: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: North Ambae (Leonda)

Source/Author:  Iveth Rodriguez and Tom Ennever 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:omb  Glottocode: east2443 
Data Entry:  Typed By:  Checked By: Mary Walworth 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:North and Central Vanuatu:Northeast Vanuatu-Banks Islands:East Vanuatu 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
156 thin word info ..      
145 smoke word info ahu   2  
17 liver ate   1  
150 yellow aŋoɣa   9  
143 fire aβi   1  
49 to lie down word info ẽɸʷi      
7 to come fanai   1, 23  
120 stone fatu   1  
55 woman/female faβĩ      
135 lightning file   26  
12 skin finu   28  
116 flower fire   35  
80 to split word info fise      
188 what? word info haβaɣi   1  
89 to hold word info haᵑgo   109  
63 name hena      
137 to blow word info here   26  
195 no, not hetea   113  
189 who? word info hẽnĩ      
169 year hiɣao      
18 breast huhu   1  
15 bone hui   52  
96 dog huiriu   7, 77  
20 to know, be knowledgeable iloilo      
111 fish iɣe      
40 to drink   1  
172 to climb word info kalo   49  
4 leg/foot karu   49  
83 to work word info kea      
202 Six word info keiʲõ      
58 wife kexoraᵑgu      
39 to cook word info koβu      
87 to swell word info kulo      
155 long word info kuraβu      
110 spider kʷarataɣaɣa      
151 green kʷaruᵑgʷaroɣa      
24 head kʷatu      
27 nose kʷaŋo   12, 53  
43 ear kʷero      
11 dust kʷie   81  
146 ash kʷie      
154 short word info kʷiloⁿdo      
136 wind laĩ      
153 big lawa      
159 wide lawa      
104 fat/grease laɣʷa      
52 to stand laᵐbe   65  
102 rat laᵐboa      
118 grass laᵐbute      
21 to think laⁿdolaⁿdo      
46 to see leo   14  
85 to choose leowahe      
1 hand lime   1, 64  
31 tooth liɸʷo      
174 in, inside lolõ      
181 where? word info loɣo   93  
36 to spit loⁿdo   37  
35 to vomit lue   8  
161 shy, ashamed maemae      
147 black maeto   1  
140 dry word info mamaha   11  
33 to laugh mana   51  
126 lake manaro "antap lo volcano"    
134 thunder mantawa      
97 bird manu   1  
56 child maresu      
45 eye mata   1  
22 to fear mataɣu      
75 to die, be dead mate   1  
48 to sleep maturu   1  
3 right matuɛ   5, 37  
2 left mawiri   1, 59  
125 salt maβai      
142 heavy maβʷa      
28 to breathe maᵐbu   14  
32 tongue mea   7  
149 red memea   1  
148 white meβute   1  
29 to sniff, smell moɣahu      
47 to yawn mʷaumʷau      
112 rotten word info mʷaᵐboᵐbo      
88 to squeeze word info mʷaᵑgʷiriᵑgʷiri      
175 above namawe      
109 mosquito namo   1  
182 I neu   1, 21, 22  
183 thou niᵑgo   1, 17, 18  
107 worm (earthworm) nuβe      
101 to fly olo   75  
121 sand one   1  
107 worm (earthworm) raerae      
114 leaf rauɣi      
113 branch word info raŋaɣi      
168 day reĩ      
84 to plant riβu      
92 to open, uncover roa      
44 to hear rõŋ      
198 Two word info rua   1  
42 to suck rum      
206 Ten word info saŋaβulu   5  
170 when? word info saβataro      
162 old word info sesea      
107 worm (earthworm) siloti      
19 shoulder siᵑgʷe      
95 to fall word info soitoβʷi      
10 dirty soᵑgo   98  
124 sea tahi   1  
78 to cut, hack word info tai   1  
8 to turn word info taleleⁿdori      
60 father tamaᵑgu      
57 husband taminetuᵑgu      
127 woods/forest tantue      
193 if tareβẽ      
53 person/human being taŋaloi   4, 53  
170 when? word info taɣaha      
119 earth/soil tã   1  
171 to hide word info taβunuɣi      
77 to scratch word info taᵑgari   12, 28  
14 belly taᵑɡʷai   60  
197 One word info tea   14  
210 One Thousand word info teri      
16 intestines tinaɪ   1  
98 egg toli   1  
173 at toloɣo      
199 Three word info tolu   1  
132 fog toɣalau      
51 to sit toɣaβʷi      
192 and tõ      
190 other tueɣi      
94 to throw word info tuliβʷoxoɣi      
6 road/path tureɣi   77  
69 to hunt word info tureɣi      
67 to sew word info turu      
71 to stab, pierce turu      
133 rain uhe   1  
108 louse word info utu   1  
30 mouth uwa      
122 water word info wai   2  
123 to flow waimohale      
194 how? word info warahaʊ      
72 to hit word info wehe   93  
93 to pound, beat word info wehe      
165 bad, evil wesi      
74 to kill weɸaɣa mate      
79 stick/wood xai   1  
138 warm word info xalaxala      
185 we word info xamai pl. excl.    
185 we word info xamaru dl. excl.    
144 to burn word info xao      
163 new xaraᵑgʷa      
164 good xarea      
65 rope xaro      
59 mother xarueᵑgu      
41 to bite xasi   1, 60  
139 cold word info xawaⁿdiⁿdi      
9 to swim xaxaru   5  
13 back word info xaxere      
160 painful, sick xaɣarasi      
201 Five word info xeilim      
68 needle xeituru      
37 to eat xeĩ      
203 Seven word info xeiᵐbitu      
90 to dig xeli   1  
205 Nine word info xesiwo      
204 Eight word info xewelu      
186 you ximiru pl. 1, 13  
186 you ximiu dl. x  
185 we word info xiⁿde pl. incl.    
185 we word info xiⁿderu dl. incl.    
115 root xoari      
105 tail xolõ      
126 lake xoroi      
81 sharp xoxo      
69 to hunt word info xʷiriᵐbiᵐbi to hold sth tight    
34 to cry ŋara   5  
208 Fifty word info ŋaβulɣeilim      
207 Twenty word info ŋaβulɣeirue      
184 he/she ŋẽ:   1, 6  
187 they ŋẽre      
187 they ŋẽreru dl.    
178 that ŋeβahĩ      
177 this ŋiŋaha      
117 fruit ŋʷasiɣi      
76 to live, be alive ŋʷaso   37  
86 to grow word info ŋʷaso      
106 snake ŋʷata   12  
25 neck ŋʷaɣoro      
54 man/male ŋʷera   73  
61 house ɸale   14  
196 to count ɸalu      
180 far ɸaɣahau   87  
176 below ɸaɸaɣi      
200 Four word info ɸesi      
64 to say ɸeβe      
130 star ɸisiu      
91 to buy ɸoli   1  
66 to tie up, fasten ɸow      
129 moon ɸule      
26 hair word info ɸulu      
99 feather ɸulu      
62 thatch/roof ɸuluiɸale      
209 One Hundred word info ɸuⁿdolue      
166 correct, true ɸʷoβoxoi      
73 to steal ᵐbalu      
152 small ᵐbiti   109  
158 narrow ᵐbiti      
103 meat/flesh ᵐbiɣi   80  
141 wet ᵐbiᵐbilu   92  
167 night ᵐboĩ      
50 to dream ᵐboᵐbore   10  
70 to shoot word info ᵐbuɣuri      
100 wing ᵐbʷaihi      
179 near ᵑgaᵑgarai      
157 thick word info ᵑgulo      
82 dull, blunt ᵑgʷatoa      
23 blood ⁿdaĩ      
38 to chew word info ⁿdala      
5 to walk ⁿdiɣe   99  
191 all ⁿdolueɣi      
128 sky ⁿdoⁿdo      
131 cloud word info ⁿdoⁿdomaβute      

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