: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Sungagage (Avavanvae)

Source/Author:  Iveth Rodriguez and Tom Ennever 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:mwo  Glottocode: cent2058 
Data Entry:  Typed By:  Checked By: Mary Walworth 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:North and Central Vanuatu:Northeast Vanuatu-Banks Islands:East Vanuatu  


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
162 old word info ..      
63 name ase      
57 husband asoaᵑgu      
145 smoke word info asu   2  
175 above aulu      
150 yellow aŋoɣa   9, 82  
143 fire aβi   1  
20 to know, be knowledgeable ilo   13  
111 fish iɣa   1  
181 where? word info jeᵐbe   3, 59  
173 at la      
99 feather lalau   24  
21 to think lanlaⁿdo      
178 that laxa      
5 to walk laxo   1  
178 that laxⁱaβano      
136 wind laŋi   1, 77  
187 they laɣarua dl.    
5 to walk laɣoʰ some ocurrences of final vowel aspiration 1  
46 to see leo   14  
201 Five word info lima   1  
1 hand limaʰ   1, 64  
67 to sew word info liɣoa      
31 tooth liβʷo      
194 how? word info loli      
174 in, inside lolona   1  
166 correct, true loɣarea      
36 to spit loⁿdo   37  
35 to vomit lua   8  
147 black maeto   1  
151 green malaɣesa      
142 heavy mamaβa   46  
33 to laugh mana   51  
156 thin word info maniβniβi      
134 thunder mantaβʷa      
97 bird manu   1  
56 child maresu      
45 eye mata   1  
22 to fear mataɣu      
75 to die, be dead mate   1  
48 to sleep maturu   1  
86 to grow word info mauri   15  
148 white maβuta      
28 to breathe maᵐbusa      
81 sharp maᵑgeᵑgeni   14, 79  
192 and mei      
149 red memea   1  
40 to drink minu   1, 49  
162 old word info muniɣa 'no mo gud''    
32 tongue mɛa      
47 to yawn mʷamao      
76 to live, be alive mʷaso      
52 to stand mʷatmeⁿdu      
106 snake mʷaɣata   12, 64  
25 neck mʷaɣoro      
144 to burn word info mʷaβʷi      
108 louse word info mʷaⁿdi   30  
54 man/male mʷera   73  
2 left mʷeriri   1, 59  
3 right mʷetua   5, 37  
109 mosquito namo   1  
182 I neu   1, 21, 22  
183 thou niᵑgo   1, 17, 18  
51 to sit noro      
101 to fly olo   75  
121 sand one   1  
202 Six word info ono   1  
138 warm word info ratorato to sweat    
114 leaf rau   1  
113 branch word info raŋana      
93 to pound, beat word info raᵐbatia      
104 fat/grease riɣa      
84 to plant riβua      
44 to hear roŋo   1  
83 to work word info roᵐbana   82  
198 Two word info rua   1  
69 to hunt word info ruɣu      
6 road/path sala   1  
180 far salaŋaβa      
38 to chew word info samaɛ      
155 long word info sareβeɣi      
165 bad, evil satiɣi      
206 Ten word info saŋaβulu   5  
210 One Thousand word info saŋaβulɸaɣatuale      
188 what? word info sãnã   1  
170 when? word info saβataro      
89 to hold word info saᵑgo   109  
189 who? word info sei   1  
137 to blow word info sere of the wind 26  
107 worm (earthworm) siloti      
171 to hide word info silβeɣi      
205 Nine word info siβʷo      
10 dirty soŋora   98  
95 to fall word info soβi   13  
15 bone sui   52  
42 to suck sumuri      
18 breast susu   1  
71 to stab, pierce susu      
128 sky taetae      
78 to cut, hack word info taia   1  
92 to open, uncover talaɛ      
119 earth/soil tano   1  
58 wife tasalaᵑgu      
124 sea tasi   1  
125 salt tasi   20  
60 father tata   19  
53 person/human being tatu   4, 34  
14 belly taŋaⁿda   60  
110 spider taɣaɣa   8, 78  
127 woods/forest taβʷono      
39 to cook word info taᵐbʷarere general term    
167 night taᵐbʷoŋi      
77 to scratch word info taᵑɡariak̚      
197 One word info tea   14  
16 intestines tinae   1  
19 shoulder tiᵐbʷa      
11 dust tiᵑgeβu   1, 44  
146 ash tiᵑgeβu      
98 egg toli   1  
199 Three word info tolu   1  
94 to throw word info tulia      
39 to cook word info tutunuβa 'rusum''    
133 rain use   1  
168 day uta rani   6, 60  
137 to blow word info uβi with the mouth 4, 81  
122 water word info wai   2  
123 to flow wai mʷatoa      
72 to hit word info wesia      
74 to kill wesɸaɣa mate      
68 needle xai susu      
184 he/she xaia      
187 they xaira      
104 fat/grease xaiβua big    
153 big xaiβua   111  
159 wide xaiβua      
139 cold word info xamʷaⁿdiⁿdi      
27 nose xansu   1, 58  
13 back word info xanteɣu [x] ~ [h] 12  
65 rope xao      
163 new xaraᵐbʷa      
164 good xarea      
102 rat xariβi      
9 to swim xaru   5  
41 to bite xati      
37 to eat xaxani      
160 painful, sick xaɣarati      
177 this xaɣe      
79 stick/wood xaɪ   1  
100 wing xaᵐbau   1, 58  
71 to stab, pierce xeli      
90 to dig xeli   1  
96 dog xiriu   7, 77  
185 we word info xiⁿda pl. incl.    
185 we word info xiⁿdaru dl. incl.    
115 root xoarina      
105 tail xolo      
140 dry word info ŋalaŋala      
34 to cry ŋara   5  
208 Fifty word info ŋaβuɣeilima      
207 Twenty word info ŋaβuɣeirua      
191 all ŋoto      
49 to lie down word info ɛno   1  
61 house ɸale   14  
62 thatch/roof ɸale ⁿdolu      
118 grass ɸalisi      
7 to come ɸanai   1, 23  
17 liver ɸara   17  
120 stone ɸatu      
66 to tie up, fasten ɸawa      
176 below ɸaɸana      
55 woman/female ɸaɸine      
8 to turn word info ɸaⁿdori      
158 narrow ɸaⁿduru      
70 to shoot word info ɸene      
193 if ɸeni      
200 Four word info ɸeti      
64 to say ɸeβe      
135 lightning ɸila      
12 skin ɸinu   28  
116 flower ɸira      
130 star ɸitiu      
85 to choose ɸiɸiloɣi      
157 thick word info ɸonoɣa      
129 moon ɸula      
26 hair word info ɸulu      
87 to swell word info ɸuɣe      
209 One Hundred word info ɸuⁿdolua      
117 fruit ɸʷaina      
190 other ɸʷate      
30 mouth ɸʷaβʷa      
204 Eight word info ɸʷelu      
91 to buy ɸʷoli   1  
88 to squeeze word info ɸʷoro      
73 to steal ᵐbalua      
152 small ᵐbiti   109  
203 Seven word info ᵐbitu   1  
103 meat/flesh ᵐbiɣi   80  
132 fog ᵐbosoᵐboso      
59 mother ᵐbow      
112 rotten word info ᵐboᵐboɣa      
161 shy, ashamed ᵐbusiɣa      
29 to sniff, smell ᵐbʊnina      
82 dull, blunt ᵐbʷatola      
24 head ᵐbʷatu      
126 lake ᵐbʷaᵑga      
195 no, not ᵐbʷeli   116  
43 ear ᵐbʷero      
154 short word info ᵐbʷiloⁿdo      
196 to count ᵐbʷiri      
59 mother ᵐbʷotaɪ      
80 to split word info ᵐbʷoᵐbo      
50 to dream ᵐbʷoᵐbʷore      
172 to climb word info ᵑgalo      
185 we word info ᵑgamai pl. excl.    
185 we word info ᵑgamaru dl. excl.    
4 leg/foot ᵑgaru   49  
179 near ᵑgaᵑgarani      
186 you ᵑgemiru pl. 1, 13  
186 you ᵑgemiu dl. x  
169 year ⁿdamu   30  
23 blood ⁿdaɪ      
141 wet ⁿdoβu      
131 cloud word info ⁿdoⁿdo   90  

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