 good laui L from Micronesian lgs 18 L
146 ash lehulehu   67  
152 small likiliki   66  
201 Five word info lima   1  
35 to vomit lua   8  
198 Two word info lua   1  
207 Twenty word info luahoi   3  
192 and ma   2  
101 to fly mahanu      
2 left mahua LH 1, 59, 74  
65 rope maia rope/string/band 10  
105 tail maisuku   13  
160 painful, sick maki sick 1  
97 bird manu   1  
140 dry word info manu   1  
129 moon marama   7  
101 to fly masani   68  
129 moon masina   37, 5  
46 to see mata   8  
136 wind matani   1, 66  
3 right matau right 5, 13  
148 white matea   8  
121 sand mateaone   1  
153 big matua   73  
155 long word info mauluna   12, 105  
163 new mea fou   1  
149 red memea   1  
150 yellow memea      
50 to dream miti   36  
118 grass mouku   58  
12 skin na tiri   1  
170 when? word info nafe   5  
206 Ten word info nahulu   5, 32  
16 intestines nakau   12  
109 mosquito namu   1  
62 thatch/roof narau roof 55  
31 tooth ngiho   1  
31 tooth niho   1  
1 hand nima   1, 64  
51 to sit nofo   16  
145 smoke word info ohu   13  
46 to see oimata   8  
202 Six word info ono   1  
140 dry word info pakupaku   38  
19 shoulder panapana hua   78  
100 wing para   9  
167 night po   1  
24 head pogohu   10, 62  
24 head pokouru   10, 62  
30 mouth pokua   49  
154 short word info pukupuku   3  
26 hair word info rau ulu   40  
114 leaf rau-te-lakau   1  
26 hair word info rau-uru   40  
152 small rekireki   66  
29 to sniff, smell riechen      
1 hand rima   1, 64  
110 spider roata      
150 yellow samasama   59  
148 white sinasina   66  
205 Nine word info siva   5  
54 man/male tama   10  
56 child tama-likiliki   6, 63  
56 child tama-ringiringi   6, 63  
180 far tamaki      
60 father tamana   1  
66 to tie up, fasten tamau   149  
34 to cry tani   1  
4 leg/foot tapu vae      
92 to open, uncover taraki   10, 39  
166 correct, true taramua      
64 to say taratara   60  
43 ear tarina   1  
185 we word info tatou 1 pl. incl. 1, 39  
89 to hold word info tau   17  
91 to buy tau   9  
113 branch word info te mana rakau   1, 4  
94 to throw word info teria   9  
74 to kill tinai   82  
59 mother tinana   1  
86 to grow word info tipu   1, 43  
95 to fall word info tokilalo   14  
197 One word info tokotahi   41  
199 Three word info tolu   1  
23 blood toto   4  
52 to stand tu   2  
13 back word info tua   11  
39 to cook word info tunu   9  
25 neck ua   18  
133 rain ua   1  
135 lightning uila   2  
81 sharp uka   14, 15  
147 black uli   7  
44 to hear ulono   1  
18 breast uma   7  
75 to die, be dead umate   1  
41 to bite umi/umi isn't this suck?-MW x  
48 to sleep umoe   10, 109  
151 green uri      
4 leg/foot vae   1, 100  
122 water word info vai   2  
38 to chew word info vaiu      
127 woods/forest vao   14  
204 Eight word info varu   3  
138 warm word info velavela   8  
138 warm word info vevela   8  
55 woman/female wahine irregular or error, Davletshin proposed hahine (see Nukeria list) 1, 106, 116  

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